
Shan'titon High: Beyond The Gaze

OffMask: I'd be off for two weeks for my final examinations in medical college which would begin Tomorrow. See y'all on the 27th or maybe earlier... and please, do wish me all the best.. ಥ⁠_⁠ಥ [MATURE CONTENTS, STRICTLY 18+ RATED, PREJUDICE, RACISM INJUSTICE, BL] The allure of dangerous attractions refused to be neglected, and distractions chosen to be explored can lead one into harmful patterns, entrapping him in cycles of addiction, difficult to escape. —---- In the turbulent times of the 1960s, Tommy Jones set off from his small town in Kentucky to Tennessee, instructed by his mother and the turns of life to retrieve his father's possessions, his rightful inheritance as heir to Barnaby Jones, as he was made to believe by his mother. Being denied his inheritance by his 'father's' friend, he was put to the test: "Show me you're more than just a colored kid claiming a white man's legacy. Get good grades, demonstrate your worth, and then we'll discuss your father's properties." Now, situated among all whites and being the only black student, Tommy was mocked. That's a lie! You can't be the son of a white man, talk more Sir Barnaby Jones. You're...a Negro. It's not possible! How could he get the privilege to join the great Shan'titon High School? He doesn't belong here! Just look at his skin sticking out like a sore thumb—peewww! Tommy was better off being poor yet happy with his fellow street brothers at home in Kentucky than being here among rich white kids who had nothing good to say to him. Well, except for… for one Benjamin Sherlock! Benjamin Sherlock, the devil son of a reputable man of the city, is a top senior in Shan'titon High, a gem of the school, the hottest of the school, yet the most vile! He cares less about anyone, he's known for his nasty self, wickedness, and rudeness! But does he give a damn? No! Tommy gets to know that he needs this guy to successfully get through this school, for protection and all. What's more, this guy seems to know his 'father' Barnaby Jones! He could really be of good help, but as they say, distractions and attractions can be very disadvantageous. Tommy is stuck in an entrapping master (Head Honcho) and servant (Host) relationship with Benjamin, standing as the epitome of pleasure, the giver of bittersweet addiction, and the full emblem of intimacy and lust! Tommy is caught up in this distraction in human form, and his actions stand as an attraction. Could this lead to love, or will it die as just a game? Benjamin: "Tommy Lee, the name fits you like a glove." Tommy: "How'd you figure that out, huh? That that's my whole first name, man?" Benjamin: "I know a thing or two, Kitten." Benjamin knows something Tommy should not know—about his father, about his past, his identity, and about his birth. And he is willing to hide it, or could he? Could he when his intentions are being doubted and he is being put to the test? Benjamin: "Kitty cat." Tommy: "Yeah, man?" Benjamin: "Let's say, just saying, Barnaby Jones isn't your old man. What then?" Tommy: "Lawdy, how can that be? Hahaha! If it ain't him, then who in the world would be my old man?" Benjamin: "A man with a reputation bigger than the whole dadgum state of Tennessee and Kentucky combined. Just sayin'.” (Update Time is irregular currently until further notice 2 - 5 chapters daily) A/N: Send A Message Through Reviews And Comments.

OffMask · LGBT+
87 Chs

I'll get you some rags..

Benjamin's tone was as flat as a plain of cold, dry snow. "Where'd you get that sock, Tom?" he asked, every word clipped and precise, like he was expecting no room for anything but the truth.

Tommy's heart skipped a beat, a flicker of fear sparking in his chest. It should have been a simple question, one he could answer in a single breath. Cedric. He could just say it was from Cedric, his co-tutor, and be done with it.

But the way Benjamin asked, the way his eyes bore into Tommy's, pale and steady, like a winter sky, made Tommy hesitate.

It wasn't just the words—it was the unreadable look in those rare, beautiful, blonde eyes, cold as ice, yet not cruel. They held nothing at that moment—not even a flicker of emotion, no light, no darkness. Just pale and plain, unreadable.

Tommy felt a wave of discomfort wash over him. His own brown eyes couldn't stand the weight of Benjamin's gaze, the sheer intensity of it.