
Sharpshooter of Roya Online

It was an ominous day... it truly was. Heavy rain, dark clouds, thunder raging through the sky a young man ran for his life as he was chased by many people. Shots were fired. "You have nowhere to run now do you? you f**ker." After running for two hours the young man had come to a dead end. *bang* *bang* Shots were fired as the young boy's buddy was pierced by many bullets he fell to the ground. Eyes filled with nothing but hatred and regret. "Even if I die I will haunt you forever," said the young boy as he drew his last breath before dying. He only wanted to humiliate and destroy the man who put his mother through depression the man in question was his father that abandoned the family why? "Because I'm a pro gamer I don't have time to raise a kid" saying that the sorry excuse of a father left the family. The young boy was loathed by his depressed mother. He played the game Roya online just to become the best and humiliate his father who was hailed as a once-in-a-century genius but failed... His father ruthlessly ordered his man to kill him. Mr.Cyrus? Mr.Cyrus? Are my lessons boring to the point that you are sleeping? What? the young man was back in his high school days 10 years back in the past? Now confused as to what had happened the young man made a promise: If I have really come to the past and this is not some vile dream after my death. I will destroy that bastard's company and raise it to the ground.

Miyuki_Cat · เกม
14 Chs

Hard decision

[31 of May 2202. Roya Online Forums.]

My Long Shlang: Bros I'm telling you guys Cyrus is the next ultimate gamer.

Huge Donger: Facts his father is washed up in just 12 in-game days Cyrus made 3 world announcements where is Johnathan at? that pussio

Obnoxious Femboy: that prick is probably buying condoms.

Mad Lad from 2022: Cyrus pls use me as your cock sleeve.

Cyrus Shahmanesh_fanboy: @Mad Lad from 2022 You wish bitch he is not into boys.

Dong Lover6969: @Cyrus Shahmanesh_fanboy it 2202 gender is not a concept anymore its more like a preference at this point.

I AM LOGICAL: Why are you guys changing the topic from Cyrus's achievements to sexuality. can we all agree that he is a certified pro gamer?

Cyrus lover #1: Does Cyrus have Inistigram?

Still waiting for halflife 3: @Cyrus lover #1 Aren't you, his fan why are asking that inside the forums.

#1 Analyser: Cheats I smell Cheats I have Logic and Reasons He is Cheating it's All hoax.

ADMIN: User @#1 Analyser has been banned for spreading false information.

I maxed out my toxic levels: @#1 Analyser. Idiot, it's 2202 you can't even cheat your wife without her not knowing and he is the young master of the Shahmanesh family unlike you he is a prodigy. #Fuck_John #Cyrus_The_Best #LONG_SHLONG_GANG


Forums were on fire for a while but Cyrus didn't bother with forums, as he had his own family to deal with.

Cyrus got on the elevator and selected the Family floor after a short while he reached the family floor as soon as the door opened the first to greet him was Donovan son of Leila, Cyrus's Auntie.

Donovan and his twin Sister Dorcey were like Cyrus's real siblings to the point that both kids loved Cyrus more than their own mother and father and Cyrus loved the two of them more than anyone in the household it was a bond that no one could understand how could one love their cousin more than parents? No one knew.

Donovan was a big fellow even though he was 15 thanks to his behemoth of a father Liam whose 2.40CM and the genetics of the Shahmanesh family all being above average with the tallest being Benjamin at 2.20CM and Shortest at 1.80CM Leila.

Donovan at the age of 15 was 1.90CM everyone that saw him thought he was 20 years old or something.

Although he didn't seem like a little brother to most and would soon surpass Cyrus who was 1.93CM tall to Cyrus he was a cute cuddly little brother and he certainly never treated him like he was older than his age.

Next to greet Cyrus was Dorcey she was a tsundere and always hid her feelings for Cyrus but everyone knew how much Dorcey loved Cyrus she had a strong brother complex, in several cases where people in her school badmouthed Cyrus and called him a bastard she certainly did not hold back to share her opinion with them.

Dorcey looked at Cyrus with proud eyes but didn't say anything and turned around to leave Cyrus patted her head and moved towards the living room where the rest of the family was gathered, Dorcey blushed because she liked it when Cyrus patted her and was nice to her, though instead of saying something good she pouted and said "Don't treat me like a kid *hmph*" before leaving.

Cyrus chuckled, and Donovan facepalmed, why couldn't she be honest with her opinion? nobody knew.

Cyrus saw all of the family members gathered Benjamin the grandfather was having fun in the bar section drinking some alcohol while watching the news.

Esther the grandmother was peeling some fruit with the maids as she was telling them how talented Cyrus is.

Liam, Leila's Huband hugged Cyrus and greeted him as he genuinely considered Cyrus like his own son no different from Donovan after all before Donovan and Dorcey were born Cyrus lived with them on their floor.

3 uncles, Diana oldest Uncle's Wife, and Lilia Second Uncle's wife were also present

It was a lively atmosphere but when Cyrus walked in everyone got serious.

Arvin Cyrus's butler was also present but he didn't like interfering in family matters and moved towards Benjamin.

Cyrus sat down after greeting everyone enjoying some snacks, nobody talked and after 10 minutes several individuals entered the room.

Secretary of Rostam and some Elite gamers of the Pasargad guild came in while respectfully greeting everyone. (Shahnameh families company is called Pasargad and so are the other properties)

The already serious atmosphere got more serious as they showed their true face.

Cyrus was nonchalant tho even if all of these people got together they couldn't do jack shit to him if he didn't want to say anything, Liam and Benjamin were always clear about who they supported, Cyrus had withdrawn from the family business and inheritance as he just wanted to live a normal life after doing so the respect that Liam and Benjamin held for Cyrus grow stronger and they vowed to always support him no matter what.

Although the family seemed happy on the surface Rostam and Darius were eyeing the inheritance like hungry wolves. Liam and Leila weren't planning to back down either.

Sohrab the youngest uncle? much like Cyrus, he didn't give a fuck.

Cyrus smirked at the pro gamers and scuffed at them Cyrus knew these 4 bastards well in his past life, when Cyrus decided to play Roya Online and didn't have much knowledge about the game they kept making fun of him.

Of course, Cyrus and Marcus beat the fuck out of them IRL still it didn't change the fact that Cyrus hated them.

Both uncles looked at Sohrab and nodded, Sohrab was extremely close to Cyrus and so they wanted to let Sohrab handle the negotiation.

Sohrab straightened up and looked serious and said: So little Cyrus...

Two uncles now were more serious and anticipated the million-dollar question.

Sohrab continues: Did you find any clues about where one might find succubuses?

Cyrus let out an audible sigh and got serious, and looked at Sohrab straight in the eyes.

Sohrab got more serious and droplets of sweat formed on his face waiting for Cyrus's answer Cyrus then replied: Huff... are mountain goblins good enough?

Sohrab immediately lost all interest and became depressed got up and start leaving the room while saying: "Sigh... I guess you are useless to little Cyrus" while a drop of tear rolled down from his right eye.

Pro gamers and Secretary were confused while 2 uncles and 2 wives facepalmed.

Benjamin looked proud and said: "As expected from my son he is just like me"

As to what Esther did to him after that remark well it's up to you to imagine.

Rostam sat straight and looked at Cyrus and said: Well, Leaving Sohrab's question and endeavor aside can you tell us how you leveled up so fast and how you found a dungeon so easily.

Cyrus didn't dislike his Uncles but he didn't like the two either he hated how they always eyed the inheritance and so he nonchalantly replied: "Why don't you ask your elites to find a dungeon for you I'm sure they are getting paid good I'm not, in fact, I have never used the families money while you two keep spending it on this two-dollar pro gamer and your so-called business. it's my first time playing a game and I found a dungeon shouldn't they be able to do so?

This remark was true as Cyrus always used the money he had earned from the matches he participated in or tournaments that he had won.

Darius frowned and said: "Hmph as expected from the son of Johnatan Like father like so-

Before he could finish his remark Cyrus had launched at him, with one hand he held Darius's face, while his other hand had blood dripping from it, he was holding a shattered sharp piece of glass, Cyrus looked at him and said: Uncle you are my elder and I respect you dearly but your remark is not something I can overlook you are now overstepping a redline that one shouldn't, more than anyone in this world you guys should know how much I hate that bastard so pls refrain from saying such things.

Although he talked respectfully his eyes were filled with rage and he looked like a madman. this was the only shortcoming that Cyrus had he couldn't control his temper and things got worse in his past life after certain events.

Benjamin closed in and grabbed Cyrus by the back of his neck pulling him away Liam opened his other hand and took out the piece of glass then a nursing bot came and start treating Cyrus's hand.

Everyone from the family including the butlers and maids gave Darius the stink eye.

Rostam sighed and said: I do apologize on the behalf of my little brother but you should realize that we are family and going to the extreme length of threatening your uncle for an empty remark is not what one should do. so how much are you going to sell the information for?

Cyrus frowned deeply at himself for being impulsive he wanted to use the main guild in order to get revenge on the bastards of Atlas guild aka Johnatans guild but for him, his pride was more important and he could always make his own guild.

Cyrus said: 100 mills for a book with most of the low and mid-tier monster's weaknesses, habits, and habitats.

10 billion for the direct location of 2 hidden dungeons around your beginner village.

Rostam looked at the stifled Darius and let out another sigh and said: Yeah sure give me information and I will pay the money.

Cyrus replied: Give me the money and you book later when one of your so-called elites reaches level 15 and meets up with me at the capital.

Rostam nodded to his secretary and she took out her tablet and transferred the money to Cyrus.

Cyrus then wrote the direct coordination of the dungeons on his phone and send the message to Rostam then took his leave while gesturing for Arvin to follow him.

After Cyrus left Esther said: You two better apologize to him, more than anyone you two useless uncles should know how much Cyrus is affected by the events that happened due to his father and you know that's the reason he never uses any money from the family.

Dorcey was crying at a corner while Donovan looked like he could kill someone at any moment a single glance from Benjamin was enough to send shiver down the spine of pro gamers and uncles.

Arvin looked at Cyrus and said: Where to young master?

"Velasquez families tower"

"Don't tell me you are going to hire assassins to get rid of them?"

"Like hell I would, just drive"

After reaching the Velasquez tower Cyrus went inside everyone greeted him, it was common knowledge that Cyrus was as important as Marcus to the employees of the Velasquez family.

One of the beautiful secretaries escorted Cyrus to Erik's room while staring at his face with a blush Cyrus was oblivious though, as he had many things on his mind.

Cyrus greeted Erik surprisingly Marcus was also there usually Marcus would be playing games and too busy to come to the tower.

Erik pushed a file towards Cyrus and said: "The information you wanted"

Cyrus looked through the file and nodded it was as he remembered.

Erik looked more serious than ever and asked: Kill or rescue?

Cyrus laid back and faced the ceiling as he remembered the events of his past life.

Marcus was still examining his hand and wondering which unlucky bastard had enraged Cyrus.

After 10 minutes of Silence, Cyrus looked at Erik and said pls let me think more about it.

Erik nodded and said call me and say 1 for me to send a squad to eliminate her 2 for rescue.

Cyrus left the Velasquez family and told Arvin to take him to the Shahmanesh family's bar and Arvin did as Cyrus asked.

After entering the bar Everyone greeted Cyrus with respect Cyrus entered the most luxurious room and ordered 2 bottles of Grape vodka, a Persian special.

Several tears rolled down Cyrus's face while he thought about the last moments of his life and how his mother had sold him out to Johnatan just to save her Daughter, that was held captive at the hand of Johnatan.

As he was drowning himself in more and more alcohol he saw a face he never wished to see probably the only thing that had affected him more than anything else in his past life.

The young master of the Sundberg family.