
can we be friends?

After hearing Aron's words Kim suddenly realised how silly her words sounded but before she could say anything, Aron added " I wanted a break that is why I went for the trip, I just wanted to enjoy some days without being bothered by all the formalities and pressure of being a CEO that is why I didn't say anything". Aron was calm but he obviously observed Kim being a little uncomfortable. On the other hand Kim indeed was not able to decide how to react and what to say, even if Aron seemed nice and humble he is indeed at another level whether it is looks, money, intelligence or power and Kim obviously a normal middle class girl. She better not get involved with him.

Kim then just smiled nervously and said, "It was pleasant meeting you Mr. Aron, I would take my leave now. I have some urgent work to finish." Aron very well understood Kim's reluctance as she was leaving Aron said, "Kim I hope you are not bothered by my work or business, this was the very reason why I didn't tell anyone about being a CEO. "

"Kim I don't have many friends but I hope we can be good friends and can enjoy as we did during the camp." So can we be friends?? Aron asked Kim as he looked straight into her eyes. Kim was flustered she was trying not to be involved with him but he is asking to be friends. It was obviously suspicious

but Kim straight forwardly said, " Mr Aron I am a normal middle class girl and you and your lifestyle schedule are totally different from me. I don't want to sound rude but I will neither be comfortable nor I have the position and status to be your friend. It would be better if you be friends with the people in your social circle." Upon hearing Kim's denial Aron was dumbstruck. It was the first time he had been rejected and that to by a girl for asking being friends. Though it hurt his pride but he could very well understand the real reason behind Kim's denial. After all he knew Kim was obviously different from all those girls who are just dreaming to talk to him even once.

He then said in a very calm voice, Kim I know why you don't want to be my friend but I really want you to know I sincerely feel you are a capable and independent girl also you are very reliable and down to earth. I really appreciate you as a person from what I have seen during the camping trip, therefore I asked you to be my friend because I know you will be a very trustworthy friend. I hope we can be casual with each other and don't worry I won't do anything that would make you feel awkward as a friend of mine and hope you won't deny being friends with the Aron you met during the camp and will not be intimidated by Aron the business tycoon either.

Kim was standing still carefully listening to his words. Although Kim was a little sceptical regarding his friendship but finally decided to believe whatever he said . She then smiled and said ,"ok but I have some conditions! "