
She’s Mine To Claim

Amara, a healer finds herself entangled with the High Lord Amoux against her will. After losing her powers while saving his mate she is. Ultimately killed by him. Reincarnated near three brothers afflicted by a curse Amara unintentionally becomes their companion. Through her foresight and selfless acts she earns their loyalty. Just as she recollects her past. Convinces them of her ability to break their curse her ex partner resurfaces and threatens to harm the brothers pack unless she surrenders. Afflicted by an ailment sapping her vitality at the hands of the triplets mother Amara warns them of impending betrayal before succumbing.

Ola_Blinks · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 5

Amara's eyes narrowed as she studied Boros, contemplating his words. She could sense that he was holding something back, a secret or an ulterior motive lurking beneath his nonchalant demeanor. She had dealt with enough cunning and manipulative individuals to know when someone was playing games.

"Is there something else you're not telling us?" Amara asked, her voice laced with suspicion.

Boros chuckled softly, the sound sending a shiver down Amara's spine. "You catch on quick, don't you?" he said, amusement dancing in his eyes.

Damion leaned forward, his expression hardening. "Don't make us force it out of you," he warned.

Boros's smirk widened at Damion's threat. He seemed to revel in the danger of their interaction, basking in the power play between them.

"I suppose a little more information couldn't hurt," Boros conceded. "Valeria has a particular interest in your demise because...you killed her brother."

The air grew heavy with tension as Boros's words hung in the air like a dark cloud. Amara felt her heart skip a beat at the revelation, her mind racing to piece together the implications.

"We've never killed anyone," she protested, her voice filled with disbelief.

Boros shrugged casually as he met Amara's gaze. "Well, that's not what Valeria believes," he replied. "She thinks you were responsible for his death and she wants revenge."

Amara could feel anger bubbling up within her at Valeria's misguided vendetta. How dare she seek retribution based on false assumptions?

"We need to find Valeria and set things straight," Amara said firmly, her determination resolute.

Boros raised an eyebrow at Amara's words before smirking knowingly. "Ah, so you're not just here for a little chat after all," he remarked. "You want my help to track her down."

Amara nodded, her gaze unwavering. "We can offer you protection, resources, anything you need," she said. "In exchange for your assistance."

Boros's smirk widened as he considered Amara's proposal. He could sense the desperation underlying her offer, the urgency to resolve this escalating conflict. It intrigued him, igniting a spark of excitement within his jaded soul.

"You've got yourself a deal," Boros said with a devilish grin. "I'll help you find Valeria and put an end to this little game of hers."

Amara felt a surge of relief wash over her at Boros's agreement. She knew that they would need all the help they could get to navigate the treacherous path ahead.

"Thank you," Amara said sincerely, a hint of gratitude softening her features.

Boros waved off her gratitude with a dismissive gesture. "Don't mention it," he replied. "It'll be fun to see how this all unfolds."

Damion eyed Boros warily, his mistrust still lingering beneath the surface. "Just remember whose side you're on," he warned.

Boros chuckled at Damion's cautionary words, his amusement undeterred by their skepticism. He was well aware of the delicate dance he had entered into with this group of misfits, but he thrived on the unpredictability and danger it entailed.

"Oh, I'm well aware," Boros said cryptically. "But sometimes even enemies can find themselves fighting for the same cause."

As Boros's words hung in the air like an unspoken truth, Amara couldn't help but wonder if there was more to this enigmatic man than met the eye.

Little did she know that their alliance would test not only their loyalties but also their desires and deepest secrets, blurring the lines between friend and foe in ways they never could have imagined.

Amara's mind was a whirlwind of emotions as she made her way back to their makeshift camp. The knowledge that Valeria was seeking revenge for a crime they didn't commit weighed heavily on her, fueling her determination to set things right. And now with Boros by their side, she felt a glimmer of hope.

When they reached the camp, Amara found herself needing a moment alone to collect her thoughts. She excused herself and walked away from the others, her steps leading her to a nearby riverbank. The sound of rushing water soothed her restless mind as she sank down onto a moss-covered rock.

As Amara stared out across the river, lost in contemplation, she sensed someone approaching. Before she could react, Boros emerged from the shadows, his dark eyes filled with an intensity that sent a shiver down her spine.

"Mind if I join you?" he asked casually, though there was an underlying hunger in his voice.

Amara's heart raced at the suggestive tone in Boros's words. She knew he had more than just conversation on his mind. There was an undeniable chemistry between them—a magnetic pull that seemed to grow stronger with each passing moment.

"Depends on what you have in mind," Amara replied coyly, unable to resist teasing him.

Boros flashed her a mischievous grin as he closed the distance between them. "I thought we could discuss our next move," he said smoothly, though it was clear there was another agenda at play.

Amara arched an eyebrow at his response, amusement dancing in her eyes. "Is that all?" she teased, knowing full well what he really wanted.

Boros's grin widened at Amara's playful challenge. He could sense the fire smoldering beneath her composed exterior—the raw desire that mirrored his own. He had been drawn to her from the moment he laid eyes on her, captivated by her strength and resilience. And now, with their fates intertwined, he felt a primal need to claim her as his own.

"Well, I suppose we could discuss it over a little...demonstration," Boros suggested, his voice dripping with seduction.

Amara's breath caught in her throat at the promise laced in Boros's words. She knew she should be focused on the task at hand, on finding Valeria and clearing their names. But the pull of desire was too strong to resist—the magnetic force that drew them together like moths to a flame.

"Show me what you have in mind," Amara whispered, surrendering to the intoxicating allure of their forbidden connection.

A predatory gleam sparked in Boros's eyes as he closed the remaining distance between them. Without a word, he cupped Amara's face in his hands and claimed her lips in a searing kiss.

Amara gasped against Boros's mouth, stunned by the intensity of their contact. His lips were demanding yet achingly tender, igniting a fire within her that threatened to consume everything else. She melted into him, tangling her fingers in his dark hair as she deepened the kiss.

Boros groaned against Amara's mouth as she responded with equal fervor. Her taste was like sweet intoxication—a heady blend of passion and vulnerability that drove him wild with desire. He pulled her closer, his hands roaming over every curve and contour of her body as if trying to memorize every inch of her.

The world around them faded into oblivion as they lost themselves in each other—a tangled web of need and want that defied all reason and logic. In this moment, there was only sensation—skin against skin, breathless sighs, and the undeniable pull of two souls on a collision course.

As their lips reluctantly parted, they were both left breathless and wanting. Amara's cheeks flushed with a mixture of desire and anticipation as she met Boros's gaze, her eyes filled with a newfound intensity.

"Show me what you're capable of," Amara said huskily, her voice laced with a challenge.

A wicked grin tugged at the corners of Boros's mouth as he took in Amara's sultry expression. He could sense the hunger burning within her—the need to explore the depths of their desires. And he had every intention of giving her exactly what she craved.

"Oh, my dear Amara," Boros purred, his voice dripping with seduction. "You have no idea what you're in for."

With that tantalizing promise hanging in the air, Boros let his true nature take hold. Shadows swirled around him like liquid smoke as his eyes gleamed with an otherworldly light. In that moment, Amara knew without a doubt that she was about to experience something far beyond anything she had ever imagined.

And she couldn't wait to surrender to the delicious darkness that awaited her.