
Chapter 20


Today is the special day when Mujahid gets to meet Nadia's mother. All the reasons not to meet her came flooding in, as if his body chemistry just sent them a blanket invitation. He feels the soft panic that can grow or fade depending on what he does next. It will fade if he backs away, but then he has to do it all again another time. It will grow if he lets these thoughts swirl into a vortex of stupidity, eating their own tail. Or he can breathe real slow, let the thoughts leak into the ether and be the real boss of him. Last time he was that nervous was when he was looking for a job that his father refused to help him get. 




He embraced himself and continued driving till he got to his destination. He called her and informed her he was outside. He stepped out of the car and looked around. He adjusted his zanna bukar cap looking all dashing and handsome. 




The house is one of those ones rich people buy when they get paranoid about having too much money. It's like a fortress, tall gates with more security gadgets than a military compound. Perhaps behind those yellow bricks they feel safe from harm, but he can't help think they've only built themselves a beautiful prison. Either way though, it's none of his concern, he's just here to meet her mother and ask for her daughter's hand in marriage. So with a quick check of his Kaftaan, he leaned against his car waiting for her to step out. In moments she came out looking marvelous. He stood up right looking at his damsel.




"Oh hey! You're here! I'm so glad you came m'dear. So happy to see you. You know, I was a little worried I came on a bit strong yesterday, but I feel a lot of passion for this project of mine. But enough about me. How are you? Did you sleep well? Did you eat a good lunch?" She spoke nonstop. He could sense she was nervous too. 



"I'm fine today. Hope you've eaten too?" He speaks, trying to hide his nervousness. "I am a bit naughty when it came to lunch. I guess I should have had sandwiches from the freezer I made for Mammy but instead I sneaked a cinnamon bun from the freezer, forty five seconds in the microwave and it's as good as when it came out of the oven yesterday. I'm feeling a calling for a second, but hey, who's counting?! Not you, I can tell that from your face." She laughed nervously, scratching her palm. 



She led him to her mother's living room downstairs. "Please sit. She will be down in a sec." She said and rushed out. She ordered the maids to serve her guest while she head up to her mother's room. She was on a stool, looking at the mirror while wearing her jewelries. "Mammy," she whispered swallowing hard. She sighed closing her eyes, "I'm very sure I'll get disappointed when I meet him." Mammy rise up and walked to her closet to get her veil and a shoe that would match her exclusive lace. 




"Mammy please.... I... just give him a chance Mammy. I love him... please Mammy," she pleaded, eyes watery. Mammy hissed and sent her away. "Promise you'll come down now," she said. "I'll think about it." Nadia kissed her mother's cheek before sauntering out. She went back to meet him with her ten year old brother, Na'im. 



"Na'im," she called out furrowing her brows. Her arms on her chest as she gave him a pointed look. He knew what that meant. "Common, this guy was keeping me company! Did you know that he also wants to be an architect?"



"No child of mine would stoop so low to be an architect," Mammy cuts in. "Na'im! To your room. Now!" Mammy glared at him. He pouted and walked out of the living room. Nadia's heart did a back flip while she did a puppy face to her mother to behave. 



"Uhh- Mammy, I would like you to meet Mujahid Muhammad Alkaleri. He’s an architect, he work at Intern Architect/Architect (Highrise Architecture) in Canada. He’s the most loving man you'll ever meet, Mammy. Not that he shows it much, like most men he shows his love through self sacrifice and working hard. He's got so many good ideas though, I just know you're going to love him as much as I do.” 



He squatted and greeted her mother in respect. She finished examining his dressing, from the hat his wearing to the shoes on his feet. Not bad for an architect. She answered his greetings afterwards and asked him to settle down. “Nadia, excuse us for a moment!” Mammy instructed, glaring at her. Nadia sighed and walked out.



Mammy loved the way she was making him uneasy and uncomfortable. She enjoyed seeing him sweating even when the Air conditioner was on high. She cleared her throat and crossed her legs. “So you’re an architect and you work with intern architect; not bad. I know a few people there. I want to know boy, why do you love my daughter? And why do you want to marry her?”




He took a deep breath and calmed himself. He didn’t know where to start with but he found himself expressing his feelings for Nadia. “I can't really express in words what she means to me. To me she is my world; she is my everything. I truly love her from my heart and soul. In my life she plays the most important role. Before meeting her, I had never felt this kind of love before or this kind of passion and joy. Before meeting her, I never imagined I could feel happy all of the time, from morning until I begin dreaming at night. Now my world is changed and everything seems wonderful and bright. Because of her. I’m so proud and impressed with how Nadia is well brought up and how independent she is. Believe me, you’re the most luckiest mother to have Nadia as your daughter. No man can ever reject her as his wife....”




“You’re right.... no man can never reject that gorgeous lady! That is why I don’t approve of your relationship with my daughter.” She majestically stands up. “You may leave now!” She said and walked out of the living room. 




Mujahid’s face fell faster than a corpse in cement boots. In that instant his skin became greyed, his mouth hung with lips slightly parted and his eyes were as wide as they could stretch. There wasn't even a point in reaching for her. There are eight well armed Soldiers at the very least, looking at him. His heart leaped and he couldn’t control himself. He sat back down to avoid fainting. 




Was that it? He’s going to lose Nadia just like that? What’s up with her mother and the attitude? He never thought her mother would be that selfish. No one had ever made him feel that way. He loves Nadia and he wasn’t planning on leaving her. With broken heart and weak body, He stood up and left the house. 




The moment her mother walked in she scrambled up from the bed. Mammy hissed and looked away, removing her veil. “What are you doing in my room?” Mammy asked, not wanting to meet her gaze. “I... I was waiting for you.” She replied fiddling with her fingers. 



Mammy walked to her office chair and settled down before turning on her laptop. Nadia sighed and walked out to check on Mujahid. She found the living room empty which gave her the answer she was looking for. She rushed to her room to get her phone and call him. He heard his phone ringing but he ignored it. He knew she was the one calling. What would he tell her if he picks up the call? That he wasn’t able to reach her mother’s standards or he wasn’t able to impress her? 



Nadia picked her veil and car keys before going after him. Mammy watched her through the window and scoffed. She needed to teach Nadia a lesson. When she says no it means no!



He parked the car in his parking garage and headed into his house. He relaxed on the sofa to ease the pain he was going through deep in his chest. Is this how people in love feel when they get rejected? Or is he getting depressed already? In that case life sucks. He sat up right, clutching his head. Another call came through but it was Maryam. He hissed and kept the phone back. He was going through something much more important than her. 




Minutes later, he heard someone coming into the house. He sighed and wondered why he gave Nadia a spare key. “Baby, baby.” She kept calling rushing to him. She knelt in front of him and held his face. She stared at his red eyes. “Baby listen to me okay? I’m so so sorry about whatever my mother said to you. She has this stupid policy on me and I...... I..... I’m never leaving your side okay? I will talk to her again and we would have her blessings and get married.” 




“But.... what if she doesn’t agree? That means I’ll be depressed? I’m already depressed....”




“No baby.... you’ll never be depressed....” she cuts in. “Do you know what depression means Mujahid?” She questioned him raising his head again. “It is the feeling of loss of hope, courage, and whatever.” He replies in a low voice. “No. Depression is the unseen, unheard, silent killer. It is the pain that is too much to cope with, too hard to deal with and never understood. It is something that you can’t escape, no matter how hard you try it ALWAYS swallows you again. It constantly follows you around, like black smoke choking you from the inside out. Like a lion clawing at your heart and mind, eating pieces of you until there is nothing left. That’s depression.”




“But that’s how I’m feeling now.... am I going to lose you?” he asked while a tear cascaded down. She had never in her wild dreams thought Mujahid was that much in love with her. She wiped his tears and lean in to kiss him. As their lips crushed together, She felt like she was walking on air. It was magic, the way his lips connected with hers. His mouth was so warm, the caress of his lips softer than she could have imagined and she opened her mouth with a low moan. They pulled away, gasping for air. She leaned her forehead on his, breathing heavily. Eyes closed and listening to each other heartbeats. 



“Our relationship is the best thing that has ever happened to me. I could not have asked for a more amazing lover. I got really lucky! Keep loving me like you do, forever and ever. I love you, my sweet baby.” 



He chuckled, feeling relieved. “You’re the risk I will always take.” He kissed her forehead. He cupped her cheeks and wiped away her tears. “These feelings I have for you can't end until my body ceases to function and my soul is released for whatever comes after. I hope that somehow they are embedded into my soul, that our love will endure. Even on my dark days my love for you rides underneath it all, keeping my mind from sinking into the mire that claimed me in the past. I know that however deep I fear I've fallen, you will be there like solid ground steady me, giving me time to climb back into positivity.”



She pulls him into another kiss and she feels him smile against her lips. After they part, he laughs happily. She smiled when he was back to his normal self. 




She stood up and fixed her veil. “I have to go now. I know I’m already in trouble for going out,” Nadia said and laughed. He wraps his arms around her petite body and showered her face with lingering kisses. She giggled hugging him. He accompanied her with the promise to be with her no matter what happens. 



He was on his way back in when Maryam drove in with her car while Nadia drove out with the curiosity of who maryam was. Either way, she trusted Mujahid. Maryam parked her car and dropped out. Her face confused as ever. “Who.... who’s she? Yaya Mujahid!” She wore a puzzled expression. 



“Baby! Uh come let’s go in and talk....”



“No, who’s she?” She cuts him off irked.