

"Han~ Hansel~" Aera whispered in Han's ear trying to wake him up slowly. Today is another day at school and Aera doesn't want him to go there alone, especially after smelling Ho Seok's annoyingly heavy cologne on him, it wasn't hard for him to connect the dots and know who was the other person following them, plus the butler is still a dangerous threat for them and his worries for the worst to happen are still reaching Mars, that's why he won't leave him alone, at least not today.

Han Beom slowly opened his beautiful brown eyes and stared at Aera's, "morning" he whispered with a big smile, "good morning big baby~ it's time to wake up, I'll walk you to school~ hurry up! Mother made breakfast for us~!!" he yelled making Han jump from his bed and rush to the bathroom.

Aera is slowly becoming part of the family and Han wants to treasure every moment until death separates them... Or maybe marriage...

"Bye mum!!"

"Bye bye mum~ and dad~"

they both said before rushing to catch the bus and the train. After they left the train and all the way out of the station, Aera started to calm down feeling at ease they're safe, for now though.

"Han dear, you're not wearing your uniform" Aera said smiling his eyes avoiding the glare Han sent to him, "and whose fault is that hyung?!?!" he yelled and started to hit him.

Aera held his fist and ran to the school, "don't worry dear~ leave everything to your hyung~!!!" Han knew this will be nothing but trouble but he felt the need for one, his peaceful days in school started to get on his nerves and he wanted something interesting to happen and this might be the best chance.

They entered the school's gate and walked by the students not holding hands anymore but everyone's reaction was worth it, the quiet boy everyone knows has entered the school not wearing his uniform but something more stunning, he wore black jeans, black turtleneck blouse and black leather jacket, he was also wearing black combat boots, for the accessories he wore a watch, some bracelets and three rings, he finished the look with Aera's so called stunning hair cut for him, all he did is pull his hair back a bit and let few hair strands fall on his forehead. All in all, the look was perfect enough to make all girls and some boys drool.

For Aera, he was stick to the bad boy vibe like Han but he made his a lil sexy. He wore ripped black jeans exposing a little from his fair skin, black turtleneck neck but it was short enough for the wind to make it fly a bit and expose his milk skin and his navel piercing and his shoulders, for the jacket and boots they were the same as Han's, and he added some accessories around his neck and wrists with few rings and left his hair as it is.

They walked to the teacher's room, shocking them all with their sudden appearance, "Han Beom?" his room teacher called, he never thought his model students would come to him like this one day, he had expected that from all the students in the school but him so witnessing this first hand had his heart between his hands, "hello teacher" Han bowed, Aera on the other hand pulled his little brother and walked to the teacher's seat and forced the boy between his hands to sit beside him.

"Nice to meet you sir, I'm Han Beom's brother, I was living abroad with relatives and I came back few weeks ago to help him and our parents, thank you so much for your hard work and for taking good care of my brother even though he went through a lot and nobody did a thing~" Aera started shooting some fact arrows causing all the teachers in the room to flinch.

"Uhm, I don't know what you have heard sir but I assure you we're taking good care of him and-"

"If so, then could you explain the trust issues and traumatic experience my dear little brother has been through?" Aera glared and commented coldly scaring everyone in the room. Han Beom on the other hand was having the time of his life, those teachers were the reason for the rumors to start so watching them being punished indirectly like this is worth it so he sat comfortably, "you know? I can simply take my little Han with me abroad or I can make him attend private school but how bad would I feel for this school's crew who'll be jobless for life" he said all that sarcastically but his tune was filled with warning draining the colors from all of them.

All teachers nodded their heads treasuring their jobs and fearing from what the man in front of them will do, "good~ my dear brother was in a terrible mood because of school so I asked him to come to school wearing this, I'll talk to the head master so I hope he won't come home tonight bullied because of that"

They walked out of the room to Han's classroom, Aera warned him from everyone and Han warned him to not hurt anyone and they promised each other as the other said and went their own paths, "I'll come and pick you up, don't forget you have work today"

"Ok~ bye hyung, take care!"

Break time came and Han walked through the halls his eyes and shoulders are straight, his chest buffed and the aura surrounding him is filled with power, strength and danger. Everyone looked at him was speechless because this isn't the boy then know, but what to do? He's a new guy and they can gather around him and win his favor, but to their bad luck, Han Beom isn't going to give them what they want, we can call it a payback with interest.

He walked to the cafeteria and got what he wanted to eat then went to pick a seat, he looked for an empty table and when he did he took a seat and started eating. No body dared to sit at the same table so he had a good time enjoying every bite, and peacefully his meal ended, he walked out the room and everyone released a breath they've been holding thanks to the danger he emitted.

On his way to class, a hand grabbed him and pulled him to the janitor's room, "what the-?!" He prepared to curse the person who dared to pull him like that but stopped when he saw who it was, "the fuck? Ho Seok?"