


Severus stroked the soft hair of his lover where his head rested on Severus's chest. It was around midday, and Harry had cried himself to sleep only to sleep fitfully despite his exhaustion. Nightmares kept waking him, and eventually Severus had given him a dose of Dreamless Sleep, knowing that otherwise neither of them would get any sleep. It was amazing in and of itself that this was the first time Harry had a nightmare since returning to the past, but it didn't surprise Severus that it would happen now, after the events of the night. Harry had managed to tell him about the night's happenings, speaking of his fear that Minerva and William would fear him for his actions, his relief at Minerva's acceptance, his heartbreak at Black's words...

Life is never boring with you around, Severus thought mildly as he ran his fingers through raven locks. Somehow he felt that even after peace was won and the wizarding world set to rights life would not be boring as long as this man was around. Oh, but Severus looked forward to going somewhere quiet and having a few days of rest...

Then the man beside him stirred, and Severus's hand stilled. "Good morning," he said softly, and Harry groaned quietly in response, tightening his hold on the taller man. Severus smiled slightly as he returned the gesture – it wasn't as though he had anything to do that day, after all.

"Ah," he said then, "I forgot to mention that the Order knows about us now."

Harry stilled. "Huh?" he asked, and Severus smirked.

"So eloquent." Tipping Harry's head up, Severus used Legilimency to show Harry the scene that had played out after his departure. "So, they know," he said in a matter-of-fact tone, settling back into their hold and giving Harry space to deal with his emotions. He didn't even entertain the thought of Harry rejecting him for telling everyone of their relationship – Harry had made it more than clear that he didn't care who knew, after all.

"Thank you," Harry said softly, and Severus moved his hand to stroke his lover's hair once more.

"Anytime," he replied quietly.


"Sorry," Harry sighed testily as he smoothed a hand over his face. It must have been his fifth apology already. "Everything was quiet here?"

"Yeah," his younger counterpart said, arms crossed. "You could have let us know when the missions were over," he grumbled again, and Harry finally snapped.

"Well, excuse me for being busy! Excuse me for having to deal with the fallout of Minerva and Doge nearly dying! Excuse me for having my own godfather wish I was dead!" Chest heaving, Harry stepped back, turned and ran.

"...Figure you went too far, mate," Ron said, and Harry snapped, "I know, alright? I know!"

Hermione looked more pensive than surprised, though. "Sirius wishes Harry was dead?" The two boys immediately froze.

"He wants me dead?" Harry asked and Hermione sighed.

"Not you, Harry – Hames."

Harry shook his head incredulously. "Hames IS me!"

"Not really," Hermione said, giving him an even look. "He used to be, but you won't grow up to be like him – in fact, he's doing everything he can to prevent just that from happening. Sirius wants him dead, apparently – I doubt that feeling extends to you."

Even so, Harry looked rather shaken. "Why does he want him dead?"

Hermione nibbled on her lip in thought. "He probably can't deal with a Harry who's more mature than him. Maybe he thinks, "This can't be my Harry," and wishes that Hames had never appeared and messed up his life. I doubt he actually wants him dead – just gone."

"We could ask Sirius," Ron shrugged. "Come, let's go write him a letter."

They started walking, but Hermione said, "You two go; I'd like to find out what happened. Harry, could I borrow the Map?" Harry handed over the parchment without any comment, but she nodded to his unspoken request that she tell them of what she learned later. "See you two later." Ducking into an abandoned classroom Hermione activated the map, searching for the time traveler and finding him in Professor Snape's private quarters, his dot almost right on top of the Potions Master's. Hermione blushed but headed out, determined to speak with the older Harry.

When she reached the entrance to the Professor's quarters she addressed the statue as she would a portrait. "I would like to speak with Harry; if he's busy," she tried not to blush, "I can come back later. Could you please let him know that?"

She heard a faint hissing sound and assumed the snake was letting Harry know about the visitor, and hopefully her message as well. Isn't it impractical to have a snake guardian when one doesn't speak Parseltongue? she wondered. After all, as far as she knew Professor Snape wasn't a Parselmouth.

Then the statue slid to the side, and Hermione heard Harry's voice calling for her to enter, so she did.

"Hey," she smiled at him, finding him sitting in Professor Snape's lap on the couch, his arms around the older man and his eyes red from crying. "Sorry about earlier; though I daresay you know what Harry's like."

That drew a faint laugh from the man. "Oh yes, I know what Harry's like," he said, a wry smile pulling at his lips. "What brings you here, Hermione? I know you too well to think you came here just to apologize."

Hermione blushed slightly at being caught, but nonetheless leaned down and gave Harry a kiss on the cheek. "Hello, Professor," she greeted the other man, feeling a bit flustered at having just come so close to the man's face since he and Harry were sitting so close together. "I apologize for intruding."

"It is of no matter," the man said, but she thought he seemed satisfied that she had thought to apologize.

"I came because of what you said, of course," Hermione finally replied to Harry's question, sitting down primly in one of the Professor's armchairs. "Is Professor McGonagall alright?" She was glad to see Harry relax slightly at the question; no doubt he had expected her to immediately question him about Sirius.

"She'll be fine," Harry reassured her. "I got there just in time to shield her from the bonebreaker curse that would have killed her."

Hermione gave him a sharp look. "By throwing yourself in front of her?" she guessed, and to her surprise Professor Snape chuckled.

"She knows you too well," he remarked drily to his lover, and Harry pouted at him.

"Well, she IS my best friend, after all," Harry retorted, and Hermione felt warm at being called his best friend.

Then she realized that she had been right in her guess, and covered her face in despair. "Six years on, and you still haven't learned not to throw yourself in front of people to save them?"

"Hey, she would have died otherwise!" Harry protested, and Hermione raised her head to fix him with an intent look.

"A protego wouldn't have done it?" she asked drily, and Harry flushed and muttered something about it not being as secure or something. Hermione gave Professor Snape a commiserating look and said, "Good luck keeping him alive; this one's your responsibility now. I have my hands full dealing with just the one!"

"I suppose the challenge will keep me from ever being bored," the man retorted drily, and Hermione laughed.

"Oh, yes – life is never boring with Harry around!"

"I'm still here, you know," Harry whined, and Hermione grinned at him.

"Poor, poor Harry," she crooned. "Do you feel ignored?"

The young man fell back on the most fitting response he could think of – he stuck out his tongue at her.

"Merlin, I took a child for a lover," Professor Snape deadpanned, and Hermione laughed again.

"Well, at least he's over the age of consent," she grinned.

"At least that," the Potions Master agreed, giving his lover a look that made Hermione blush.

"Forget I said that," she said, and this time Harry laughed at her.

"Poor, poor Hermione," he mimicked her tone from before, "Do you feel awkward now?" as he asked that he curled up even closer to his partner, nosing the man's neck.

"No," the girl said resolutely, ignoring the fact that she was blushing hard enough for someone on the other side of the room to notice. "Stop that," she snapped as Harry started trailing his hand down her teacher's body as he kissed his neck. Then Professor Snape made a small noise and Hermione squeaked, burying her face in her hands. "Okay, okay, I give in! I feel awkward! Stop it!" It didn't help her blush when Professor Snape chuckled along with Harry, but at least Harry had stopped when Hermione looked back up.

"You're terrible," she informed the room, refusing to meet Harry's eyes.

"Yep," he chirped. "Thanks for adding that noise, Severus – that was hot." Hermione looked back and saw Harry grinning somewhat dangerously and her teacher smirking back.

Sighing, she said, "Alright, now that you've embarrassed me sufficiently, can we get back to the topic I came to discuss?"

The mood immediately fell, the grin wiped from Harry's face, and Hermione shook her head. "I just want to know what happened," she said softly as she stood and kneeled on the carpet in front of Harry. "You're still my best friend, Harry – of course I want to know what the matter is," she said earnestly, holding his gaze. "Please, won't you tell me?"

The silence stretched for a long minute, his eyes conveying to her just how little he wanted to discuss it while hers showed him that she was just asking because she cared about him. Finally she added quietly, "If you don't want to talk about it can I discuss it with Professor Snape?" She was sure that Harry's lover would know all about what had happened, after all.

Harry closed his eyes, seeming to weigh the options and eventually deciding on one. "Please do," he said, giving her a faint smile as he opened his eyes. "I'll just go back to my quarters for a bit." He stooped to give her a kiss on the cheek before pulling her to her feet, sliding off the Potions Master's lap. "Sorry," he said softly to the man, giving him a brief kiss before walking away, leaving Hermione alone with her professor.