

"I don't need your help!" Marrow's glare intensified; the air crackled while anger poured off her frail frame. Spirals of magic circled the girl, coiling, ready to strike. Lunaira dispelled the negative charge, though kept her distance by shuffling slowly away. It wasn't ideal, however there really wasn't a choice in the matter due to her body taking a moment to recover from the tingly sensation.

"Take it easy Marrow, you don't need to carry everything at once. Or bite my head off for that matter." Her junior seethed with gritted teeth. Those red eyes sparked in response to her emotions. None of it was exactly a good sign.

"We're on a time limit, aren't we? I can't afford to make mistakes like this! Let alone have you babysit me." Scrawny hands gripped ground in front of her. The static that was momentarily stopped, revived in full. It was far more erratic than before, zapping off in all directions.

A sigh came from Lunaira. Already able to tell how the rest of this conversation was going to go. She had promised Ori she would handle going over teaching Marrow when they had free time…but obviously, that wasn't going to happen. At the very least it wasn't going to happen how she wanted it to.

Lunaira as well as Ori had hoped that within the two weeks, Marrow, and Graves would find comfort in their group. That the two of them would find happiness with food, shelter, and a routine that was easily adaptable to where they would be willing to drop their barriers. A great plan in conception that wasn't entirely the case in terms of execution.

Graves, though he was still hesitant, was adjusting like they had hoped. Kail was doing his utmost to help the boy not be so jumpy or timid. The boy still wasn't much of a talker, but he was warming up to his male role model well enough. At the very least he cracked a few smiles in his time among their troupe.

Marrow…was quickly proving to be more difficult than expected. Something both of them should have realized-especially considering their circus origins as a whole. In fact, Lunaira shouldn't have taken so long to understand that in the first place. Of all people who could understand not having (or rather desiring) faith in outside factors…it should be her.

Their backstories may not match; however she knew sorrow. She knew how it felt to deny whatever warm comfort was offered despite wanting it. She understood. A change in plans was definitely needed. Starting with a long overdue chat with Marrow. First things first, was to have some privacy.

"Illese?" The blonde in question snapped her head their way. The two locked gazes for a moment before the petite maiden nodded in understanding. Her eyes held slight relief just as she turned to the twins. That slightly (only a bit) annoyed Lunaira, though she said nothing when the short woman's voice gained the twins' focus.

"Coco, Momo, let's leave the decorating to them. We need to start marking." Despite her small stature, she had no trouble dragging the red-haired girls away. Both of the siblings whined, with Momo falling deadweight onto the ground with a despondent sulk. Coco meanwhile…spewed curses through her lips while she wriggled her body.

"Nooo, we hate marking! We're not even allowed to use Ori's books. Let goooo!" Lunaira shook her head, unconcerned as she watched them get dragged away. They should've known better than to try and fight Illese. What she lacked in size, she made up for in brute strength. Exhaling a puff of fire, Lunaira returned her attention to her own teenage rebellion.

"Honestly, fourteen-years-old and they still act like bratty toddlers…now look here Marrow, I appreciate your strong work ethic, especially since you, and your cousin have only joined us two weeks ago, but you need to relax. Time limit or not, dying before the age of seventeen due to stress sounds like a real nasty way to go."

The brunette fumed where she kneeled. Her braids slapped her back while she twisted her head. Wind that was flowing so gently before whiplashed, surrounding the two. The sparks circulated around them, strengthening the negative charge.

"If this show isn't a success, we don't get money, and more importantly, we don't get to eat. Graves and I didn't allow ourselves to get taken off the streets just so we could starve with random strangers."

Lunaira saw how Marrow scrutinized every speck of movement in her body language warily. This whole time she didn't look away from her, meeting those suspicious orbs head on. The white-haired performer felt pressure to her head, a throbbing pain. With a cluck of her tongue, the older girl snapped her fingers.

Again, she managed to quell the abrupt electrical storm that swirled around them. Though, despite trying to make it so, the pain didn't leave, or ease up. If she wasn't careful, that pressure would increase. A new tactic was needed.

"I know you two had a harsh life. Fate has been unkind to many who don't deserve it. Things are different here Marrow-we're different. Even if we don't get an audience to fill our pockets with cash, you and Graves will not starve under our roof. None of us would allow it."

She knew Marrow heard her words, but those emotions inside were so strong and raw. They practically flooded the albino's frame. She could feel the younger girl's surprise as if it was her own. Alongside strong hints of skepticism, anger, and fear.

Marrow was clearly searching for something. Some telling sign of shady intentions, but Lunaira knew she would find no such thing. There was no twitch in her figure. No crossed fingers, nor any malicious aura to reveal wicked motivations. Not even a fake smile was in sight. All previous signs the both of them had known for treachery unseen.

It should have been a good thing. A step in the right direction for the teen that had to grow up far too soon. Unfortunately that would be far too easy. Even without being able to sense that confusion, Lunaira could easily see that it was difficult for Marrow to trust her.

An impenetrable fortress filled to the brim with sharp, serrated knives sticking out. With a venomous tone to further keep intruders away. The poor girl was sixteen years old, yet from what Ori told Lunaira, she had long grown past taking things at face value. In this world, neither she nor her cousin would have lived this long if they had.

Something all of them could relate to. From what Lunaira could tell, she was the only one truly willing to try and break through those tight defenses. It was heartbreaking. Still she kept herself composed.

"I got a question for you, Marrow."


The teen was listening, just barely tolerating the white-haired performer's presence. Sitting there with a stiffened spine, crossed arms that were topped with an icy glare magic filled their personal space. Marrow was hunched over, hiding her discomfort. Lunaira found it difficult to rest her own tense body, not too eager to get shocked, or her headache to hurt worse.

So, she raised her slim, silver tattooed arm upwards in front of them. Both of their gazes were forced into following the gesture. Together they found the boys. All of them still in the midst of cleaning up up their section.

"Look at Dante's crew, what do you see?" Despite the hard physical labor presented to them, they laughing while chatted amongst themselves. For a moment, there was nothing but that still lingering confusion. However, that all changed in a matter of a few seconds.

Those almond shaped, crimson eyes flashed with rage. A rage so powerful that it enveloped the older magician. Her vision waned, especially when Marrow caught Graves in their midst. It took everything within her to push back against those intense emotions, less she drowned in them.