
She Is His Best Friend

I sat on her seat and she walked in, obviously surprised to see me on her seat. I deliberately placed my legs on the desk and pretended not to see her. She walked to my front. "Excuse me, you're on my seat."she said but I behaved like she wasn't there. She tapped my legs. "Can't you hear what I'm saying?"she asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stand up? Are you going to call your mummy?"I asked and she hissed. "Just get up and mind your business."she said. "Well I won't."I said with a smirk. She sat on a little space on the desk. What was she doing? A teacher walked in. "Everyone get settled."she said. "Miss are you a new student here? What seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked and she stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this jerk won't leave my seat."she said and everyone exclaimed. What did she just call me? A jerk? She's gone too far, I'm gonna show her how a jerk behaves. I stood up from the seat and turned to the teacher. "Ma'am, I never knew this was her seat. She just barged in and was arguing with me."I said and I could see she was shocked. "What.."the teacher interrupted her. "Miss, this is a school. You should not behave like it's your home. A little courtesy would be appreciated."the teacher said. "But he was the one at fault here."she argued. "The classmates are all witnesses to what she did, right?"I asked the class. "Yes ma'am."they all responded. "What?" "Please have your seat miss."the teacher ordered sternly and she had no choice than to sit down quietly. I went to my seat smirking. I'm sure she'll be cursing me right now. *** Meet Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from a very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy. They were taken to the orphanage and were later adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Their aim for going to the adoption center was to adopt a baby, not more than one or two months old. But their resolve changed after seeing Kyla. Kyla and her little sister started attending a school for basically wealthy folks, Hilton highschool. She was despised at first and was almost maimed by her classmates. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-year-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. What happens when Kyla gets on their bad side? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love, betrayal and highschool romance. You wouldn't want to miss it.

Anns_library4321 · วัยรุ่น
82 Chs

You look cute when you laugh.

"Yes, but after you get ready for school." Mum said.

"Okay." she immediately ran to the bathroom.

We went out of her room and I went to shower up and wear my school uniform. We had cake for breakfast. Mum drove us to school.

"Bye kids."she waved at us.

"Bye,"we chorused. I went with Daisy to her class and then I went to the seniors hallway. I had to give Jeremy his pullover. I went to my locker and took my books for the day. Someone came beside me I quickly recognised his cologne. Jeremy. I shut the locker slightly and I was right. He was smiling at me sheepishly.

"Good morning, Kyle."he said and I rolled my eyes at him.

" Good morning, Jerk." I said. I re-open to the locker.

"How was your night?"he asked and I looked at him.

"What do you care?" I asked and he sighed.

"It's just a friendly question."he said.

" I told you we're not friends." I said, giving him the pullover. " Thanks for last night." I said away to class.


Violet walked to me with a frown on her face.

"Happy birthday." I said trying to lighten her mood but she rolled her eyes.

"What were you doing with Kyla?"she asked.

"We were just talking, what's wrong in that?" I asked in confusion.

"I saw her giving you this pull over."she said touching the pullover. "How come it was in her possession?" she asked.

" I gave it to her yesterday at the cake store. It was raining and she was cold." I said.

"Oh, so you both were at the cake store together." she said and I was getting irritated already by her questions.

"Why are you asking such questions? As what? Listen Vi, I don't want to get mad at because it's your birthday. So chill." I said and walked away.


This is not happening, no way. They are becoming too close. I can't let this bypass me. Certainly not. Jeremy is mine. How can he suddenly start talking to another girl?


The teacher had not come to class yet. I brought out a textbook and was reading. Someone sat on my desk and I looked up to see Jeremy.

"Oh jeez."I muttered and rolled my eyes. He was smiling at me. "What do you want this time?" I asked.

"I just want to stare at you." he said.

"As a jerk right?" I said.

"Quit calling me a jerk." He said.

"Well, it's got the same first three letters as your name, so what's the difference?"I said and found myself laugh shortly.

"You think it's funny? I gave you such a cute name..."I interrupted him.

"My name is Kyla not Kyle."I said.

" Well it's got the same first three letters as your name, so what's the difference?"He quoted me and I laughed. "You look cute when you laugh." he said and I stopped laughing. Did he just call me cute? "Hey, don't get me wrong. You're actually ugly. I was just teasing you." he said and I hissed.

"Whatever duh." I said and faced my book.

"I'll see you later." she said and went to his seat. A part of me wanted him to stay. I do enjoy the jerk's company.

"So you talk to him now?" Regina asked and turned to me. She was sitting in front of me.

"It's more like, he's talking to me now." I said and she sighed.

" I just wish Brian could talk to me as well." she said dreamily.

"Talk to him." I said.

"What? I can't he's among the gang." she said.

" Well, he's nice." I said.

"Have you talked to him?" she asked curiously.

"Yeah, he's actually the one who saved me from being beaten the other day. I whispered to her and she gasped.

"Really?" she asked.

" Yes but don't tell anyone."I said.

"I won't get him into trouble." she said smiling and looking at him. I giggled. Violet came in and stood in front of the class.

"Attention everyone." she said and everywhere was calm. "As you all know, today is my very special birthday and as usual I'll be throwing a blast party and you all are invited...except Kyla." she said and walked to me. "Yeah except you. You're not invited to my massive party, ok?" she said and smirked. I scoffed.

"Who wants to attend your dumb party anyway?" I said and rolled my eyes. She was furious.

"Well, you won't be able to see how massive it would be." she said and I stood up and faced her directly.

" I would rather stick pins in my eyes." I said and the class went rowdy with comments. She groaned and went to her seat angrily. I sat down and continued reading.

"Where did you get such courage from?" Regina asked and I shrugged.

Soon it was lunch break. Regina and I walked outside. "Let's go to the field." she said but I wanted to go to the library. I saw Brian and got an idea.

"Let's meet Brian." I said and her eyes widened.

"Really?" she asked.

" Yes, let's go." we walked to him. He was sitting under a tree, on a bench, reading. "Hi Brian." I said. He looked at us.

"Kyla, how are you doing?" I asked.

"I'm cool..um.. this is Regina." I said and he looked at her.

" Yeah I know her." he said.

"Hi." Regina said shyly.

"Hi. What are you girls up to?" He asked. I pulled Regina to sit close to him while I sat at his other side.

"Nothing much." I said. I really needed to leave. "Um.. guys, I need to check something out."I said and left immediately winking at Regina. I headed to the library and someone blocked my way. Violet.

" Hey bitch. it's me again."she said.

"What the fuck do you want?" I asked and she smiled.

"I'll let what happened in class slide, but listen to this. Stay away from Jeremy. I don't want to see you close to him." she said. She's so crazy.

"You should tell him to stay away from me." I said.

"He's my boyfriend.."


"..and I don't want you flirting with him, okay? If I do, then you would wish you never step your foot into this school." she said and left. She really thinks I'm afraid of her and Jeremy? He's her boyfriend? So pathetic. I walked to the library and sat at my usual spot.

"Ta da."Jeremy said as he dropped some snacks on the table and sat opposite him me.

"What's this?" I asked.

"Snacks for the both of us."he said.

" I didn't..."he interrupted me.

"I know. I bought them on my own free will, so you have to take it."he said.

" Well your girlfriend asked me to stay away from you." I said.