

New_Creator · สมัยใหม่
35 Chs

An Ling's daughter

Its been 5 years now, and I have a cute little daughter named Ria Ling. Im happy that I gave birth to her, after all the hardships im still alive is because of Ria.

Today is the day that I will be returning to china again. I miss Shirley and Bei. What all they have done for me and Ria this past few years.

At the airport.

'An Ling how have you been, we miss you so much.' 'I miss you too.'

'Where is our little Ria?' 'Hello aunt Shirley and aunt Bei'

'Oh my god so cute and well mannered. An Ling she is just as beautiful as you she has the same pinkish red colour hair but she has a fantasising rare eye colour. It must me definitely from her father.'

'Its beautiful though fierce at the same time.'

'Yeah your right now lets go or are you planning on making us stay here.'

'Oh sorry, I forgot about that. Ria you will be staying with aunt Shirley, do you like my home.'

'Yes aunt your home is beautiful.'

'An Ling ive got an interview for you at the Tang co-operation, its tomorrow morning so please be ready. According to your qualification you should get this job.'

'Thank you so much Shirley, you've helped me all these years and now also I owe you a lot. Please take care of Ria till I get her into a good school.'

'Don't worry ill take care of her, isn't she even my daughter?'

'Yes she is.'

'You don't don't need to worry about her school ive already enrolled her in the best school.'

'Thank you so much Shirley.'