
Chapter 15: Sabaody Archipelago(I)

Luffy pointed ahead. "Look, there's an island up ahead!"

The crew finally arrived at Sabaody Archipelago, a place unlike any other they had seen before. As they approached, Camie and Pappag explained to them the two ways of reaching the New World. "You can either request permission from the World Government and pass through Mary Geoise," Camie began, "or go the tougher route through Fish-Man Island."

Luffy, eyes wide with excitement, immediately perked up. "Fish-Man Island sounds fun!"

Camie nodded, "Yeah, but to get there safely, you'll need a special coating on your ship."

Hatchan chimed in, "I know just the guy who can do it! I'd bet my life on his skills. But there's something you all need to promise me." His voice grew serious. "You have to avoid the World Nobles at all costs. Even if you see someone get killed right in front of you, do not interfere."

Nami looked confused. "World Nobles? Who are they?"

Hatchan explained, "They're people who live in Mary Geoise. They think they're above everyone else and can do whatever they want. Trust me, it's better to steer clear of them."

Itachi listened carefully and came to a conclusion. "So, what you're saying is, I think the Marines are also involved in this, aren't they?"

Hatchan nodded in agreement. "Yeah, that's correct."

Itachi thought for a moment, reflecting on the situation. "There are always people who misuse their power," he said with a sigh.

As they docked, the crew couldn't help but be amazed by the sight before them—gigantic trees with roots so thick they formed groves, and bubbles rising all around the island.

"Wow, look at those bubbles!" Luffy exclaimed, jumping up and down in excitement. "Can we pop them?"

Chopper and Usopp were equally fascinated. "This place is so cool!" Chopper said, his eyes sparkling.

"Alright, everyone," Nami started, "Usopp, Franky, and Sanji, you stay on the Sunny to repair the damages and keep an eye on the treasure."

Sanji nodded, though a bit reluctantly, "Fine, fine. I'll make sure no one touches the treasure, Nami-swan!"

Usopp, on the other hand, was already thinking about how to fix the ship. "We need to patch up those holes quickly. We don't know what kind of dangers this island holds."

As the crew prepared to explore, Zoro was the last to leave the ship. Everyone was a bit surprised.

"Zoro, you're usually the first to wander off," Brook noted, tilting his head in curiosity.

Zoro crossed his arms, looking uncharacteristically thoughtful. "Yeah, but I'm gonna try something different this time. I'll just follow the numbers on these grove trees to find my way back. We're docked at Grove 41, right?"

Nami, trying not to laugh, gave him a stern look. "Yes, but make sure you remember it's 41, not anything else."

Zoro nodded confidently. "Got it. 1. I'll remember."

Nami's jaw dropped. "No, Zoro! It's 41, not 1! Look at the tree!"

Zoro blinked in confusion, pointing at a nearby tree marked "1," thanks to a floating bubble partially blocking the actual number. "Huh? Are you sure?"

The rest of the crew sighed collectively.

Luffy grinned, patting Zoro on the shoulder. "Just ask for directions if you get lost, Zoro. And don't trust yourself too much on this one!"

Zoro grumbled, "Fine, fine. But I won't get lost this time."

Itachi stepped forward and said, "I'll go with him. I have some errands to run as well."

Robin looked at him curiously. "What errands do you have, Itachi?"

"I just need to pick up some kunai and shurikens," he replied simply.

Robin nodded, and Itachi added, "Don't worry, it's Grove 41, not 1. Let's go."

Zoro grumbled under his breath, "Fine, let's go," and they headed off together.

Nami sighed in relief and said, "I'm glad we don't have to worry about Zoro anymore."

Robin giggled and added, "Yes, now he has someone to help him with directions."

Usopp chuckled, "Yeah, Itachi will make sure he doesn't get lost."

Sanji smirked and chimed in, "About time someone babysits the moss-head. Maybe Itachi can teach him how to read a map while they're at it."

Zoro shot a glare back at Sanji. "Shut it, curly-brow. I don't need a babysitter."

Sanji laughed. "Sure you don't, marimo. Just don't wander into Grove 1 again, or we might have to call the Admirals ourselves!"

The crew laughed as they headed off into the lively island

As Luffy, Nami, Chopper, Robin, and Brook strolled around Sabaody Archipelago, they marveled at its unique charm. Hatchan, Camie, and Pappag guided them through the lively island, but Hatchan had a serious warning. "Remember, don't draw too much attention to yourselves. Even though pirates can walk around freely here, so can Marines and bounty hunters," he cautioned. "And if you're caught and sold as a slave, the law won't protect you. So, stay low."

Chopper's eyes widened with concern. "Sold as slaves? That's terrible!"

Hatchan nodded. "Yeah, it's a harsh reality here. And listen, it'd be easier for us if you just treated Camie and me like regular people." He even covered the mark on his forehead with a bandage, which Luffy noticed.

Luffy tilted his head, curious. "Hey, Hatchan, why are you covering that up?"

Hatchan gave a small smile. "It's just to avoid trouble, Luffy."

The Fish-Man then showed them the wonders of the island. They saw people making bikes out of bubbles, using them for all sorts of transportation, and even holding their souvenirs in balloon-like bubbles. There were bubble hotels and shopping malls too, which instantly caught Nami's eye.

Nami grinned, nudging Robin. "A shopping mall made out of bubbles? We have to check that out!"

Robin nodded, smiling softly. "Sounds like a unique experience." and she thought I might buy something for him

As Nami and Robin departed from the group to explore the shops, Robin noticed something off about Camie. "You seem a bit reserved since we arrived," Robin remarked gently.

Camie forced a smile. "Oh, it's nothing… Just a bit nervous being back here, that's all."

Meanwhile, the group heard a commotion nearby. A Pirate Captain ran through the town, panic written all over his face. "Please, someone help me get this collar off!" he pleaded with the onlookers. "I've given up on the New World. I just want to go home to my wife and child—my kid hasn't even seen me since they were a baby!"

Luffy's eyes narrowed with concern, but before he could act, Hatchan stepped in. "Don't help him," he said sternly. "He's a slave of the World Nobles. Interfering will only cause trouble."

Before the crew could respond, the collar around the captain's neck suddenly exploded. The crowd gasped, but the captain, though badly injured, continued to beg feebly to be let go. From above a building, a shadowed figure holding an axe and a bounty poster observed the scene.

Just then, two World Nobles, Rosward and his daughter, Shalria, made their entrance, causing everyone around to bow in fear. Their dog, Saru, casually urinated on the charred captain, and Shalria, with a cruel smirk, kicked him aside before shooting him with a pistol.

Luffy clenched his fists, anger boiling inside him as he watched. He took a step forward, ready to intervene, but Hatchan quickly held him back. "Don't, Luffy! They're World Nobles!"

Rosward and Shalria walked away as if nothing had happened, discussing buying another slave.

Nami, still shaken by what she saw, turned to Hatchan. "How could they treat someone like that? That pirate looked strong enough to fight them off."

Pappag shook his head. "It doesn't matter how strong you are. If you harm a World Noble, the Marines will call an Admiral to hunt you down."

Chopper looked horrified. "An Admiral? Just for hurting one of them?"

Pappag nodded solemnly. "The World Nobles are the descendants of those who created the World Government. They abuse their power, and no one dares to oppose them because of the consequences."

Despite witnessing the cruelty of the World Nobles, Luffy and his group pressed on, navigating the lively yet dangerous streets of the Sabaody Archipelago. Along the way, they encountered a few bounty hunters who seemed eager to test their luck against the Straw Hats.

"These guys just don't quit, do they?" Luffy said with a grin, cracking his knuckles.

Chopper, in his monster form, nodded. "Yeah, but they're not very strong. This won't take long!"

Brook drew his sword. "Indeed. Shall we make this quick, then?"

With little effort, Luffy, Chopper, and Brook dispatched the bounty hunters, leaving them in a heap on the ground. As they continued, they found themselves entering Grove 16, a place that immediately felt different.

"This place looks kinda rough," Nami noted, glancing around at the shady characters lurking in the shadows.

Hatchan nodded in agreement. "Grove 16 is part of the lawless region of Sabaody. Groves 1 to 29 make up the interior of the island, and they're all like this—no real rules or order. But the surrounding Groves are a bit different; they're more about entertainment and shopping."

"That makes sense," Robin mused. "It's a strange mix of danger and leisure here."

After winding through the chaotic streets for a bit longer, they finally reached Grove 13, where a small bar stood quietly among the towering trees. Hatchan gestured to it. "This is the place. The coating engineer we're looking for usually stays here."

As they stepped inside, they were greeted by a woman behind the bar, smoking a cigarette with a relaxed smile. "Welcome to my bar," she said warmly. "Name's Shakuyaku, but you can call me Shakky. And it looks like you've brought some interesting guests, Hatchan."

"Hi, Shakky!" Hatchan waved. "It's been a while. These are the Straw Hats I was telling you about."

Shakky raised an eyebrow, looking them over. "So, you're the ones causing all that ruckus out there on the seas. I've been following your exploits, you know. And I have to say, I'm impressed. Garp used to chase me around in my pirate days, so I know a bit about what you're up against."

"Garp? You mean Grandpa?" Luffy exclaimed, surprised.

Shakky laughed softly. "That's right, your grandpa. We had some fun times, though he was always a bit too serious for my liking."

Nami leaned forward. "We're looking for a man named Rayleigh. Hatchan said he's the coating engineer who can help us."

Shakky nodded. "You're right, but Rayleigh's not here at the moment. He hasn't left the island, though. He's just been wandering around, hitting up bars and casinos. It's been about half a year since he's been back."

Luffy, never discouraged, grinned. "Then we'll just wait for him here!"

Shakky chuckled at his enthusiasm. "You could, but who knows how long that'll take? Rayleigh goes where he pleases. If you want to find him, you might have to look around a bit."

Robin looked thoughtful. "Sounds like we have our work cut out for us."

Shakky gave them a friendly warning. "Be careful while you're searching. With you guys here, there are now eleven rookie pirates with bounties over 100 million berries on the island. Luffy, you've got the second highest bounty among them. That kind of notoriety draws a lot of attention."

Luffy just smiled confidently. "That's fine by me. We can handle whatever comes our way."

As the Straw Hats wandered around Sabaody, the island was buzzing with activity, especially in Grove 24, where most of the Supernovas had gathered.

Inside a bustling restaurant, Capone "Gang" Bege was not in a good mood. He sat at a table surrounded by his crew, but instead of enjoying his meal, he was grumbling about the food. "This slop is barely edible," he complained, scowling at his plate.

One of his crew members, nervously eyeing the Marines outside, tried to warn him. "Boss, maybe we should—"

Before he could finish, Bege stabbed the guy's hand with a fork. "Shut it! I'm trying to eat," he snapped, his voice dripping with annoyance.

Across the room, another Supernova, "Big Eater" Jewelry Bonney, was living up to her name. Piles of empty plates surrounded her as she demanded more food. "Hurry up!" she yelled at the frantic cooks. "I'm starving here!"

The cooks, sweating bullets, were doing their best to keep up. "We're going as fast as we can, miss!"

Nearby, "The Magician" Basil Hawkins observed the chaos with a calm, almost eerie expression. A pirate accidentally spilled spaghetti on him, and Hawkins looked at him with a blank stare. "It seems today is an unlucky day for you," he said ominously.

Meanwhile, outside in another part of Grove 24, two more rookies were causing a ruckus. Eustass "Captain" Kid and "Roar of the Sea" Scratchmen Apoo were locked in a fierce brawl. Fists flew and shouts echoed as they clashed, each one trying to prove they were the strongest.

In Grove 21, things weren't much different. "The Mad Monk" Urouge, a towering figure with a manic grin, was squaring off against the masked "Massacre Soldier" Killer. They were on the verge of going all out, tension crackling in the air.

Just as they were about to unleash their attacks, "Red Flag" X Drake stepped in. A former Marine Rear Admiral, Drake moved between them with authority. "Enough," he said firmly, his presence alone making them hesitate.

As Drake continued on his way, another rookie, "Surgeon of Death" Trafalgar Law, leaned against a wall, watching him. "Hey, Drake," Law called out, his tone casual yet probing. "How many people have you killed?"

Drake glanced back, his expression unreadable. "Enough," he replied, and walked away, leaving Law with a smirk on his face.

Shakky leaned back in her chair, looking at Luffy and the group with a sly smile. "All the pirates beyond this point are the best of the best," she said. "But just so you know, Kid only has a higher bounty than you, Luffy, because he caused damage to civilians. It's not because he's stronger." She then added with a wink, "I'm rooting for you guys."

Luffy, seemingly unfazed by the competition, just grinned. "That's okay. I think I'll just relax for now," he said, but there was a hint of concern in his voice about the engineer they were supposed to find.

Shakky reassured him, "Don't worry about Rayleigh. He's much stronger than any of the rookies here. He'll be fine."

With that, Luffy's group left the bar to start their search for Rayleigh. As they headed out, Shakky gave them a final piece of advice. "The Marines know there are big names on the island, but they're preoccupied with something else right now. Just try not to make a big scene, okay?"

Meanwhile, in another part of Sabaody, a kidnapping group led by a large man named 'Hound Pets' Peterman had caught wind of Camie being a mermaid from the bounty hunters the Straw Hats had fought earlier. Peterman and his crew were planning to kidnap her.

Luffy's group made their way to Groves 32, 33, and 34, also known as Bubbles Island, the area with Sabaody Park—the island's theme park. Instead of seriously searching for Rayleigh, they ended up enjoying themselves, riding all the attractions, and even fulfilling Camie's dream of riding the Ferris wheel. Little did they know, Peterman was tailing them closely.

Elsewhere in Grove 24, Saint Charlos was throwing a tantrum, having been left behind by his sister Shalria and their father. To vent his frustration, he kicked the pirate he was using as a human steed. As he stomped around, he spotted a group of doctors rushing a gravely injured man on a stretcher. Feeling insulted by what he perceived as their lack of respect for his presence, Charlos ordered them to stop.

His gaze landed on a nurse named Marie, and without hesitation, he declared, "You'll be my new wife!"

Marie and her fiancée, one of the doctors, immediately objected, trying to protect her. But Charlos, enraged, pulled out a pistol and shot the doctor, causing Marie to scream in horror. Ignoring her cries, he ordered his servants to drag Marie away.

At that moment, Zoro and Itachi wandered onto the scene, deep in a friendly argument. "I got my kunai and shuriken at a great price," Itachi said with a hint of satisfaction.

Zoro smirked. "Yeah, well, this should be fun," he replied, clearly up for some adventure. Neither of them paid any attention to the commotion around them.

Charlos, noticing them blocking his path, stepped forward with a sneer. "You there, move aside," he demanded.

Zoro, oblivious to Charlos's status, asked casually, "Need directions or something?"

Itachi glanced at Zoro and said, "No one would ask you for directions, Zoro."

Zoro bristled. "What did you say?"

"You heard me," Itachi replied calmly.

Their casual banter and complete disregard for Charlos's authority made the noble's eyes widen in disbelief and rage. Insulted by their lack of deference, Charlos pulled out his pistol and fired at them both. Zoro easily dodged the bullet, ready to strike back, while Itachi used a genjutsu to make it look like he was hit.

Before either of them could make another move, Jewelry Bonney dashed forward, tackling both to the ground. "Are you two idiots trying to get us all killed?!" she hissed, putting on an act as if they had been shot.

Charlos, convinced by her performance, sneered in satisfaction and walked away, his entourage following close behind.

As soon as Charlos was out of sight, Bonney sprang up, furious. "Do you have any idea what you almost did?!" she shouted. "You could've brought the Admirals down on all of us!"

Zoro, still looking a bit confused, just shrugged. "I don't see what the big deal is," he said nonchalantly, as Itachi helped the wounded doctor to his feet. "We should get this guy to a hospital."

Bonney stared at them in disbelief. "You're pirates… why do you care?" she muttered under her breath.

Itachi, hearing her, looked at her calmly. "Because he's in pain," he said softly.

Meanwhile, some of the other Supernovas, who had been watching from a distance, were quietly impressed by Zoro's strength and the murderous aura he had displayed. A few of them couldn't help but feel uneasy at the sight of Itachi's intense gaze, his Sharingan reflecting a power they couldn't quite comprehend.

"That Zoro... he's a beast," Killer muttered, his voice barely above a whisper. "I've seen strong fighters, but he's on a whole different level."

Capone Bege nodded in agreement. "And that guy with the red eyes... Itachi Uchiha, right? He's got a chilling aura about him."

"I heard he's got a bounty of 100 million Berries," Killer said, his eyes widening. "And they say he can transform into a giant with a sword and shield."

Bege raised an eyebrow. "A giant, huh? That's a pretty unique ability. I wonder what his Devil Fruit is."

"Maybe it's something related to swords or armor," Killer suggested. "But it very huge bounty for the first timer."

"Whatever it is, he's definitely a force to be reckoned with," Bege replied. "I wouldn't want to cross paths with him."

Back on the Thousand Sunny, Franky, Usopp, and Sanji were taking a break when the Den Den Mushi suddenly rang. It was Chopper, sounding frantic on the other end. "Guys, Camie's been kidnapped!"

"What?!" Usopp shouted. "How did that happen?"

Chopper quickly explained, "Peterman's gang ambushed Luffy's group and managed to snatch her. The worst part is we don't know which group took her or where she is! This island is huge, and there are so many human shops here. We have no idea where to start looking."

Sanji, trying to stay calm, replied, "Alright, Chopper, just stay put for now. Since this is a kidnapping gang we're dealing with, we need experts who know this kind of situation." He then pulled out his Den Den Mushi and dialed a familiar number. "I'm calling the Flying Fish Riders."

A short while later, Duval and his gang arrived at the Sunny. Duval didn't waste any time. "Alright, Straw Hats, let's get to work."

Meanwhile, back at Sabaody Park, Luffy, Hatchan, and Pappag had split up from the group to search for Camie despite Sanji's orders to stay put. They left Chopper and Brook behind to cover more ground. The Flying Fish Riders quickly caught up with them, and they all set off to find Camie. The Riders split up, some of them looking for kidnapping teams while others went to gather the remaining Straw Hats.

Over in Grove 22, Luffy was shaking down a human shop owner, demanding to know if they had Camie. The shop owner denied it, so Luffy, Hatchan, and Pappag left, shouting for Camie as they went and attracting quite a bit of attention.

Pappag was visibly upset, blaming himself for Camie's kidnapping. "It's my fault! I went to get ice cream for her, and that's when they took her. I should never have brought her here in the first place! This whole island is against us. Not just the kidnappers, but everyone!"

In a shopping mall in Grove 30, Robin was explaining the history of the relationship between humans, fish-men, and mermen to Nami. "Two hundred years ago, the Fish-Men race was considered just that—fish. They were persecuted by humans. Even with their superior strength, the numbers were against them. Kidnapping and slave trading were common methods used against the Fish-Men."

Nami listened intently, her expression serious. Robin continued, "Eventually, the World Government signed a treaty with Fish-Man Island, and those practices were supposed to be abolished. But as you can see, here on Sabaody Archipelago, the trade still continues."

Just as Robin finished explaining, a few of the Fish Riders arrived. Franky quickly briefed them on what happened to Camie.

Back in Grove 22, Pappag was still lamenting their situation to Luffy. Hatchan tried to apologize for causing trouble, but Luffy cut him off. "There's nothing to apologize for. You two didn't do anything wrong. We're all friends now, and I promise we'll save Camie, no matter what."

Just as Luffy made his vow, they spotted the Flying Fish Riders heading their way.

Meanwhile, in Grove 1, at a human auction house, Peterman had just left after delivering Camie to the auctioneer. Shortly after, Rosward and Shalria arrived at the auction house. Kid, Killer, and their crew were also there, along with Trafalgar Law.

Inside the waiting room, Camie was brought before the head auctioneer, Disco. He was thrilled to have a young mermaid for the auction. When Camie shouted that Hatchan would make them pay, Disco slapped her, angered by her defiance. But before he could continue beating her, his subordinates intervened, reminding him not to "damage the merchandise."

Camie, still defiant, repeated her threat, but before Disco could get angrier, he suddenly collapsed to the floor, unconscious.

As his staff rushed to find a doctor, one of the captives, a giant, whispered to another, "That was a burst of spirit. I know it was you who did that."

The culprit, a mysterious figure, replied, "I'm just an old man who can't ignore a young girl in trouble."

That man turned out to be none other than Silvers Rayleigh, the former First Mate of the Roger Pirates, the Pirate King's right-hand man.

The auction began with a pirate musician and winemaker as the first items up for bidding. Meanwhile, the Straw Hats were still scattered across Sabaody, desperately searching for Camie. While questioning one of the kidnappers, Usopp overheard that a mermaid was set to be auctioned off at the human auction house. Realizing it could be Camie, he quickly called the others to let them know.

Sanji, riding with Duval, was growing impatient. "Why are you going so slow?" he barked at Duval.

But Duval calmly replied, "We're already heading to Grove 1, where the auction house is. Relax."

They arrived at Grove 1 just as Chopper did, with Franky, Nami, Pappag, and Hatchan showing up shortly after. The rest of the crew was still on their way, but Zoro and Itachi, unaware of the situation, were heading back to Grove 41.

As they walked, Itachi said, "I don't have a good feeling about this."

Zoro nodded in agreement. "Yeah, I feel the same. It feels like something's about to happen."

Itachi suggested, "Let's move faster."

Zoro nodded, and they quickened their pace.

Once they gathered outside the auction house, they tried questioning an employee for information about Camie. But the employee refused to help them. Frustrated, Franky suggested they bust in and use force to save her.

Sanji shook his head, reminding everyone of the dangerous reality. "If we do that and a World Noble is inside, they'll call the Admirals on us."

Nami then had a different idea. "Let's try to play by their rules for now. We'll go in and try to buy Camie back."

Hatchan and Pappag were moved to tears by Nami's willingness to help, knowing they couldn't repay her kindness.

As they entered the auction house, Kid, one of the Supernovas, noticed the group but couldn't see Luffy with them. He muttered to himself, "Where's that idiot Luffy? How big of an idiot can he be?"

Meanwhile, a few of the other Supernovas were reading a newspaper. They discovered why there was a noticeable shortage of Marines in Sabaody, despite its proximity to Marine Headquarters. The paper reported that Portgas D. Ace was scheduled for a public execution, which would undoubtedly provoke Whitebeard's wrath and ignite a war between him and the Marines.

Back at the auction, Saint Charlos, one of the World Nobles, made a grand entrance, joining the other nobles. As the next item, a pirate captain named Lacuba, was brought onto the stage, the mood in the auction house shifted.

Before any bids could be placed, Lacuba suddenly started bleeding from the mouth and collapsed to the floor. Disco, the auctioneer, quickly closed the curtain, hiding the scene. Sanji, watching from the audience, whispered, "He must've bitten his own tongue off. He'd rather die than be sold into slavery."

Disco, trying to keep the auction moving smoothly, decided it was time to bring out the next item: Camie. She was fitted with an explosive collar and placed inside a large fishbowl, making it clear to everyone that this would be a high-stakes auction.

As the auction continued, Disco proudly introduced Camie to the crowd, describing her as a rare and valuable mermaid. Nami, knowing they needed to save her, got ready to place a bid. But before she could even speak, Saint Charlos, one of the World Nobles, shouted, "Beli 500,000,000!" His sudden, massive bid left everyone in the auction house stunned. No one dared to outbid him, and it seemed like the auction for Camie was going to end right then and there.

Just as Disco was about to finalize the sale, a loud crash echoed through the room. Everyone turned to see Luffy crashing through the auction house ceiling, having been dropped off by a Fish Rider who didn't quite land properly. Right behind him was Zoro and Itachi, who had also been picked up on the way. The crowd and even the other Straw Hats were shocked by the sudden arrival of their three strongest members.

Nami said, "You came at just the right time!"

Zoro grumbled, "Luffy, never do that again."

Itachi, with an intimidating look and his Eternal Mangekyo Sharingan eyes, added, "Yes, Luffy."

Luffy, with a sweat drop on his face, quickly replied, "Okay, okay!"

Usopp, scared by Itachi's glare, asked, "What happened?"

Zoro sighed and began to explain. "What happened was..."


Itachi and Zoro were walking, nearly reaching the deck, when they both heard a shout.

"Zoro! Itachi!"

They stopped, and Zoro said, "Did you hear that? It's Luffy."

Itachi nodded, "Yes, I heard it."

They heard the shout again, and suddenly, both felt a tug. Zoro and Itachi widened their eyes in realization.

Zoro grumbled, "This is the same pattern every time."

Itachi wasn't even trying to resist as they were pulled up by Luffy onto the Fish Rider.

Zoro stomped towards Luffy and said, "Don't do that again."

Itachi added in an eerie voice, "I strongly recommend you don't."

Luffy, sweating nervously, said, "It's an emergency! Camie has been kidnapped—we have to help her!"

Itachi calmed down and said, "Let me guess, slave trade?"

Luffy nodded seriously, "Yeah."

Zoro then calmed down, and Itachi followed suit. "Very well," Itachi said, "let's go."

Flashback ends.

"That's what happened," Zoro finished explaining. Itachi looked around and asked, "Where are Robin, Brook, and Usopp?"

Sanji replied, "They're on their way."

Itachi nodded, and they soon spotted Camie inside her fishbowl on stage. Without hesitation, Luffy rushed toward her, determined to save her. Hatchan, aware of the consequences of defying a World Noble, desperately tried to stop him. He used his remaining arms to restrain Luffy, but in doing so, his identity as a Fish-Man was revealed to everyone in the auction house. This caused an immediate uproar, confirming the deep-seated discrimination against Fish-Men that Robin had mentioned earlier.

As Itachi looked around, he asked, "What's going on here? Are they discriminated against?"

Nami nodded, "Yes, they are. These nobles discriminate against them based on their appearance and don't consider them a part of society."

Itachi commented, "Discrimination is everywhere."

Sanji added, "That's the harsh reality."

Suddenly, a gunshot rang out, silencing the crowd. Charlos, with a smug grin on his face, had shot Hatchan with his pistol. The Straw Hats, Pappag, and Camie were horrified. Camie began pounding on her fishbowl, screaming for Hatchan, tears streaming down her face.

Charlos laughed arrogantly, gloating about his actions. "Serves you right, filthy Fish-Man!" he sneered.

Luffy, furious at what he had just witnessed, continued moving toward Charlos. Hatchan, despite his injury, tried to stop Luffy, reminding him of the promise they had made not to harm a World Noble. "Luffy, please," Hatchan pleaded, his voice weak. "Remember the promise… if you hit him, the Admirals will come. I was a pirate once… maybe I deserved this… I only wanted to help Nami and make up for my past… but all I did was cause trouble..."

Charlos, irritated by Hatchan's words, aimed his pistol at him again, ready to fire.

Itachi, now glaring with his Mangekyo Sharingan, cast a Tsukuyomi on Charlos. The World Noble stood still, his eyes wide with terror as he began to scream, "Ahhhh! Get away, you demon! Don't stab me!"

Zoro, understanding what was happening, said, "You're doing this, aren't you, Itachi?"

Still glaring, Itachi nodded. "Don't worry. I won't kill him. But I can't say the same for Luffy."

Zoro glanced at Luffy, who was now completely enraged, his anger bubbling over and disregarding any consequences. Zoro smirked and said, "I see."

Luffy stormed forward, his face filled with fury. In an instant, he threw a powerful punch straight into Charlos's face, sending the World Noble crashing to the ground. The entire auction house fell silent, shocked at what had just happened.

Law and Kid, who were watching with amusement, exchanged glances. "He's a crazy one, isn't he?" Kid commented, nodding toward Luffy.

Law, now observing Itachi, muttered, "He's the real deal."

Kid also looked at Itachi and smirked. "So, that's Demon-Eyes Itachi Uchiha. I've heard he's strong. And I'm sure he was the one who made that noble scream. That was quite fun."

Luffy turned to his crew after his impulsive attack on Charlos. "Sorry about that," he said, rubbing the back of his head.

Nami gave a small sigh but nodded. "Given the circumstances, I don't blame you. We couldn't just stand by."

Zoro shrugged casually, a smirk on his face. "I was itching to slice that guy anyway."

Sanji took a drag of his cigarette and blew out the smoke with a grin. "Well, we're pirates, after all. It's not like we're strangers to trouble."

Rosward, still furious from Charlos's attack, began shouting orders to the guards. "Get them! Call an Admiral! These pirates must pay!"

The audience quickly panicked, scrambling to clear out of the auction house to avoid getting caught in the crossfire or suffer the World Noble's wrath. The guards, taking Rosward's orders seriously, charged at the Straw Hats. The room erupted into chaos as a fierce fight broke out between the Straw Hats and the guards. Rosward, determined to punish Luffy, fired his pistol at him, but Luffy easily dodged the bullets.

Meanwhile, Zoro quickly moved toward Camie, who was still trapped in the fishbowl with an explosive collar around her neck. With a swift slash of his sword, he cut the fishbowl in half, freeing her. Sanji and Itachi were busy fighting off the guards—Sanji using his powerful kicks while Itachi skillfully wielded his sword, striking at precise points.

After some time, more Fish Riders arrived, dropping off Brook, Robin, and Usopp. In typical fashion, Usopp accidentally landed right on top of Rosward, knocking him out cold. The guards, already on edge, mistook this for another attack and intensified their efforts to subdue the pirates.

In the chaos, Itachi came to their aid. Robin quickly got ready and used her powers to incapacitate some of the guards, while Usopp fired his slingshot, and Brook demonstrated his sword skills.

Itachi, fighting alongside them, remarked, "You guys were late."

Robin, still focused on the battle, replied, "We were on our way."

Usopp added, "Sorry, guys!"

Itachi gave a small smile. "Don't worry. Camie is free now, but that collar..."

Robin looked at the collar and said, "Ah, a Sea Prism Stone collar."

Itachi nodded, considering their options. "If we force it off, it might explode. I thought about using my Amaterasu, but its heat could harm her, and it's too dangerous."

Usopp suggested, "Those scary black flames?"

Itachi nodded. "Yess"

Robin in agreement. "When you use that, it might be too much for her to handle."

Itachi agreed, "Exactly. We need to find another way to safely remove the collar."

Luffy, amidst the chaos, shouted to his crew, "We're getting out of here as soon as Camie gets that collar off!"

Law, observing the unfolding chaos with his usual calm demeanor, added, "Not so fast. The Marines already have this place surrounded."

Before anyone could respond, Shalria suddenly made her way toward the remnants of Camie's fishbowl, her eyes filled with rage. She pulled out a pistol, aiming it directly at Camie. "You filthy mermaid! I'll kill you myself!"

However, just as she was about to pull the trigger, she abruptly collapsed to the ground, unconscious.

Itachi widened his eyes. "What just happened?" he asked.

Robin, equally surprised, replied, "I don't know. I thought you did it."

Itachi shook his head. "No, I didn't."

A loud crash echoed through the room as the back wall of the auction house was ripped open, revealing Silvers Rayleigh and the giant prisoner from earlier. The giant, looking quite pleased with the disruption, chuckled. "Rayleigh here came to take all the auction house's money and whatever they'd get for selling me."

Rayleigh, with a playful grin, added, "Not that anyone would want to buy an old man like me for a slave anyway."

The guards stood in stunned silence, unsure how to handle this unexpected new development. Rayleigh's eyes scanned the chaotic scene until they landed on Hatchan. "Hatchan, what are you doing here?" he asked, sounding both surprised and concerned. Then, noticing Camie and the situation around her, he pieced everything together.

Itachi's gaze fell on a figure who had just appeared. "Who is he?" he asked.

Robin's eyes widened in recognition. "He is Silvers Rayleigh, also known as the 'Dark King.' He is an extremely powerful and famous retired pirate who formerly served as the first mate of the legendary Roger Pirates. He's known as the 'Right Hand of the Pirate King.'"

Itachi narrowed his eyes. "So, he was disguised as a slave this whole time."

With a calm yet commanding presence, Rayleigh released another burst of spirit, knocking out all the remaining guards around them. The room fell silent once more, but this time out of shock and awe.

Rayleigh's gaze shifted to Luffy, a knowing smile spreading across his face. "Straw Hat Luffy, I've been waiting to meet you," he said, his voice filled with a mix of curiosity and excitement.

He then turned his attention to Itachi, his eyes narrowing as he studied him. Itachi remained unfazed, calmly staring back. After a moment of tense silence, Rayleigh's smile widened. "Let's go then,"

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