
Chapter 8): The Movies (1)

Chapter 8): The Movies! (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


Read advance Chapters there!! Up to Three as a Supporter and Up to Five as a Member.]


[Shout out to the new members I got recently, thank you so much hope you are enjoying the story!!!]

Carl threw on his coat and fingerless gloves, the old him was an idiot for cutting them like this just

so that he could look cool around those psycho he called friends, he needed to buy new gloves. Putting on his beanie he walked out the room with light steps, the rest of the family were already downstairs seeing as Frank was coming home any minute, they had called saying they were already across the border.

Walking downstairs he saw the place was decorated some with Canadian things, there was even some Canadian brewed beer in the kitchen, he shook his head at that. Even though it was wrong of Steve to do Carl did find it funny, the man had to spend the night in a Canadian jail which was just hilarious.

Going out the front door he saw some of Franks 'friends' which was used loosely, most were here just to laugh at him because of the situation, no doubt they had thoughts of doing something similar. Which kind of surprised Carl, he was wondering how Steve even got Frank anywhere without anyone noticing, someone had to notice what was going on.

Shrugging he stood by Debby at the top of the stairs looking at everyone, yawning he waited with the but didn't speak, "Do you think Daddy had fun?" Debby asked him with some hopefulness in her voice.

Carl looked at her and sighed he out and arm over her shoulder, "I am sure things were great for him. They probably went to visit places after picking him up."

Debby beamed at him and he looked away, he only said what he did because she was the main child who still cares about the man, they all held a little love for him but nothing serious. As he thought that a camper pulled up in front of the house, as the door to it opened everyone started singing, "Oh Canada! Our Home and Native Land..." Carl waved the flag he was holding.

Frank scowled as he passed everyone even ignoring the 'Welcome Home Daddy' from Debby which made Carl roll his eyes.

"Hey Fiona, I am headed to the movies with Sophia." Carl told her before she could walk into the house with the rest of them.

Fiona raised a brow with arms crossed, "And when were you going to tell me about this?"

He had the decency to look sheepish as he rubbed the back of his head, "Well now I guess. I didn't really think you would mind with the whole Steve situation and Frank, but I figured I should let you know at least."

Fiona sighed but nodded her head as she let her arms drop, "Alright well have fun then. Make sure you are back before it gets to late though."

He nodded as he saw Mr. Vegas truck pull up to the house, "Sure thing." Rushing down the stairs he saw the backdoor open with Sophia smiling at him, he smiled back jumping in next to her, "Thanks for the ride Mr. Vegas."

"No trouble kid. Looks like Frank is back, heard what happened to him. That is some funny stuff there." The man chuckled as he pulled away from the house.

Carl laughed too, he couldn't help it because after seeing the way that Frank acted he couldn't have much sympathy for the man, he turned to look at Sophia whose grin was wide, "What?" He asked.

She giggled bouncing in her seat excitedly, "I got Daddy to agree to let us watch the movie alone. But there will be someone watching use from the top of the theater, he wouldn't let us go completely alone."

At the last part she pouted making him laugh, "So what is this movie about again?" The look she threw him made him shiver, "What, I never look at trailers or read the descriptions, it ruins the movies."

She sighed while shaking her head making her look adorable, "It's about a girl who was killed the day of her wedding by her two best friends as they were jealous of the man she was dating. When one of them comes close to getting the man her restless spirit comes back to kill her friends before they can even attempt to win the guy.

All of the killings are done with a pair of scissors too." She explained with a grin.

Carl raised a brow but decided to give the movie a chance, he doesn't really care either way, he was just happy about seeing a movie, it had been awhile since he had been to the movies. He wasn't lying though when he said he didn't read descriptions or watch trailers, that ruined movies for him and put him off of them so he never did that.

The car ride there was filled with the two of them listening to music while also playing on Sophia's phone, though she did complain that he needed his own so they could play a multiplayer game together. He sighed knowing it was true, but he was only sixty dollars in, at most he could only get a minute phone and it wouldn't be able to do half the things hers did.

Playing games they quickly arrived on the other side of town where the theater was located, it was in the nicer part as the one on their side of town was....well not ideal for young kids. The one on the Southside had drug dealers out front along with homeless using the place to sleep, not to mention the teenagers who went to have sex in it.

"Alright we're here. Zach will meet you at the snack bar, he already bought the tickets. He won't disturb you but will step in if anything happens." Mr. Vegas said looking at the two of them.

Sophia nodded with a smile, "Don't worry Dad. Carl might not act like it anymore but I know he is still a little psycho he won't let anyone mess with me."

Hearing that Carl's eye twitched as he looked at her but didn't disagree, he did get the emotions of this body so while he tended to push them down he did have times where he felt like doing crazy things. Mr. Vegas laughed and gave Carl a meaningful look before they both got out, he got the message loud and clear though.

His eyes spoke 'If anything happens to my daughter, well..' the rest was left unsaid but the meaning was loud and clear which made him shudder.

Sighing he followed Sophia who took his hand leading him into the place passing the people who were waiting in line, "Mom, why do they not have to wait in line!" A girls voice whined as they passed by them.

Carl didn't look back but he heard the reply, "Because Kassidi they most likey have someone who already bought them tickets, so they don't need to."

Carl didn't hear the rest as he followed Sophia, when they stepped into the lobby she only took a moment to look around before leading him to a lone man on the side, said man smiled seeing them. "Hello there Sophia, I already have the tickets, let's go." He said with an easy smile.

"Wait! We can't go without snacks first." She said while pulling Carl along to the concession stand.

When they got to the front Sophia ordered, "We want three boxes of sour patch kids, two small sprites, two nachos and a large bucket of popcorn extra butter."

He looked at her like she was crazy but she just smiled, after Zach ordered his they waited a moment before walking towards the screen rooms, the ticket taker raised a brow at Zach seeing the movie but said nothing, "Theater 12 last one on the left."

Following the directions Carl could feel Sophia bouncing in excitement as he followed her, of course she was the first through the door as she was the most excited to see this movie. After finding them seats in the middle Zach went to sit at the top while they settled in, Sophia snuggled into her chair eyes glued to the screen, even during the credits.

He chuckled while holding the popcorn as she reached over to get some, she looked so adorable for someone who was here to see a scary movie, well more like horror movie. Settling in next to her the lights dimmed down as the trailers for other movies began, both missed the eyes of someone two rows ahead watching them with a smile.

The smile wasn't friendly at all though.