
She holds a billionaire's heart

His heart aching with fragments of the past. The girl he searched for all the time has finally returned. But maybe God wanted to punish him, so he took her memories. She is the clear and beautiful moonlight that illuminates his barren heart. He used to try to cherish and keep that moonlight in his heart carefully, but he couldn't believe that he would indirectly cause her suffering. The red dress covered the cold ground, glittering tears rolled down her face like a spring flower. She shook her head painfully, unwilling to know everything. If possible, she would never want the two of them to meet in the past. Perhaps, if he didn't do that day, the two of them wouldn't be on the path they are on today.

QuynhAnhLuu · สมัยใหม่
7 Chs

Chapter 2: First ray of sunshine

Charna's docile appearance was so different from the scared and defensive appearance that made the two people who had run in front of Verin were very surprised. They looked at each other and wished they could say something more, but they didn't want to enrage Verin, so they kept quiet. Verin Asmodeus, the owner of this mansion. Because of his cold and cruel nature, anyone who dares to offend him will be met with Verin's harshest punishment.

Charna's docile expression pleased Verin greatly. She's exactly like a cub that is defensive to the world around her, but understanding and willing to trust him. Even when Charna was in Verin's lap, she couldn't understand herself. She did not know why when facing Verin, she did not feel fear at all, on the contrary, in Charna's heart, there was a feeling of wanting to rely on this strange man.

She gathered her own hands in a fist and shook her head. She didn't say anything as she silently raised her eyes to see his. Charna's beautiful eyes were filled with suspicion of Verin's humanitarian actions and her act of reliance and trust in him. Charna squeezed her eyes shut, trying to rummage through her memory for the handsome man in front of her. She wanted to know if the two of them had met in the past.

Charna searched and searched but came up empty-handed when it came to learning anything about Verin. The pain in her head was so intense that she couldn't even recall seeing his face in the past. Charna's brows furrowed as her head ached, making her squirm. Because of the blood loss, her lips had lost their original pink color and she moaned softly.

Verin carefully laid Charna on the bed, propping it up with a pillow, so that she could lean back comfortably. Seeing Charna's face contorted in pain, Verin suddenly felt a sense of urgency and discomfort.

He seriously turned around, ordering the two who were still standing in the middle of the large room.

"Get over there and check her out."

A doctor and a nurse are both present. Naturally, they were still astonished by their master's gentle and caring actions. But as soon as they heard Verin's instructions, their spirits immediately returned, quickly approaching Charna, examining her body.

Charna felt at ease when Verin sat next to her, allowing her to relax if the doctor came to check on her health. Charna notices that the doctor has a kind expression on his face and that his eyes are soft of her. His examination of Charna and his conversation with her were meant to alleviate her stress.

"Miss, did you feel a stabbing pain in your chest just now. When breathing feels very painful, the stronger the breath, the more the pain increases, right?"

Charna nodded, answering him.

"Yes, the doctor said it was not wrong at all. Just now, I had just taken a deep breath when suddenly there was a sharp pain in my chest. I have never experienced such pain. I don't know if I have a dangerous disease or not?"

The other doctor looked seriously at Charna. By his professional profession as a doctor, he has chosen the appropriate words, not creating a feeling of fear for the patient.

"Miss is suffering from pneumonia. The reason why she got this disease was because she had been soaked in the rain for too long, and was starved and injured. When you were brought back to this villa, your body temperature was very low, your body fell into a state of high fever. Although it was treated in time, but for respiratory problems, it needs more time to treat."

Charna nodded her head in agreement. The big stone in her lap was put down after hearing the other doctor talk about her illness. Charna felt that her pneumonia was too mild, she thought she would die that day herself.

"Thank you, doctor. Just now, I acted a bit too much, I was so excited that I scared the doctors and nurses. I apologize to you two."

She is a person who knows when to be wrong and knows how to admit mistakes. Charna knew that just now she had raised her voice and acted badly towards the gentle doctor and the nurse. Deep inside Charna, she never wanted to hurt anyone.

Charna's apology was accepted by the other doctor.

"I'm fine, you don't have to apologize to me either. Now I will go out to inventory her medicine, next time I will take care of her health. I hope to cure you completely."

Charna turned to Verin as soon as the others had gone. She expressed her gratitude with a sincere bow of the head.

"Hello. Charna Seren is my name, and I'm glad to meet you. I know that I am saved because of your help. I'm so appreciative of your assistance. Your assistance that day was invaluable, and I promise to return the favor by doing whatever you ask of me."

Verin looked at the girl in front of him. After all these years, her demeanor hasn't changed one iota. Charna's candor only grew more endearing as time passed. Even, with the smooth flow of time, Charna's frankness was further enhanced. He looked at her silently for a few seconds. Suddenly, the corner of his lips lifted slightly, a small smile appearing on Verin's cold face.

His large but cold hand felt a bit different from Charna's memory. She remembers that, before she passed out, she was wrapped in a very warm embrace. Or perhaps, because she was in a state of loss of heat at that time, she felt the coldness of Verin's body very warm. A familiar scent appeared, wafting through the air. Charna looked up at him slightly, and at this moment, the tip of her nose touched the hem of Verin's shirt.

The extremely unique scent of ambergris appears. It was like another dark color, covering Verin's body, making his surroundings even darker than usual. A deadly charm, made up of many different charms, successfully subdued Charna leaving her dumbfounded as she watched him up close.

Verin reached out, naturally brushing aside a few strands of hair that had fallen from her forehead to Charna. Charna was unfazed by the way he moved, and in fact, she found it extremely familiar. After the headache reappeared, Charna's brows naturally knit together in a frown.

His voice was cold, but there was a small tenderness in it.

"If you can't remember, there's no need to try to remember. You should rest early, I will visit you tonight."

Charna looked at him, obediently nodded her head and replied.

"I know. Thank you…"

Charna's small hand held Verin as he stood up, ready to walk away. She fixed her intense gaze on him.

"You…can you tell me your name?"

Verin replied nonchalantly and turned to leave.

"Verin Asmodeus, that's my name. Remember it well, never forget it again."


Charna is getting better every day because she is being cared for by doctors and nurses. After Charna was taught how to breathe properly by the doctor, the pain she had previously felt was reduced. At about nine o'clock in the evening, Verin came to see Charna. It became a part of her daily routine, and she didn't even notice it. But after three days of waiting and no Verin, Charna asked the housekeeper to take her to Verin's office, where she finally met him.

There was an enormous door to the room that Charna looked at, which had a color that she couldn't describe. She gulped down her saliva, cheering herself up before knocking on the door.

Inside came a tired sound.

"Who's that."

She recognized Verin's voice right away. It sounds like a lot of work. Charna's hands clasped together, she bit her lip lightly, announcing her arrival.Of course, she was well aware that her sudden appearance here was absurd. Charna was afraid that Verin would scold her for this frivolity, so she wanted to test his mood before opening the door.

"I am Charna here. Can I come in?"

The interior had returned to its previous state of silence. Charna's heart began to pound faster than usual. She clenched her hands tight to calm her racing mind.

After a few minutes, a sluggish sound could be heard coming from inside.

"Is it you? You'll go in."

His room smelled of ambergris, tobacco, and alcohol when Charna opened the door. A window had been opened to let in some fresh air and she could still see the faint smoke coming from the cigarette that was buried in the ashtray.

Verin sat on the big chair, leaning back. His posture made her feel that he was somewhat loose. The weak light of the table lamp and chandelier above could not illuminate Verin's entire face. But perhaps because of that reason, his face has something very mysterious.

He glanced over at her, his dark circles sunken slightly, showing that he hadn't rested in a long time. This tired look of Verin made Charna a little uncomfortable. She stepped closer to him. Neither Charna nor Verin made any sound, the space of this room was still preserved as quiet as the original.