


Harry was instantly alert and on his feet when Severus hissed, clapping his hand over his left forearm. "Let's go," Harry said, tossing on Severus's extra Death Eater robe before grasping Severus's outstretched arm; they had been waiting outside the Hogwarts gates for the call. Without another word Severus apparated them away, reappearing in Voldemort's throne room.

"My Lord," both men said, simultaneously bending to one knee. They had actually practiced this move as they waited, knowing that the first impression was crucial. Though Harry had spent nearly the entire day readying his mind for this encounter, they hoped to give the Dark Lord no reason to use Legilimency on either of them, and a unified greeting would convey the impression of competence and fealty.

"Ah, Severus, Harry… Rise, my loyal followers, and take your places in our gathering." As the two men rose they saw the Dark Lord motion to his right, and they understood that they were to take Lucius' former place at the Dark Lord's side.

"You honor us, my Lord," they said in unison, sounding appropriately deferential. Moving to their places, they watched silently as the other Death Eaters apparated in and tried not to sneer at the other followers' surprise at seeing them already present. It was true that Severus was usually the last one to appear, as he had to make his way out from underneath the wards of Hogwarts, but Harry could tell that their immediate appearance had pleased Voldemort – it seemed their strategy was working smoothly thus far.

Once they were all assembled Voldemort swept his eyes over his Inner Circle, noting with satisfaction the way a new, competent man stood in Lucius' place. "Who comes to give a report?" he hissed, looking at each Death Eater in turn. Harry had learned from Severus's memories that if one had a report to give one met the Dark Lord's eye; otherwise one's gaze should stay on the Dark Lord's shoes or the floor before his feet.

"It appears that my loyal spies are the only ones with anything to report," Voldemort said, a cold tone to his voice as he looked at his other followers. "I expected better from you. Avery, is there nothing to report from the Ministry? Walden? Gibbon? Surely you aren't there simply for decoration," he hissed.

"All is quiet among the members of the Wizengamot, my Lord," Avery said, keeping his eyes averted from the red gaze.

"I have heard nothing around the Ministry, my Lord," Gibbon added, his eyes averted like Avery's. "I will endeavor to obtain more information for the next meeting." Walden Macnair simply nodded his accord.

"See that you do," Voldemort narrowed his eyes at them. "What of you, Bellatrix? Surely you know of your dear sister's whereabouts. Have you captured the traitor's wife?"

"My Lord," the woman wailed as she threw herself to the ground, "I looked everywhere; my sister is nowhere to be found!"

"Crucio," Voldemort hissed, not bothering to listen to any more. Ignoring the whimpering woman when he ended the spell, he turned to look at the two men to his right. "Do you have better information for me, my spies?"

Severus moved slightly forward as he said, "We do, my Lord. The traitor's wife was approached by the Order of the Phoenix on Dumbledore's orders, and now resides in one of the Order's safe houses. I have already spoken with Draco, and he is of the opinion that both of his parents are fools for betraying you, my Lord." A small smirk curved the Potions Master's lips, but the Dark Lord seemed only slightly placated by the news that the youngest Malfoy was still in his grasp.

"Why did you allow the Order to approach the widowed Malfoy?" the Dark Lord asked, a warning hidden in his tone.

"It was a small concession to make for the changes we made, my Lord," Harry replied, stepping to Severus's side with a feral grin. "In the one Order meeting we attended I completely sidelined Dumbledore, all but assuming leadership of the Order. In an attempt to reclaim his position of power Dumbledore suggested to extend the hand of forgiveness to Narcissa Malfoy in order to get their hands on the Malfoy fortune – in retaliation I managed to persuade the Order that it would be wise to sway the Ministry to the Order's side, using bribes if necessary." Voldemort seemed to see where he was going, but Harry added with a grin, "Sirius Black gave me full control over the Black vaults, of course – he is my godfather, after all."

"That is not all, my Lord," Severus said smoothly, taking up the report with a smirk. "Dumbledore's influence has been removed from the younger Potter and his two closest friends, and I have already begun to guide them onto the right path. Potter especially is quite eager to see Dumbledore dead," he said with a smirk directed at Harry.

"Speaking of Dumbledore's death," Harry practically purred, "I thought it would please my Lord to know that the old bastard has but a month left to live." Seeing the surprise in Voldemort's eyes as well as the satisfaction curving the thin lips Harry continued, "I slipped Dumbledore a cursed object and passed it off as an anonymous assassination attempt," he smirked, "and Severus made a great show of doing everything he could to extend the bastard's life. Instead of dying a swift and painful death the old man now faces a month of excruciating pain," Harry said, giving Severus a look of dark satisfaction.

"Excellent," Voldemort drew out the word, savoring the expressions of triumph and vindication on his spies' faces. "I am most pleased with both of you, Harry, Severus."

"Thank you, my Lord," the two men chorused, bowing with satisfied smirks.

"Is there anything else you two have for me?" Harry exchanged a glance with Severus, then said, "We have plans to interrogate Dumbledore along with my younger counterpart and his friends using Veritaserum, to find out whether he holds any more secrets that I never discovered. I would also offer to bring him to you, my Lord – I see no reason why the old bastard shouldn't die by your hand regardless of the fact that he is already on his deathbed."

Voldemort considered Harry's words for some time before replying, "While the offer is tempting, it is wiser to keep Dumbledore where he is. Delivering him to me would betray your position, and as he is dying anyway…" the Dark Lord inclined his head slightly.

"Of course, my Lord," Harry bowed, moving back into the circle with Severus.

The Dark Lord surveyed his gathered followers in silence for a minute before rising. "Harry, join me." It was with a sinking heart that Harry walked to the spot before Voldemort and sank to one knee. He had hoped that Snake Face would forget about marking him.

"My followers, you see before you a man who has come through time and space for our cause. A more loyal and worthy man I have never met, and you would do well to treat him with the respect he deserves. Rise, Harry Potter-Black." Once Harry had risen the Dark Lord reached into his robe and withdrew a long and delicate chain. "As you already carry my mark, I give you this time a chain to wear against your skin always." Letting it pool into Harry's outstretched hand he held the younger wizard's gaze. "When this war is won I will bestow upon you the Dark Mark; until then may this chain always be with you, and may you serve me long and well."

Harry bowed deeply, bringing the hand holding the chain to his heart in a salute and knowing that Snake Face wouldn't recognize the gesture as goblin in nature.

"You may go," Voldemort dismissed them, returning to his throne and watching with red eyes as his followers bowed and apparated away. It is going well, he hissed to Nagini as the last Death Eater left. Soon this world will be mine.