
Chapter 1: Introduction.

My name is Crystal Corazon. I happen to be a middle child in mr and mrs Corazon family of five. Like any normal family, i as the middle child did not get much attention, but i was an attention seeker so bad. Well i know most middle kids like to go unnoticed but i was known as the last child for such a long time, that i thought i will always be the last child.That was until my younger brother was born. its not like i wasn't happy with his birth, its just that i felt that i was ignored and as i said i am an attention seeker this was such a bad thing. thank God i never did anything stupid as far as i can remember but it made the most fillial child to my parents.

The fist born in my family is my elder sister Christina. She is very good at being social as she is an extrovert. Being the first born in the family, she is recquired to be the most responsible but as time goes by that duty becomes mine as she would presumes any type of life she decidessince she is the first child as i secretly called her "the way maker".

my younger brother is Chris. he is also an extrovert. being the last he gets to be irresponsible one. he does what he wants when he wants and can openly complain about anything without getting in trouble unlike the rest of us. he is the life of the any loud place.

i on the other hand, i'm an ambivert, atleast that's want i can describe my changes of mode and life preference. I know ichose to be the fillial daughter on my own, but sometimes i can't help but feel jealous of how my siblings choose to live. i know most of you think "you are just a teen, you can be whatever you want" as some may think "aren't you supposed to be rebellious at your age?" and the most bothering question is "what's my age? " well i am 17 going 18 in a few months. in most countries i should be allowed to move out of my family home without any problem but such theories are not applicable in africa. yes, i am a proud african girl specifically tanzanian.