
Shameless: Growing Up As Carl Gallagher

He died and Unknown man in his world, just to wake up in the body of Carl Gallagher. Follow him on his journey as he experiences family and being a teenager again....while also living his life how he always wanted to. ++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++++ buymeacoffee.com/flaminglines

Flaming_Lines · ซีรีส์โทรทัศน์
55 Chs

Chapter 16): Trouble (1)

Chapter 16): Trouble (1)

(Aged Carl just for some more believable things, everyone else is the same though)

{I own nothing but my own ideas and OC characters.}


(A/N: So the episode for the wedding came out a week later, so I will also be putting it out after these other two and make it a week later in the book time.)

Carl sling his backpack over his shoulder as he made his way downstairs, he left his skateboard in the room as it had gotten to cold and slippery on the sidewalks and street to ride it. Instead he was going to walk to school, at least that was the plan until he walked into the kitchen to see Steve with donuts and coffee for everyone, which was a way to show that he was a 'great guy' which Carl didn't buy.

Not that he had a real problem with the guy, it was just that sometimes he was a little to fake for him to seem real at all, in the way that he was hiding something big in his life. As long as he didn't hurt Fiona though, Carl didn't care, the moment he did though he was going to beat the guy himself even if he was taller and maybe stronger, the guy was still a wimp, he could tell.

"Hey there Carl, Donuts?" Steve said with a wide smile.

Carl made a face making Fiona laugh as Steve looked over to her for an explanation, "Don't bother asking Carl, he can make his own and sees no point in eating shop donuts. Says they aren't creative enough or good enough for him."

"Its more that I don't see the point in wasting money on them, if I can make it myself why waste money?" He asked sarcastically while rolling his eyes.

"Okay then, well I am giving rides so, WHOEVER IS RIDING COME ON!!" Steve shouted because besides them the only other kid downstairs was Debbie who was ready to leave.

Carl nodded grabbing an apple and headed outside, he ate on it while waiting for the rest of the family, he didn't grab the lunch Fiona made as Sophia would be giving him half of hers anyway. After the first time it happened she just never stopped doing it, he didnt mind either if she was willing to share, then who was he to deny her offerings.

The car was packed as they took off, Him, Debbie and Ian were sitting in the back while Lio rode in the front, him and Debbie were dropped off first as their school was closer then the other two. Carl said nothing as he got out the car and walked over to Sophia who had been waiting for him, she didn't say anything about him getting a ride and just took him arm as they walked inside.

They could hear the whispers about them but they didn't say or do anything, as long as no one stepped to them then Carl didn't see a reason to actually do anything to them. That all changes though if they are brave enough to messing with them, which since people still thought he was a psycho with his top about to blow then it made sense.

"So how is the song coming along?" Sophia asked, she had not messaged him since Saturday wanting him to have plenty of time to write.

"Good. I got three songs down, but you know we could always do a cover right?" He asked as they stopped at her locker so she could put some books away.

"I know, but I want to actually use an original for our first. Anyone can sing a cover song, not many people have the talent to sing and write music, good music at that."

He nodded along knowing it was true, while there were people who were musically gifted in singing, it did not mean that they knew anything about actually writing lyrics. "Okay, well we can go over them at lunch then."

"Sure thing, now let's get to first period. I actually did the weekend homework and feel proud of myself." She skipped a long after that looking happy.

Carl just followed along, not really happy at the prospect of going through another day of school, but he would suffer through it for her.


"So what do you got buttercup." Sophia asked when they sat at their spot in the cafeteria. She began taking things out a bigger bag then usual, it was a full meal for both of them of sandwiches, chips, cookies and two apples.

"Here you go." He handed her the papers which had the songs while digging into his half of the food.

He made the lyrics easy for her to read for their parts, all his were in black pen while hers was in red, he didn't worry about her opinion of them though as he honestly didn't care if she thought they were good. It wasn't as if he really wrote them, they were just the ones that he remembered from his past life that he enjoyed a lot.

The songs were 'We Don't Talk Anymore'(Charlie Puth), 'Lovely' (Billie Eilish) and 'Eastside' (Benny Blanco), they were the first three that came to his head when this topic was brought up. It was like some switch flipped in his head and the three he listened to the most came to his head, so he wrote them.

"These are good....like really good. Do you already have the melody and stuff." She paused frowning, "Crap, we are going to be in so much debt to my dad it's not even funny."

"Why?" Carl said while swallowing his food to busy eating to catch up to her train of thought like he usually does.

"Because, we have to now buy studio time or find a cheap way to record these songs perfectly." She sighed as if it was the biggest chore ever.

"Oh." Carl paused not having thought of that, he wasn't really a musician type guy, he didn't know how to make the melodies, of course he does remember them though, "Guess he will just have to manage us for awhile, why not get a contract signed with him until we take off."

She nodded her head, "Yeah, I have already though if that. We will need to do that just to get him to agree since this is taking more then I thought it would."

Sighing she moves to eat her food but not before informing him that they will be going to her house after school to practice, not like they would be going anywhere else since that is literally where he tutors her. So he doesn't respond with more then a grunt as he takes a bite of his food.

"You think she feeds him because he is to poor? His sister must not be spreading her legs enough." They hear coming from kids walking near them.

Looking over he sees Little Hank walking with his friends laughing, "Nah she probably feeds him so that he will keep sitting with her. No one else will after all." Another says making them laugh more.

"Wonder if we paid her enough would she spread her legs for us." Another comments making them laugh.

Carl though has heard more then enough as he gets up and charges, and since they are still laughing they didn't expect it which allows him to hit little Hank making him fall with a bloody nose. The others snap out of it, but unlike last time Carl is on the move and kicks one in the balls before hitting the last one making him go down again with a bloody nose.

As he jumps on little Hank, who he knows is the leader he only gets in two more punches before he is being lifted off of them by a teacher, "Damn it Carl, calm down." The teacher says.

Since he is restrained Sophia finishes what he started, right as the teacher is pulling him away they hear a loud squeal making them look back to the boys. She took the time to kick each of them in the nuts, but did it twice to Little Hank who is blue in the face from it, Carl couldn't stop the smile that grew across his face.

Without a word she grabs her bag and walks next to them, "What? You think I was going to let my best friend get in trouble without me? Please, like I could stomach this place alone without you." She says seeing the look he sends her.

He couldn't stop the laugh that bubbled out his mouth even if he tried, smiling widely at the girl who truly was his best friend, he was so glad that he agreed to be here tutor last month, it was the best decision ever. "Thanks Sophia."

"No problem buttercup, now let me see those hands." She says looking them over and using tissue to wipe some of the blood away, "Looks like they are a little bruised but you will be fine."

"Come on you two, we are headed to the office." The teacher says before Carl can say anything back to her, making them follow him. But they held hands the entire way out as the entire cafeteria watched them walk away.