
Shattering Humanity

The most eclectic epic ever inspired! With the whole globe snowed over, humans are no longer on top of the ladder. Violent aliens have forced humanity into various locations of hiding, and an evil ancient clan reveals itself. Taking control of sanctuaries all over Earth as Mafia Bosses, Dictators, Conquerors, and other forms of leadership, in an attempt to prove which is the strongest amongst them. After being in hiding for three years, humans have begun to acquire "abilities" just from slaying one of these aliens. Shortly after leaving their sanctuary/apocalypse training academy, two old friends, Katsu and Saku, are matched together not only as an academic team, but chosen by the last surviving "Creator of Humanity". Each one is 'blessed' as the vessels for the universe's contemporary forces and use their unique abilities to achieve their own (secretly combative) goals. Accompanying them is a female descendant of the greatest 'unknown' Scandinavian sword fighter. After being revealed to about her destined lineage, and the lost "mythical" history of her highly respected grandmother from the Viking/Valkyrie Age, Shelly is determined to retrieve all of her slain grandmother's stolen weapons from a both physically and magically gifted covenant of witches. If you have a beloved purpose you can't live without, do you truly have any freedom? If you have complete freedom to do or say whatever you desire, do you truly have any purpose worth caring about? [All art is not done by AI but by my good friend Amon-kun] ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ ~~~~~~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~~ ~~~~ WARNING/DISCLAIMER: This series spotlights coincidental parallels between various religious scriptures, and scientific theories but is in no way discrediting or belittling the beliefs of others whether that be Creationist or Evolutionist. The views, ideas, and conversations between characters aren't in any way meant to change anyone's beliefs. The conscious use of certain psychological elements from theistic ideology and out of context holy verses is only to support this fictional plot and it's characters. As well as aid the reader as to how one could theoreticize or philosophicize the plot. Instead of using various conflicting ideologies to shame or undermine those who believe, the intention is for deeper thinking and uniting those who believe peace and tranquility between humanity is most important above all.

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431 Chs

"I've Got Something Special Here."

Daisuki and Shelly watch on proudly but somehow are also dumbfounded as Katsu accepts his first official 'personal' mission. Katsu puts his finger and his head down. Once he looks up and smiles again, everyone in the room can feel that the 'switch' has been turned off. 

Gray deactivates his 2nd stage and sits back down.

Gray: "Now the rest of you, I'm sure I don't have to tell you what happens when just one of you fails, you all fail. So Katsu's personal mission is also Squad 40's responsibility to help him fulfill...(looks at Saku)...and if you don't care about graduating...(rummages in desk drawer)...then you wouldn't care about these passes that all 15 graduates receive allowing them to come and go from these mountains as they please."

Saku mean mugs the general.

Saku: "Keep your bribes for your actual pets, 'Head Fed'. I'm not doing anything because you order me to. The only thing protecting you from me beating your old fat retired ass is the fact your goons would punish my dog for my actions."

Shelly(angry): "Who do you actually think you are?! This man is a respectable military man and you want to keep poking the bear!? He hasn't even been as close to as irrational as you've been making him seem!"

Saku: "I'm Saku bitch, he's different when others are around and you don't know anything except for what you clowns see!"

Saku gets up and takes a step forward towards her but as if out of nowhere.

Daisuki steps in front of the confrontational 18 year old. He has a different look from the usual easygoing Big Bro facial expression.

Daisuki(2nd stage 'EyeEngages" with a smoke aura): "Aye. I let it slide yesterday but that shit is over starting today, as long as I'm around, there will be no infighting within Squad 40s disciples. If you want to get that aggression out you can spar with me. Got that?"

Gray(heard behind Daisuki): "If you don't mind Daisuki, I'd like you to excuse me and Saku for a moment while the rest of you get your supplies and equipment ready."

Saku: "I-"

Gray pops off his 2nd stage and trades off 'EyeEngaging' with Saku from Daisuki. The mentor relaxes from his 2nd stage to the base-kit and smiles.

Daisuki: "You got it Donovan. I mean, 'General Gray'."

Gray contains his anger from being addressed by his first name by the TOO chummy Mentor.

Gray: "Dont. Push. It. Minaaaa."

Daisuki wrangles his other two students and comedically runs out of the office.

Katsu: "Big Bro my food!"

Leaving Friend, Saku, Gray, and Katsu's food alone. They are still 'EyeEngaged' and Saku can see General Gray's aura is a lime green while in 2nd stage.

Gray: "Listen Saku, I know I was hard on you from the moment you arrived here ."

Saku: "More like 'From the moment I was taken here against me and my dogs will.'"

Gray(sighs): "Saku, I hate to say it, but I actually DO think you 'could' survive out there in 'Hell' with just you and your canine for a good long while. I also think, like all living beings, you'd make one mistake and leave your dog alone and more vulnerable in this world. If you want the truth, when you would say 'these mountains are more like prisons', I would yell at you and 'loath' your way of critical thinking and your natural rejection towards any type of authority."

Saku, now convinced Gray didn't coincidentally use the specific word, "loathing", and feels he is being set up.

Saku: "Did D-."

Gray(cuts him off): "I especially 'loathed' you for WANTING to be out there in the even scarier world, outside of these mountain 'band-aids' for society. Sometimes I wanted to shake you and say, 'You've got something special HERE why would you want to live out there with those monsters?'. But now, I think I might know exactly what you truly meant Saku. Whether it was your intentional meaning or the way I see it in reflection today."

Saku's angry expression relaxes out of pity for the General and he looks at Friend who looks back up at him. Friend scratches his neck while waiting.

Gray(looks at Friend): "I even went as far as to threaten your handsome pup here with punishment for your own actions. He would be feeling pain without knowing why it was happening which we can all empathize with as humans. And worst of all he'd be feeling that pain without you around to at least feel comfort in seeing while in pain."

Tears being swelling in both Gray and Saku's eyes. Saku wipes them away quickly.

Gray(voice breaking): "I honestly could never hurt your dog Saku.(he puts his head in his hands) How did I become like this? God, I don't know if it was when I got this eye or if it was before this invasion even began, but at some point my ability to feel empathy that humans need to use to live together, was suppressed by my fear of these Icemen and that dra-dra-dra-."

The over-worked General in his mid 40's begins to hyperventilate and clutch his chest as he remembers Leviathan's debut.

Saku(worried): "Woah, woah, Gray, relax are you ok? You're not having a heart attack are ya?"

Gray stops breathing wildly and calms down. Once he's totally calmed he begins to chuckle.

Gray: "I'm not that old yet Saku, hehe. Anyway, let's not keep your Squad waiting. I just wanted to appropriately apologize... and to give you one of these in private."

He tosses one of the graduation passes towards him and Saku catches it. Saku looks at the 'Freedom Pass' then at Friend.

Gray: "If you truly believe you and your dog would live happier lives outside these confined mountains, you can go the next chance you get. This might not atone for making you and Friend feel like prisoners this past year and it certainly won't rid my guilt for all my commands that have placed lives other than mine, directly in line with death. If anything, it's proof, for both of us, that I agree with your point of view now, we shouldn't be allowing these aliens to enjoy looking at the sky as the top of the chain while we 'live' in fear within these piles of dirt and rock."

Saku looks at the pass allowing the one thing he has been looking for. Without a word, he walks towards Gray's desk and tosses the pass down to the General's surprise.

Saku and Friend walk towards the door, but before leaving he turns to Gray half smiling.

Saku: "I'm good for now Gray. Just hold onto it until the other two get theirs. And if we're admitting to being wrong, you were right too. 'I've got something special here', at least for now."