
Shattered Sparks

In a frozen, post-apocalyptic world where power is everything, young Alex must navigate the dangerous streets of the Rust Quarter, a crumbling settlement where survival hinges on scavenging and trade. Alongside his adoptive sister Elara, he scrapes by in a world dominated by old-world technology and mysterious energy manipulation—an ability few can master, but one that holds immense potential. Unknown to everyone, Alex harbors a powerful secret: an AI embedded in his very soul. With the AI’s help, Alex begins to uncover fragments of lost knowledge, relics of a time long before the collapse. As he pieces together the mysteries of the past, he is drawn into a dangerous game—one where knowledge, energy, and survival are all tightly intertwined. With secrets hiding in every shadow and power held only by the elite, Alex must tread carefully. What he discovers could change everything, but it might also bring more danger than he ever imagined. #Post-apocalyptic#Survival#Sci-fi#Energy manipulation#Reincarnation#AI companion#Advanced technology#Dystopia#Scavenging#Self-sustaining technology#Power generation#Tech-enhanced protagonist#Sibling bond#Wasteland exploration#Old-world tech#Crafting and innovation#Underground economy#Secret abilities.

gogi8755 · ไซไฟ
74 Chs

64: Creation in Motion

The soft hum of the M2-Scout droid filled the room as it moved methodically around the workbench, its mechanical arms whirring with purpose. The crates of raw materials lay neatly arranged, each component awaiting its place in the construction of something new—something better. Alex, Serena, Elara, and Nia stood close by, their eyes fixed on the droid as it began the intricate process of building a second, upgraded version of itself.

This wasn't just a simple repair or upgrade; it was the creation of a new droid from the ground up. The M2-Scout was more than capable of performing advanced repairs, but now, under the AI's guidance, it had taken on the role of a builder—an architect of its own evolution. The room buzzed with energy as Alex felt a tingle in the air, his own energy being subtly channeled through the AI and into the droid to enhance its work.

"AI," Alex said, his voice steady but filled with excitement, "walk me through the process. What's happening right now?"

The AI's voice responded in its calm, mechanical tone. "Currently, the M2-Scout is assembling the structural components of the new droid. The framework must be reinforced with high-durability alloys to support the advanced functions that have been integrated into the upgraded blueprint. The energy core housing will be constructed next, followed by the installation of the modular tool attachments and sensor array."

Alex nodded as the AI explained the process. The M2-Scout's mechanical arms moved with precision, picking up sheets of titanium alloy and positioning them on the workbench. One of its arms activated a welding tool, sparks flying as the droid carefully fused the metal sheets together to form the outer casing of the new droid.

The framework was beginning to take shape. It was a larger and sleeker design than the original M2-Scout, with a more streamlined body to accommodate the upgraded sensors and mechanical components. As the droid welded the pieces together, Alex noticed the subtle improvements—the reinforced joints, the more compact wiring, and the improved energy distribution system that would allow for greater efficiency in both movement and repairs.

Serena stood beside Alex, her eyes wide with amazement. "It's incredible," she whispered. "It's actually building another droid."

Alex nodded, unable to tear his eyes away from the scene unfolding before them. "This is just the beginning. Once we have two droids working, we'll be able to take on even more advanced jobs."

Elara, ever observant, crossed her arms and leaned against the wall. "What happens if something goes wrong? Can the droid fix its own mistakes?"

The AI answered before Alex could speak. "The M2-Scout has been programmed to perform self-diagnostics throughout the construction process. Any anomalies will be detected and corrected immediately."

Alex felt a surge of confidence hearing that. This wasn't just trial and error—the AI had everything under control, and the M2-Scout was operating at peak efficiency. He had seen what the droid could do with repairs, but watching it build an entirely new machine was on a whole different level.

After several hours, the outer structure of the new droid was nearly complete. The M2-Scout's mechanical arms worked swiftly, attaching the final pieces of the outer casing and ensuring that the joints were reinforced to handle the stress of more advanced repairs.

"Next phase: Installation of the energy core," the AI announced.

Alex leaned forward, watching intently as the M2-Scout retrieved the energy core components from one of the crates. The energy core was the heart of the droid, and it would power everything from the mechanical movements to the advanced sensor systems and the use of energy arts. The AI had designed this core to be more efficient, with a higher energy capacity that would allow the droid to operate for longer periods without needing to recharge.

The M2-Scout carefully placed the core housing into the center of the droid's framework, its mechanical arms moving with delicate precision as it began the process of wiring the core to the droid's internal systems. Sparks flew as the droid used energy arts to fuse the wiring together, connecting the core to the droid's propulsion system and mechanical arms.

Alex could feel the energy in the air as the core was activated for the first time. The room hummed with power, and a faint blue glow emanated from the core as it came online, sending a surge of energy through the droid's systems.

Serena let out a small gasp, stepping closer to Alex. "It's alive."

Alex smiled, nodding. "Yeah, it is. But we're not done yet."

The next phase of the construction involved installing the advanced sensor array and modular tool attachments that would allow the droid to perform a wider range of tasks. The M2-Scout began by integrating the sensor components into the droid's head unit, carefully attaching the sensors that would allow it to detect structural weaknesses, energy imbalances, and other issues that might not be visible to the naked eye.

Once the sensors were in place, the droid moved on to the modular tool attachments. These were small, interchangeable tools that could be swapped out depending on the repair task. The new droid would have the ability to switch between different tools—welding torches, energy analyzers, precision cutters—with ease, making it far more versatile than the original M2-Scout.

"Modular tool system installed," the AI reported. "The droid will be capable of adapting to a variety of repair tasks with minimal manual input."

Alex watched as the droid's arms clicked into place, each one fitted with multiple tool slots that would allow it to handle a wide range of repairs without needing to be reconfigured by hand. This was exactly what he had envisioned—a machine that could operate autonomously, taking on tasks that would have been impossible for a single droid.

The AI's efficiency was undeniable. Under its control, the construction of the droid was progressing faster than Alex had expected. Every component was being assembled with precision, every detail attended to without error.

After what felt like hours of meticulous work, the final phase of the construction began. The M2-Scout attached the last pieces of the droid's outer casing, sealing the internal components and locking everything into place. The mechanical arms whirred as they made the final connections to the droid's propulsion system, ensuring that the new droid would be fully mobile and capable of performing repairs with the same level of dexterity as the original.

"Final assembly complete," the AI announced. "Activating droid."

Alex felt a rush of excitement as he watched the new droid come to life. The blue glow of the energy core pulsed softly as the droid's systems powered on. Its sensors flickered to life, scanning the room and calibrating its internal systems for the first time. The new droid stood up, its mechanical arms moving smoothly as it tested its joints and propulsion system.

Serena stepped forward, her face glowing with excitement. "It's done! We have another droid!"

Elara, though more reserved, allowed herself a small smile. "Impressive. I didn't think it would be this fast."

Alex couldn't contain his grin. "We're just getting started."

With the new droid fully operational, it was time to put both machines to the test. Alex quickly accepted a series of more advanced repair jobs—tasks that involved more complex devices and systems, the kind of jobs that would have been impossible with just one droid working alone.

The first job involved repairing a malfunctioning industrial energy converter, a massive device used to distribute power throughout one of the outpost's energy stations. The converter had multiple damaged components, including misaligned energy channels and structural weaknesses in the outer casing.

Alex watched as both droids moved into action. The original M2-Scout began by scanning the device and diagnosing the problem areas, while the new droid prepared to make the necessary repairs. Under the AI's guidance, the two droids worked in perfect sync, their movements fluid and efficient as they tackled different aspects of the repair.

The new droid, equipped with its advanced sensor array, quickly identified structural weaknesses in the converter's outer casing. Using energy arts, it reinforced the weakened areas, welding the metal together at a molecular level to ensure maximum durability. Meanwhile, the M2-Scout focused on recalibrating the energy channels, using Alex's energy reserves to realign the converter's internal circuits.

The repairs, which would have taken hours or even days for a human team to complete, were finished in under 45 minutes.

"Repair complete," the AI announced. "Energy converter is fully operational."

Alex felt a wave of satisfaction wash over him as he watched the droids finish their work. The new droid had performed flawlessly, working in tandem with the M2-Scout to complete the repair with a level of speed and precision that was unmatched by anything they had done before.

Serena stood beside Alex, her eyes filled with awe as she watched the droids work. "This is… incredible. With two droids, we can take on so much more."

Alex nodded, his mind already racing with the possibilities. "This is just the beginning. We're going to push this as far as we can."

With two droids now at their disposal, Alex knew that their capacity for repairs had expanded exponentially. The upgraded blueprint had proven to be a success, and with the AI guiding both droids, they were more efficient and capable than ever before.

As they completed job after job, their account balance continued to grow, and Alex could feel the weight of their struggles beginning to lift. They were no longer scraping by on small repairs—they were taking on complex, high-paying jobs that would have been impossible just weeks ago.

But even as the droids worked tirelessly, Alex couldn't forget the looming challenge ahead: breaking free from the outpost and escaping the restrictions that had been placed on them. The droids were powerful tools, but they weren't the solution to everything.

Still, for the first time in a long while, Alex felt like they had a real chance at something bigger.

And with the AI, the droids, and their determination, they were going to make that chance count.