
Shattered Cross: The Only Azur Lane Fic

Just a fic I do in my free time as an official NEET because of this virus outbreak. The fic will explore the side of Siren, and their struggle against the Azur lane. I don't care about the synopsis, just read the first and second chapter, zip and done.

Abbeysensei · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Chapter 1

Azur lane HQ

"What can you tell us miss Sheffield."

Asked a man with the naval officer uniform, a rank insignia on the left indicate that he was an admiral.

Sheffield passively looked over the room before speaking, addressing the dignitaries from each faction that sat in the conference room.

They were the respectable Kansen of the Azur lane. An alliance that formed for 5 long years after experiencing 2 wars.

On the left were once the member of the crimson axis. Tirpitz of the Iron blood, Kaga of the Sakura empire, Jean Bart of the newly reunited Iris Libre and Vichya Dominion, and Littorio of the Sardegna Empire, respectively. While on the side, Enterprise of Eagle Union, Hood of the Royal Navy, and Avrora of the North Union.

Though the conference should be gathered by all of the faction leaders, the current situation was not permitted to do so. Sheffield still closed her eyes, before parting her lips.

Each faction just needed to be informed, therefore it's fine to use current available ship or representative in the base.

"Two days ago, the 3rd Azure Fleet had a brief skirmish with the siren fleet at an abandoned coast city in the outskirts of the iron blood border." The maid said as the images are shown air surveillances, map, and some other intel.

There's also shown, a fleet of siren consisted of dozens of mass-produced ships mooring near the broken dockyard of the city.

"Intel indicated that the siren had combed through the ruins in search of something." It certainly didn't bore well, as every room inhabitant had a rather uneasy feeling about this.

"The Commander of 3rd fleet immediately sent a battle group consisted of 3 cruisers specializing in close-quarter combat, 1 aircraft carrier for support, and 2 battleships for immediate firepower. Other than that, an element of the 109th marine battalion was also participated to search the siren."

It's already a standard practice, a Kansen was not built to fight in the land. While they could fight just fine, they didn't have the same affinity as a human does in the land. Therefore, although a bit risky, battalion or even entire armored division will be deployed if the battle is on the land. The same also applies to the Siren, but luckily, they seem not to possess ground elements.

Then the image was switched, replaced by a video. Everyone watched with serious intent at the cam footage of the skirmish.

*Days of Ruin*

Near the narrow Canal of the city, as falling debris gathered deep in the water, and ruins or scorched buildings dominated the field, a flurry of steel collided.

Takao didn't waste her movement, as she tried to bisect the siren in half. Only for the path of her sword was being blocked by a translucent blue light. It was a battle of attrition at first, not before two volleys of shell saturated the area, and Takao jumped behind to safety as instructed on their radio.

She immediately dashed forward again after the barrage stopped, knowing that the siren won't be done for with just a few volleys. Her shield should be down at the moment, and that was their aim. Takao swings her katana downward almost bisecting the siren before she raised up her rigging and sparks of steel created from the collision.

Again, it was a battle of attrition before another volley reloaded from the battleship. In terms of raw power, the siren in front of her should've won should this farce continue. If she read the intel right, the siren in front of her was designated as Tester β. An opponent that they've faced countless times, yet she will crawl out of the woodworks every time like something never happened at all.

She was one of the toughest sirens, being categorized in a special case. As such, it almost takes the entire battlegroup just to bring her down.

Then again, the commander has devised an on-field tactic in this skirmish. A thunderous boom rang afar, Takao knowing the signal poised to slash the siren again.

With the Tester shield down, her defenses should have drastically lowered down to those of regular Kansen. Tester surprised by the sounds, in a brief moment, looked downward at the hole formed in her stomach and clutched in pain.

The bullet of the anti-material rifle was obviously won't do any real damage. But the Siren, so far, has shown to be capable to feel pain. And the bullet has already done what it's intended to do, distracting the siren and make a brief opening for Takao.

Fountain of blood spurned upward in brilliant crimson as Tester was bisected in half.

Takao didn't feel any remorse about the dead body, as marine personnel was hurriedly clean and place it to the body bags for further research.

She released a breath, before sliding back the sword to the scabbard. Her sister and Belfast should have dealt the other siren judging by the lack of battle sounds other than the other group who was assigned to destroy the mass-produced ship outside in the seas.

She looked at the tower where the shot originally came from. Looks like their teamwork has sharpened further with this skirmish, Sheffield assist with the rifle had helped her enough. Though the royal maid has already moved towards the other place, no doubt searching for the cause of why they were here in the first place.

"What? How boring. Tester you are a useless little prick, wasting our resources just like that." Everyone was alarmed at the new voice; Takao immediately grasped her katana again. The radio blared to live again, as communication becomes the new chaotic battlefield and sounds of battle could be heard from the other side.

"Right, miss little swordsman." Said the girl, who looked out of place in the scorched ruins with her pale complexion that further contrasted by her eyes that emit an unholy light of yellow. She wore the typical high schooler sports uniform of the Sakura Empire and further accentuated with her toned yet slim body.

Though what makes the marine tremble in fear is the thing that the siren rode. A floating mechanical shark, and in that moment the mouth protruded what it seems like an engine exhaust that emits a red glow.

She grinned, "It seems time and place need to be considered, for now, I must say my piece of farewell here."

Everyone knew immediately what was coming, as they scrambled through different directions to avoid casualties from the giant red beam.

*Don't Suffer Alone*

The room turned dark when the recording stopped.

"So, is this the danger you've spoken of?" Kaga asked the maid.

Tirpitz was admittedly shocked at the siren capabilities. They knew the last siren was the new designated Purifier, but it never shot a beam of pure light to the open oceans. The implication was already bad if the Siren started to field these kinds of weaponry, and she felt this wasn't the end of it.

"No. If you looked carefully at the casualties' rate, this is the yet largest we've ever faced since the last siren war two years ago. Thankfully no Kansen died in the last engagement."

It will be disastrous if Kansen died. Although they're near-immortal, it doesn't mean bringing them back was cheap. Wisdom cube is something to the rarest commodity, the only way to obtain it is to raid a siren outpost and supply ship.

"The siren we've ever faced so far, never engage us in terms of tactics other than psychological warfare. It is speculated so far, that they're content enough to face us through sheer technological advantage or it was their arrogancy."

"Hoh, are you implying something backward was happening on the last engagement." Enterprise critically said.

"As Miss enterprise said." The maid acknowledges the answer as she simulated the battlefield through tactical vantage from above. "After that brief engagement, the siren immediately launched a counter-attack. They're conversating and snarked with the Kansen throughout the engagement as usual, but it wasn't for useless banter because they were bored. The 109th Marine Battalion almost wiped out from the map after a sudden pincher attack from behind."

She pointed towards the image projection, as a few pawn symbols indicating the 109th battalion disappeared from the map one by one followed with the rest of the battlegroup when numerous red arrows surrounded them from all sides.

"In the end, it was a failure huh. To fall for such a simple feint." Enterprise rubbed her temple; they've grown far too complacent with the siren lack of attitude so far.

The maid was only answered with a, "Yes."

Another cam-footage was shown.

*A Silent Fault*

In a dilapidated ruin of 4th floored building that still clinging to the olden glory of past days. Half of the wall was shattered from a heavy caliber shell along with some parts of the floor. Nonetheless, it's the few buildings that still intact, and capable to give a vantage point of the ensuing battlefield below.

"Sigh, poor tester. To think we were so late to prevent her unnecessary death."

He was a boy who just looks like someone reaching his puberty. He sported the same feature as the Siren -Pale, eyes tainted in gold. His hair was the shade of light cream, nearing a blond. His article was practical, being a black naval officer uniform and a black coat overhanging from his shoulder.

"We can revive her later."

Came the reply from the girl beside him, she seated in a floating seat covered in black tentacles. Dozens of guns compartment and twin 4 barreled cannon pointed upward as a sign of inactivity. The girl barely covered her modesty, save from the instinctual tentacles that tried to cover it in its master place.

"That's not what I mean, don't you realize how cost-ineffective it is."

"Yes, but we still have the resources to revive her enough for dozens times."

The boy only sighed exasperatedly at his companion who giggled over his reaction. "Don't worry, you can do as you wish once we get off this rock."

"I'll see to it."

"Once her excellency approved that is."

He groaned at that. What a killjoy.

"I'm just kidding Co- no we can't call you that way again, can we?"

"That person has already gone the moment I opened my eyes." He said, having a different atmosphere than before. Almost like acceptance but with a firm resolution.

"I see, then we need to come up with a new codename just for you." She licked her lips mischievously as thinking several names that will suit their new addition.

"It seems purifier already started the party." He ignored his companion antic in favor of the light show below before giving an order to the entire siren fleet.

"Every group attack as the order I've relayed to you. I wish you good luck." He smiled impassively, "And purifier, do it in moderation."

"Okay!" She replied cheerfully over the radio com. Though he certainly assured that purifier didn't listen to the half thing he said.

He still retained the same smile for a moment before his eyes trailed behind him.

"It seems very rude of us to not invite our guests in, right, Frau Sheffield."

Two figures stepped out behind the pillars, it was Sheffield and another royal navy maid.

"Oh, to think they still paired you with Frau Edinburgh. You certainly make a fitting combo, an insect-hating Darwinist and a bundle of adorable Klutz."

Sheffield only maintained an impassive face, while Edinburgh flustered her face in red either of shame or embarrassed.

Forgetting that, they seemed surprised that the boy acknowledged them as a long disappearing acquaintance. Where do they have met him?

"Do we know you us, Mr. Siren?"

Edinburgh apparently, this time, beat Sheffield who about to ask the same question. Not wondering why she suddenly has a quick judgment to get out of her flustered states.

"More than you know." He said cryptically, not wanting to let out more pieces than necessary.

Inwardly he grimaces. Observer by no means a fighter, she was there just to observe. Her gun albeit large is useless in the confined space. Sheffield should have a high capability in Close quarter combat, not to mention she was a war veteran through and through.

And himself? He was barely able to stay conscious all this time, after waking up from his so-called sleep deep inside the secret bunker facility of the city. Even then, he is unarmed at the moment. Dealing a personified 3.000 tonnage of pure steel is practically impossible without the right equipment unless you're a superhuman.

At this time, what they need is to get a bargain card. A card that currently he possessed. He only needs to play the game well, lest he will come out of here scathed.

"Would you look at that, Frau Sheffield. You'll miss the fireworks if you're standing on the edge like that."

Said the boy as his eyes invited the two royal maids spectating the scorched ruins Purifier orchestrated for them. A few columns of flame ran ablaze running throughout the battlefield.

He smirked.

The Purifier is certainly his most favorite siren of all. She deliberately lowered the output just enough so all the men below will not be wiped out in a single hit but to die in a painful and slow death.

"What do you say, my dear honorable Ladies. Retreat now, or your Kansen is the next."

Observer, no pun intended, was only observing their exchanges in silence all this time. Though there's a satisfying tug of lips upward, as she watched the royal maids gawked at the sight like they couldn't choose whether to feel afraid, disgusted or horrified.

Their 6 ships can't bear the force of combined force of a dozen siren, even all of them except purifier is just the generic foot soldiers.

"How could you do that, that's more than 400 people down there!"

Shouted the foolish one of the two.

"The same thing you've done to my people." He shook his head with a solemn tone.

He raised his hand when the town-class older sister about to inquired again, "I give you five seconds to retreat off this city, or you shall watch 6 of your aces wiped out in a single blast." Then their eyes met, a sense of madness prevalent inside, "Rest be assured if the latter should happen, I shall enjoy every last bit of their hapless wail as their ember will be spread further for the Siren expansion in this world."

Sheffield only narrowed her eyes, before taking Edinburgh's hand and escaped the building wordlessly. She called the fleet commander, and informed him to retreat the fleet from every on-going conflict."

*We are the dead*

"You did an excellent job there." Commented the Observer with a smile.

"Just spare me of your praise. Our objective is to prevent their death and further evolve them into sizeable forces or guinea pigs, quite ironic really, that we're the bad guy here."

"Bad, evil, good, and just. In the end, all of that is just a mere concept to bind our mind frame. The moment we've embraced the cold depravity of technology, the moment we lost the comprehend of such an ineffective system."

"The end justifies the means, huh. I feel I have uttered such words more than I counted."

"It seems they've retreated. Now, let's return to our home, and call this a quit." Said Observer. A black mist enveloped them before all of the sirens in the area disappeared along with it.

*We suffer together*

"I think I will resign myself for now."

Tirpitz bowed, tipping her hat that cast a shadow on her face and leaves the room. Everyone just sat silently after those recordings, barely registering Tirpitz bar the Admiral and Sheffield.

"They have a commander or at least someone equivalent of it now."

Enterprise quietly said. Her face contorted into grimaces, such implication that the Siren will have additional firepower. A commander may be useless when facing a kansen, or even Siren. However, what makes them valuable was their wits and mind.

Siren was like a bunch of ragtag with just a super fancy toy that comes swinging to the near neighborhood with their biggest stick.

"I suggest we should watch this new element, and not to treat Siren lightly or the same case as before. The introduction of someone capable of providing the tactical feed to the entire siren fleet is a grief matter to not only our faction but the entire world" Hood with her soft voice chimed in, shifting the room atmosphere but they didn't get off track.

"How can you be certain of this miss hood for all we know he's just a pawn of their own games or even worse just a lab rat or something." Kaga looked at the pride of the royal navy.

"Yes, you're right." Hood smiled back at her, "Still, it's just natural to assume that the worst should happen. It won't be hurt to be prepared." Then her face shifted into an uncomfortable grim as she touched her chin as trying to remember something. "Other than that, I feel I have met the boy somewhere. If that's the case, then I certainly have the same feeling as miss Tirpitz."

"I see, I also feel a sense of familiarity with him," Kaga said.

"The same with me too, but why we can't remember anything then." Jean Bart saying her piece.

"Have you met someone similar during your services in the war." The admiral asked the two, hoping that they may unexpectedly uncover who was the boy commanding the siren.

"We Kansen only manifested just for 30 years long, years that infested with war as our mind preoccupied with every matter and problem. I'm afraid at those times targeting your enemy was far more important than remembering their names or face."

"No, don't you remember who was the proprietor of the last great war."

They only sat in the silence of what Avrora said. Of course, they would know, that very proprietor was once the leader of an empire, the first to manifest a kansen, and the one who revolutionized modern warfare and conduct.

An empire that spanned the entire continent, leaving a trail of destruction behind as they swept every land like a swarm of locust. Ultimately, he was defeated by the combined forces of the entire world, and with the help of those who were once, he called an ally.

From those Ashes, the remaining empire Kansen created the Iron Blood nation named from the main fleet of the empire, led by Chancellor Bismarck, the very first who saw the error of the previous leader.

It was rumored that the leader of the empire, at the time, was not the emperor, but instead through a single boy. No one knows of the truth, other than the Iron Blood Kansen that have defected from him. And again, they refuse to tell of his identity, claiming that he was better off be forgotten as the world heal of his own doing.

"You're saying that the boy was the empire leader that has been long dead." The admiral asked, quite disbelieving from the tone of his voice.

Avrora shook her head, "No, it's just mere conjecture. But if it's the siren we're talking about, then there's the possibility."

"She's right. He was also the first who bestows the knowledge of the Cube to the Sakura Empire at the time."

"And we from the union use his own against him."

The admiral only rubbed his forehead, believing he will gain wrinkles and white hair at the tender age of twenty-five.

"In summary, the boy's still unknown. He could be a long-dead leader of the empire, a genius with unparalleled skills in military and research. Tell me if we're not dead at the moment."

"No, certainly we aren't commander." Hood subtly grinned at the admiral.

"Don't call me that anymore Hood, I have a step above the rank now."

"Well, if it's the case, we can ask Tirpitz or Bismarck at a later point. They need to divulge the long-kept secret soon."

"I hope there will be just no bloodshed, you guys."

"Ah, don't you worry Admiral, I still have my own lady charm against Bismarck."

"Do it in moderation Hood." The admiral sweated. Although it's pretty cute when she teased the stoic iron-blood ship, sometimes the royal lady didn't know the concept of modesty once she gets carried away of her teasing.

"E-hem, as much as I love seeing this skit. I will resign myself, for now, thank you." Kaga bowed, leaving the room with the rest.