


Inside the chamber Severus was somewhat worried; Harry had seemed to enjoy bottoming the previous times, but it was at times like this that Severus was far too aware of the fact that Harry was, by nature, a top. The way the man was holding him, kissing him, touching him, his every movement spoke of possession, and Severus knew that he wouldn't be ready for that for a long time still, if ever.

However something in his movement must have tipped Harry off on his thoughts, because the younger man pulled his head away from where he had been marking Severus's neck and looked him deep in the eyes with a look that was as earnest as it was lustful.

"Don't worry," he murmured, his breath coming heavily. "I'm yours."

With that he kissed him, both reassuring and turning Severus on as he guided him down to the floor. Severus was further reassured when Harry had the presence of mind to place a cushioning charm on the floor before pressing his lover to the floor, peeling away the last of Severus's clothing.

"I need you," he panted, wrapping one hand around Severus's length causing the older man to moan and buck into the firm grip. Severus looked on with half-lidded eyes as Harry stripped out of the remainder of his clothing and summoned lube, stifling a moan when the man reached back and began preparing himself. "Merlin," he groaned as Harry shuddered in pleasure, obviously having found and hit his prostate.

"Just wait till it's you in me," Harry said, his husky voice turning Severus on even further. Then his lover seemed to lose patience and reached out to grip Severus's cock, the slick fingers sliding easily over his length and making him moan.

"Mine," Severus heard Harry hiss before the man bit his earlobe, right before licking the spot to soothe the sting. The mouth moved away and Severus dragged his eyes open – when had he closed them? – to see Harry sitting up and positioning himself over Severus's cock. Then green eyes locked on his in a burning gaze as Harry lowered himself, impaling himself on Severus in one smooth motion, and Merlin it was even more amazing to see Harry straddling him with his cock buried deep inside that youthful body…

Then Harry moved up, sliding along Severus's length before dropping himself down completely, eliciting a sharp groan from Severus as he raised his hands to clutch at Harry's hips. "Yes," Severus hissed, bending his legs to brace his feet against the floor and meeting Harry's heated gaze as the man braced his hands on either side of Severus's head and began to move, holding Severus's eyes as his breath came in harsh bursts.

"Merlin," Severus choked as he snapped his hips up against Harry's downward movement, closing his eyes helplessly in the rush of feeling.

"Don't close your eyes," Harry ordered breathlessly as he sat up, letting his hands rest on Severus's chest. "Look at me."

Unable to resist that voice, Severus opened his eyes to the sight of his younger lover riding him, sweat glistening on the smooth chest and need burning in the green eyes.

"Watch me, Severus," Harry said huskily, and Severus couldn't keep a moan from spilling out when Harry tightened his inner muscles around him. "What does it feel like, having me above you?" The man leaned down over him, not stopping his movement. "What does it feel like, knowing I'm yours?" warm breath tickled his ear, and something in Severus snapped. With a growl he grabbed Harry and rolled them over so that he was on top, snapping his hips to drive into his partner and enjoying the gasp it got from the smaller man.

"Perfect," was all the answer he gave before driving into the man in earnest, giving him what they both needed, their coupling all heat and sweat and an affirmation that now they were fully in control of their own actions. For that was what had spurred all this on – a desperate need for something intangible, for some sort of proof that they were free of Dumbledore's machinations. And they found it on the floor of a dim cavern that smelled of smoke and burnt flesh.

"Yes, more, yes!" Harry panted as he writhed under Severus, inhaling sharply when Severus bit his shoulder. Were Severus capable of rational thought he might have found it funny that sex turned him incoherent while Harry was rather vocal, but all he knew in that moment was that Harry felt amazing under him.

"Yes," he heard Harry hiss as he clutched the smaller man closer, hitting his prostate as he drove as deeply into the warm body as he could. "Yes, Severus, I'm so close," the man groaned, and Severus could only groan in response, closing his eyes as he neared his own climax. Then Harry was coming with a strangled cry and Severus followed him in his release, spilling himself completely before relaxing bonelessly, just barely managing to fall to one side to avoid crushing his smaller partner.

For a few minutes the only sound that filled the wide chamber was that of their harsh breathing, until Harry laughed somewhat breathlessly.

"God, it's hot in here," he said, weakly raising a hand to wipe at the sweat on his face. "Next time let's not have sex after using so much fire, okay?"

Severus didn't even bother deigning that with an answer, finding himself nodding off despite the oppressive heat. The last thing he heard Harry say was something about students being unable to apparate.


Outside the cave three students were wondering whether to wait for their two companions or see if Dobby could take them back to the castle, two of them trying very hard not to imagine what was going on inside the cavern they had left and one wishing he had stayed to watch.