


Severus ignored the uncertain looks Weasley and Tonks were giving him as they gathered, immediately taking charge of the small group.

"The Carrows are potentially the most difficult targets out of the group," he began smoothly, "and I expect you to live up to the high opinion our leader clearly has of you." He nearly snorted at their dumbfounded expressions, but managed to reign in the urge, only giving them a level look. "Our targets are dangerous, and the Carrow siblings work well together. I am leading this team because of their preference for spells that poison – let their cutting spell touch you and you will die an excruciatingly painful death. Unless you have the appropriate anti-venom," he said, inclining his head as though to say 'and that's why I'm in charge'.

"William," the man seemed surprised to be called by his first name, and Severus snorted. "You may both address me by my first name. I expect you not to abuse the privilege." Ignoring their looks of shock, Severus resumed his original sentence. "William, you are on this team because the Carrows have one of the most heavily warded residences. The only other Inner Circle members with mansions are the Notts, the Lestranges, the Goyles, the Crabbes, and Avery, but in order of ward strength the Lestranges are first, the Carrows second, and Dolohov third. As you will have noted, Harry and I will deal with the Lestranges on our own, and you are on the teams for both the Carrows and Dolohov. Do not disappoint us."

Looking at Tonks, he gave her an appraising look that made her blush. "Describe your fighting style in one word."

Tonks blinked stupidly at him for a moment, then gathered herself and replied, "Point, sir." Severus nodded, understanding that Tonks tended to take point in a group, leading the attack.

"Why," he asked for clarification.

"I have very quick reflexes and a wide variety of creative curses, so I weaken the enemy for my more powerful companions to take down."

Severus nodded again. "William?"

"Rear," the man promptly replied, "because in our curse breaking teams I tend to do the work with wards and grounded curses while others deal with more short-notice problems."

"Excellent," Severus said, feeling respect for Harry well up in him. He had known of these two members' strengths and assembled the team accordingly. "Then this is how we will do it…"


Similar conversations were taking place throughout the room, with Harry drifting from group to group to ensure that they had the information they needed. Stopping by Remus and Sirius, he let them know of the hidden entrance to the Avery mansion, then moved on to Kingsley to hear how he planned on dealing with Yaxley and Travers. Once he had reassured himself that Kingsley knew the pure-bloods' fighting styles he stepped away, surveying the room.

Eyeing Minerva and Doge discussing, he admitted to himself that that was the group that worried him most. He would prefer to pair someone younger with Minerva, but he knew that despite his old age, Doge was a very competent fighter. Fingering the charm he wore around his neck, he tried to tell himself that if anything went wrong, he could be there to assist them within a few seconds.

But a few seconds can be the difference between life and death… And yet Harry knew that he couldn't join them; as the leader he had to remain behind so that he could assist whoever needed urgent help – help that he couldn't give if he was busy on a team of his own.

A slight smile tugged at his lips when his eyes fell on Severus's group – they were deep in discussion, and Harry was glad that Severus seemed to be getting along well with the two younger members. Severus and Bill had been on rather good terms in the other timeline, their relationship based on mutual respect, and while Nymph was never close with the Potions Master Harry hoped that they would get along better in this timeline – for if things went as before, then she would be Remus's wife, and things would be much easier if Severus was on good terms with Harry's family.

That thought made Harry look back to Sirius; somehow he thought that Sirius and Severus would never get along, even without Dumbledore's spells affecting them… Severus might make an effort, for him – and the thought filled him with warmth – but Sirius seemed petty enough to keep the rivalry alive just because he could, and Harry felt bad that he thought that way of his own godfather.

Maybe he'll surprise me, he thought, but the thought didn't hold much hope. He didn't know the man well, but he almost felt like Sirius didn't want to know him.

Shaking himself, he brought himself back to the present. There were more important things to worry about than his relationship with a man he barely knew. Feeling someone's eyes on him, he turned and caught Severus's dark gaze, the concern behind it visible only to him. Glad that there was at least one person who knew him so well, he walked over to the group with a smile.

"How are you doing?" he asked the three of them, and Severus's two companions turned to look at him.

"Wotcher, Harry," Tonks said with a grin, and he winked at her.

"We have a plan just about figured out," Bill said with a friendly smile. He had never gotten to know Ron's friend very well, but this older version of Harry still seemed friendly despite being clearly hardened by the war he had experienced.

"Great!" Harry smiled back, then suddenly the man froze. "Dobby!" he called. "Why didn't I think of this before?" he muttered to himself, then crouched when a house elf appeared.

"Master Harry is needing Dobby?"

"Just a question for now, my friend – can you enter any wizarding home? Wards don't affect you, right?"

Severus inhaled sharply as he realized what Harry was thinking, and Bill shot him a questioning look. Before Severus could do more than shake his head at the curse breaker, however, Dobby had already confirmed that he could and Harry was asking, "If I asked you to, would you be able to enter, say, the Carrows' mansion and cast a sleeping spell on them?"

"Dobby can do that, Master Harry!" the house elf said excitedly, seeming to understand what his master planned on doing.

"And would other elves do the same if asked to?" Harry asked, fighting to keep the excitement out of his voice and bearing.

"Yes, Master Harry, house elves would be happy to help the great Harry Potter sir!"

Finally Harry let a grin split his face. "Dobby, would you please find four house elves that would like to help and bring them here?" Dobby squeaked excitedly that he would be right back and popped away, leaving Harry grinning like a fool. He rose and turned at Severus, who had an appreciative glint in his eye.

"Brilliant," the man said softly, and both he and Harry ignored the shocked looks Bill and Tonks gave the Potions Master.

"Thank you, Severus; I just can't believe that I didn't think of it earlier…"

That Severus could understand. The man was probably mentally reproaching himself for not thinking of it in the other timeline, as that way even with few people they could have overpowered the Death Eaters. "You thought of it in time, and that is all that matters," Severus said softly, and Harry gave him a thankful look, both of them completely ignoring the presence of the others. Well, almost completely – otherwise Harry would have added a kiss to his thanks.

Then Dobby was back, four house elves with him, and Harry went down on one knee to speak with them. Explaining what he needed the elves to do, they all agreed in short order to do what Harry Potter asked of them. Thanking them, Harry told them that he would call them when he needed them to take action, saying that it would most likely be Saturday and Sunday night. They popped away, and Harry rose, magically adding the house elves' names to the blackboard so that he would know which names to call.

Moving to the front of the room, Harry called the gathering to attention. "I have spoken with our house elf friends, and they have agreed to put the Death Eater targets to sleep when we run our missions! You will not have to subdue your targets; they will be asleep, even if they aren't in their beds. Even so, I encourage you not to take any risks, but this means that you should only need to enter, bind them with an Incarcerous spell, dose them with Veritaserum, wake them and question them. Once the Veritaserum wears off you give them the choice between an oath and death, ensure that they can't leave the mansion if they swear the oath, and return to Headquarters. We will discuss what questions need to be asked and how the oath should be phrased when we meet on Friday or Saturday."

Harry grinned at the room, and many either smiled or grinned back – it was a great weight off their backs to know that they didn't have to subdue the Death Eaters. Severus looked a bit disappointed that he wouldn't have the opportunity to fight alongside Nymph and Bill, and when Harry rejoined the group he whispered to the man, "We'll have a mock duel sometime, okay? You three work really well together." Severus gave him a warm look, and Harry grinned mischievously. "We should have a one-on-one duel sometime, too – think you can beat me?"

Severus's eyes glinted at the challenge, and he leaned close to Harry to whisper in his ear, "Do you doubt my abilities?" he purred, and Harry shivered slightly.

"Never," he whispered back, a soft smile on his lips when Severus drew away. He saw the man's eyes flick to his mouth, but thankfully Severus had enough control to straighten fully, for otherwise Harry might have kissed him, company be damned.

"So, how will you change your plan now that this new factor has been introduced?" Harry asked briskly, drawing the cloak of leadership around him once more and making their two companions jump to. Severus gave him a smirk as Bill hesitantly made some suggestions, then took control of his group once more, telling Harry how they would be going about it. The man always did know how to think on his feet, Harry thought fondly as Severus presented a plan that anyone else might have needed an hour to come up with. And it's just one of his many talents, he smiled inwardly. Suddenly Harry was fiercely glad that he had Severus, and something must have showed in his expression, for Severus faltered mid-word, staring at Harry in stunned surprise.

"You-" he whispered, then cleared his throat and continued with his original sentence, Occlumentic barriers firmly controlling his emotions. Harry was too confused to control his own emotions, and when Severus realized that Harry wasn't paying attention to a single word he was saying he stopped and said firmly, "Later. Focus."

Harry blinked and straightened. "Sorry. Please continue from the part where you begin the interrogation." Severus simply nodded and repeated himself, both of them entirely unaware of the way Tonks and Bill were staring at them, wondering what kind of relationship the two men had.