
She Who Traversed The Universe

The story unfolds in the eyes of Fae, an 18-year old girl on a quest to find her life’s purpose. She’ll discover many secrets and obstacles along the way, but will this really lead to the answer she’s looking for? Or will it lead to her demise?

yukamizuhara · สมจริง
1 Chs

Chapter 0

Up until now, I still don't know my purpose in life.

Who am I living for? Why was I born in this place?

I feel miserable.

Seeing all my friends and relatives with their laughter made it harder for me to find that purpose. Unbearable to say the least, as I cower with this fake smile of mine.

Love couldn't resolve this crisis either. All my past relationships failed tremendously. Lots of lovers and no answer, what a joke.

Now that I'm in my first year of college, seeing all these failures and no success in sight, it's depressing. I always thought to myself, 'Why can't I be contented and happy like others?'

Maybe it's just my pessimistic attitude, but I wish I'll find that purpose soon enough.

Mom, Dad, I love you both. But I think it's time for me to venture into the world by myself. Just maybe, I'll be able to reach the answer that I'm looking for.

Thank you for taking care of me for all these years. Farewell.
