
Chapter 1 -New Beginnings

Stephanie's POV 🌸

I never expected to meet the love of my life in a bustling coffee shop on a crisp autumn morning. I was engrossed in my book when I noticed a charming stranger, his deep eyes and disarming smile catching my attention over a cup of coffee.

Our eyes met, and in that instant, something magical happened. I couldn't help but smile back as he introduced himself. We bonded over shared interests and stories, losing ourselves in animated conversations that felt like we'd known each other for ages.

Our first date was a romantic dinner at a cozy Italian restaurant, where laughter and chemistry filled the air. It was on our second date, under the twinkling stars, that he leaned in and kissed me, sealing our blossoming connection with a promise of something beautiful.

Our courtship was a whirlwind of picnics in the park, late-night stargazing, and countless moments of laughter. He surprised me with flowers and sweet gestures, and I cherished his quirks and kind heart.

As our love deepened, one fateful night after a particularly memorable date, we found ourselves entangled in a passionate embrace that would change our lives—an accidental one-night stand that left us both surprised yet enamored.

Our journey led us to a picturesque proposal under a canopy of fairy lights, where he dropped to one knee, a tear in his eye, and asked me to be his forever. With tears of joy, I accepted, and we danced beneath the moonlight, both ecstatic and teary-eyed, in the embrace of our love.

Our wedding day was a fairytale come true, a celebration of our unwavering love surrounded by friends and family. The vows we exchanged left everyone with tears of joy, sealing our commitment to a lifetime of happiness together.

Fast forward a year later, we were coming together to celebrate our first wedding anniversary. But what should have been a day filled with love and laughter took an unexpected turn, as my husband, the man who had once kissed me under the stars and proposed with tears of joy, handed me divorce papers, accusing me of an unforgivable betrayal.

The world we had built together seemed to crumble, leaving me shattered, questioning everything I had believed in. As I read through those papers, I couldn't fathom how we had gone from a love story for the ages to a heart-wrenching tale of betrayal. The love that once bound us now felt like a distant memory, and I was left to face a future filled with uncertainty and pain.

I stared at the divorce papers in disbelief, the inked words on the page blurring as tears welled up in my eyes. My husband, the man I had shared my deepest secrets and dreams with, now stood before me, his face contorted with anger.

"What do you want, Stephanie?" Dylan's voice was harsh, his words blasting and shouting in the room. "Money? Gold? The house? A car? I can give you all of them, and you can get the hell out of my life!" His threats were painfully clear, etched into the divorce papers he waved in front of me.

But I couldn't accept his offer. I couldn't believe this was happening. "I want nothing!" I shouted back, my voice shaking. "I don't need your money to survive, Dylan. I don't know what I did to deserve this!"

He devilishly laughed, a bitter sound that pierced my heart. "You think I don't know, Stephanie? You weren't a virgin before you met me, were you?" His accusation left me stunned, confused, and angry. How could he think that?

"I was!" I protested, my voice breaking. "I was a virgin, Dylan. You were the one who... on that one night." I couldn't bring myself to say it, but the memory of our accidental one-night stand was etched into my soul.

Dylan's eyes narrowed, and he shook his head. "I know you've been with other men, even when we were dating," he accused, his tone filled with disdain.

"That's not true!" I retorted, my heart aching at his disbelief. "I've never been with anyone else, Dylan. I've always been faithful to you." But he didn't believe me anymore. His trust had shattered, replaced by suspicion and anger.

He insisted, "Sign the divorce papers now, Stephanie."

I couldn't sign them, not until I saw evidence of the wrong he claimed I had done. Desperate to clear my name, I pleaded, "Dylan, please, show me the proof of these accusations. This isn't true. Someone's trying to destroy our marriage."

Dylan's expression remained cold as he pulled out his phone and played a video. My heart sank as I watched footage of me and one of his business partners in bed, entangled in each other's embrace. It was a shocking, fabricated image that left me sobbing uncontrollably.

"Someone did this," I managed to say through sobs, my gaze locked on Dylan. "This isn't real. Why would you believe something like this?"

But instead of sympathy, Dylan insulted me, his words cutting like a knife. "You're a liar, Stephanie. A whore." And with that, he turned and left, leaving me broken and betrayed, unable to comprehend how our love had unraveled so tragically.

As I stared at the damning video on Dylan's phone, tears streamed down my face. The betrayal cut deep, and I felt lost in a sea of emotions. Dylan, without a trace of sympathy, turned away and made a phone call. His lawyer was on his way, he said, to ensure I signed the divorce papers.

I sat there, my heart heavy, as Dylan and his lawyer arrived. They presented the papers, and Dylan's lawyer pressured me to sign. I hesitated, feeling like a pawn in a cruel game.

With a heavy heart and unable to shed any more tears, I took the pen and signed my name, sealing the end of our once beautiful love story. As I handed the papers back to Dylan, I silently told myself that I had to be strong. I couldn't let him see my weakness, even though I was broken on the inside.

Dylan, cold and unfeeling, asked, "What do you want to take with you, Stephanie?"

I glanced around the luxurious mansion we had shared, feeling like an intruder in my own home. "Just my personal belongings," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me.

Dylan's eyes bore into mine as he added, "You have 24 hours to get out of this mansion and my life. I don't want to ever see your face again."

I took a deep breath and met his gaze. "Remember this, Dylan," I said with determination, "You'll always recall the day you filed for divorce with me."

With those words, I turned away and walked out of the room, leaving Dylan and his lawyer behind. There was nothing more to say. I needed to pack my things and leave, no matter how much it hurt. I wouldn't look back; I couldn't afford to. The next chapter of my life awaited, and I had to find the strength to face it alone.

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As I stared at the damning video on Dylan's phone, tears streamed down my face. The betrayal cut deep, and I felt lost in a sea of emotions. Dylan, without a trace of sympathy, turned away and made a phone call. His lawyer was on his way, he said, to ensure I signed the divorce papers.

I sat there, my heart heavy, as Dylan and his lawyer arrived. They presented the papers, and Dylan's lawyer pressured me to sign. I hesitated, feeling like a pawn in a cruel game.

With a heavy heart and unable to shed any more tears, I took the pen and signed my name, sealing the end of our once beautiful love story. As I handed the papers back to Dylan, I silently told myself that I had to be strong. I couldn't let him see my weakness, even though I was broken on the inside.

Dylan, cold and unfeeling, asked, "What do you want to take with you, Stephanie?"

I glanced around the luxurious mansion we had shared, feeling like an intruder in my own home. "Just my personal belongings," I replied, my voice steady despite the turmoil within me.

Dylan's eyes bore into mine as he added, "You have 24 hours to get out of this mansion and my life. I don't want to ever see your face again."

I took a deep breath and met his gaze. "Remember this, Dylan," I said with determination, "You'll always recall the day you filed for divorce with me."

With those words, I turned away and walked out of the room, leaving Dylan and his lawyer behind. There was nothing more to say. I needed to pack my things and leave, no matter how much it hurt. I wouldn't look back; I couldn't afford to. The next chapter of my life awaited, and I had to find the strength to face it alone.