
She Is His Best Friend

I sat on her seat and she walked in, obviously surprised to see me on her seat. I deliberately placed my legs on the desk and pretended not to see her. She walked to my front. "Excuse me, you're on my seat."she said but I behaved like she wasn't there. She tapped my legs. "Can't you hear what I'm saying?"she asked. "What are you going to do if I don't stand up? Are you going to call your mummy?"I asked and she hissed. "Just get up and mind your business."she said. "Well I won't."I said with a smirk. She sat on a little space on the desk. What was she doing? A teacher walked in. "Everyone get settled."she said. "Miss are you a new student here? What seems to be the problem?" the teacher asked and she stood up. "I'm sorry ma'am, but this jerk won't leave my seat."she said and everyone exclaimed. What did she just call me? A jerk? She's gone too far, I'm gonna show her how a jerk behaves. I stood up from the seat and turned to the teacher. "Ma'am, I never knew this was her seat. She just barged in and was arguing with me."I said and I could see she was shocked. "What.."the teacher interrupted her. "Miss, this is a school. You should not behave like it's your home. A little courtesy would be appreciated."the teacher said. "But he was the one at fault here."she argued. "The classmates are all witnesses to what she did, right?"I asked the class. "Yes ma'am."they all responded. "What?" "Please have your seat miss."the teacher ordered sternly and she had no choice than to sit down quietly. I went to my seat smirking. I'm sure she'll be cursing me right now. *** Meet Kyla, a sixteen years old girl who was orphaned from a very young age of eleven. Herself and her little sister, Daisy. They were taken to the orphanage and were later adopted by a really nice and wealthy couple, Mr and Mrs Francis. Their aim for going to the adoption center was to adopt a baby, not more than one or two months old. But their resolve changed after seeing Kyla. Kyla and her little sister started attending a school for basically wealthy folks, Hilton highschool. She was despised at first and was almost maimed by her classmates. Meet Jeremy Wilbert, also called 'J', a seventeen-year-old guy, the leader of the 'BIG FIVE' in Hilton highschool. They are known for bullying students who gets in their way. What happens when Kyla gets on their bad side? What happens when Jeremy refuses to listen to anyone except 'His Best Friend' even when he fell in love with Kyla? An original story, filled with drama, suspense, heartbreak, love, betrayal and highschool romance. You wouldn't want to miss it.

Anns_library4321 · วัยรุ่น
82 Chs

I've got a plan.

"How about tomorrow? Will you be able come with me to the salon?" he asked.

"Yeah." I said. We walked into the hallway.

"That's great..Okay let me get my to my locker, I'll get back to you."he said and me a peck before going to his locker. I went to my locker and to the necessary books.

He soon came to me. I felt his stares and I glanced at him. My eyes met with his lips. So cute. Why hasn't he tried to kiss me? Ugh...Kyla, what are you thinking about?

"Let's to class."he said and I nodded. We started walking. Violet walked to us, smiling.

"Hi J, hi Kyla." she said and I was perplexed. I looked at Jimmy and he looked a little surprised.

"Hi Vi. How are you doing?" He asked her.

"I'm doing great. Well I just came to tell you that I'm no longer angry at you or Kyla. I accept the fact that it's her you love, and as long as you're happy, it's fine by me." she said. This is crazy. How can she just accept this so easily after all the threats.

"Really? Jeremy asked happily.

" Yeah, like you said, we are friends right?"she said.

"Yeah Vi, that's exactly what I want." he said and embraced her. I felt cold chills. "Thank you so much Vi, it means a lot to me."Jeremy said as they both refrained from each other. She turned to him.

" I'm really sorry for what I did to you Kyla. I was just upset. Can you forgive me?"she asked, holding my hands.I felt weird about this. I looked at Jeremy and he nodded at me. I slowly looked at Violet. She was still smiling. I still don't trust her one bit. I bet she's got something bad up her sleeves.

"Ok fine. I forgive you." I said and she embraced me.

"Thank you so much." she said and refrained from me.

" I'm really glad that you accepted this, Vi."Jeremy said with a smile.

"Of course... anyway I'm off to class now. See you guys later." she said and away.

"Do you believe what she said?" I asked.

"Yeah,and I'm happy about it."he said and I scoffed.

"Something isn't right." I said.

"What do you mean?"he asked.

"I don't trust her. She can't just accept it that easily."I said.

"Of course she can."he said.

"Ok, what about the threats, huh? What about it?" I asked.

" I trust her okay, and I know she meant what she said. She wouldn't do anything to hurt me."he said.

"But.." he cuts in.

"No buts, okay? She won't do anything to hurt you. Let's forget about that. I don't want you stressing yourself over this." he said and pulled me as we walked to class.

Something tells me that Violet was up to no good, but why was she being friendly and acting all happy? Her threats didn't seem like mere ones. I've seen these types of things before. I'm going to find out what she is up to.


"Vi, seriously, what are you up to? Why did you tell them those things when you and I know very well that you hate Kyla. Why did you..."she interrupted me.

"Listen to me very carefully Crystal, I did what I did for a reason."she said and I moved closer to her.

"You've really accepted them to be together?"I asked.

"No way, what the fuck? I've got a plan." She said smiling deviously.

"And what is your plan?" I asked.

"We all know J likes me a lot.."

"As a friend." I reminded she glared at me.

" Well duh, can you let me speak?" she asked and I shrugged.

"Sorry, go on." I said and she smiled.

"Yeah. we know J likes me a lot even if not in the way I want. I'm his best friend." she said

"Well Kyla is his best friend now because, you know, she's his girlfriend." I chipped in.

"I think you have to stop talking Crystal." she said and shrugged nonchalantly. "As I was saying, "she continued. "Among myself, you, Mitch and Brian, he loves and trusts me the most."she said proudly.

"Yeah we know."I muttered under my breath.

"He would do anything for me, absolutely anything I asked for. So I'm going to use that to my advantage." she said.

"How?"I asked.

"I am going to create so many situations that would make J come to me even if he's with that bitch." She said, smiling wickedly and stamping her right foot continuously on the ground.

"How are you going to do that? It seems he loves that girl a lot. If he's given a chance to choose you know it will always be her." I said.

"That's why we won't give him a choice. He won't have to choose. He would have no other option than to be with me." she said.

" I really don't see any possibility of this happening. How will you be able to accomplish this?" I asked.

"You." she said.

"Me?" I asked touching my chest.

" Yes, you're gonna help me out."

" I am?"

" Yes, why the questions? This is not the first time you'll be doing this sort of thing, right?" she asked.

"Right, but J has always been the mastermind behind them. We do those things at his command, but this.."

"What happened to this?"

"Well, we are just gonna be going against him by enacting this plan, and I really don't want to experience his wrath. And besides, we're his friends. If he finds out about this, we'll be toast." I said.

"Crystal stop acting dumb here,ok?" She said and I gasped. How dare she call me dumb?

"Hey, listen to me Violet. Just because I do shit with you doesn't give you the audacity to insult me, get it?" I asked trying hard not to get angry.

"Ok, I'm so sorry. Just help me out on this. You're my friend right? You're the only one I can count on right now. I really love J a lot. Please Crystal." she pleaded and I calmed down.

"Ok fine, but we're not hurting Kyla physically." I said sternly.

"But how.."

"I mean it, Vi, if we hurt her J will kill us. I don't mean he'll literally kill us, but you understand. I don't want to get on his bad book. If you're still going to hurt her, then I'll back out of this plan." I said.

"Dang it. Fine, whatever you say." she said and rolled her eyes. I sighed and we walked to class.