
Shadows of the Spirit World: Evolution of Darkness (Avatar FF)

Awakening within the Avatarverse spirit world, the protagonist, aware of his fusion with the blacklight virus, bonds and start as a dragonfly rabbit spirit. His hunger for power ignites, propelling him to master the world's energies. Driven by the virus's hunger, he confronts Raava and Vaatu, seeking dominance. Allies and foes converge as he embraces his destiny, fueled by the desire to consume and evolve.

Dr_Chad · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
5 Chs

Wings of Change

As the dawn breaks over the spirit realm, our protagonist, now encapsulated within the form of a dragonfly rabbit, takes a moment to familiarize himself with his new body. His translucent ear wings quiver with anticipation as he experiments with their movement, marveling at the delicate interplay of light and shadow.

"Such magnificent wings," he whispers, his voice reverberating softly in the stillness of the morning. "A testament to the beauty and wonder of this world."

With each graceful movement, he feels a surge of energy coursing through his veins, a connection to the ancient spirits that dwell within the realm. "There is power in every beat of my ears," he realizes, his heart swelling with newfound purpose. "And I shall harness that power to soar to new heights."

But as he delves deeper into the mysteries of his new form, he is haunted by memories of the spirit dragonfly rabbits he had encountered in tales of old. They had possessed the ability to fly using their ears, a feat that seemed impossible yet tantalizingly within reach.

"If they can fly with their ears, surely I can master the art of flight as well," he says to himself, a glimmer of determination in his eyes.

With each flap of his wings, he feels the stirring of something primal within him—a longing to transcend the limitations of his physical form, to reach for the boundless expanse of the sky. He then flap his ear wings gently and floated a few centimeters above the ground.

But then as he attempts to control something within him, he finds himself met with frustration, his efforts yielding little progress in his quest for mastery. "It's like trying to grasp a handful of smoke," he laments, his voice tinged with disappointment. "The harder I try to control it, the more it slips through my fingers."

And then, in a moment of clarity, a memory stirs within him—a memory of the blacklight virus and its insatiable hunger for biomass and the chi of avatar world.

"Biomass," he murmurs, the word sparking recognition within his mind. "In the game Prototype, it referred to organic matter—flesh, blood, and bone. The very building blocks of life. While Chi in Avatar refers to the energy that flows through all living things. It's the root of bending and other skills."

He then carefully feels his whole body. As a superorganism he could detect every movement, blood and energy coursing through him.

"It seems that I could also increase not only my biomass but also my chi reserves but.." he thought while feeling the small chi reserves that the dragonfly rabbit he consumed.

With a newfound understanding, he realizes that the key to unlocking his potential lies not in controlling the energy within him, but in embracing the primal instinct to consume, assimilate and evolve.

"If I cannot control the energy, then I shall become the energy," he declares, his voice ringing with determination. "I shall devour the biomass or chi of this world, assimilating its essence into my own until I am unstoppable."

And so, with a renewed sense of purpose, our protagonist sets forth on a new quest—a quest to consume and evolve, to become more than just a humble dragonfly rabbit spirit. For in the spirit world or the physical world, where mysteries abound and powers lie dormant, anything is possible for those who dare to dream.


As he reflects on his altered state of being, he realizes that his thoughts and characteristics have begun to shift, his instincts aligning more closely with those of the virus than with his former human self.

"I must adapt to survive," he concludes, his voice tinged with a hint of resignation. "For now, my only goal is to grow stronger, to become the ultimate predator in this vicinity first."

With his newfound resolve, he turns his attention to the memory of the dragonfly rabbit spirit he had consumed where he saw fluffles of 50 to 60 of them, knowing that their total biomass holds the key to his first evolution.

"Their colony are nearby," he muses, his mind already formulating a plan of action.

With meticulous precision, he lays out his strategy, envisioning each step in vivid detail. He will approach the colony under the cover of darkness, striking swiftly and silently to ensure his success.

As he prepares to embark on his mission, he feels a surge of anticipation coursing through his veins. For in this place, where danger lurks around every corner, survival depends on one's ability to adapt and thrive.

With a steely glint in his eyes, our protagonist sets forth on his journey, ready to face whatever challenges lie ahead. For in the end, it is not the strongest or the swiftest who survive, but those who are willing to do whatever it takes to claim their rightful place at the top of the food chain.


As the moon casts its silvery glow upon the spirit realm, our protagonist sets his plan into motion. With a mind sharpened by determination and a heart fueled by hunger, he moves stealthily through the darkness, his senses attuned to the subtle rhythms of the night. Each step brings him closer to his goal—to consume the dragonfly rabbit colony and claim their biomass and chi as his own.

"I must be cautious," he murmurs, his voice barely more than a whisper in the stillness of the night. "Stealth and precision are my allies in this quest for power."

'After all even if dragonfly rabbit were just herbivores but they are many of them. They could just swarm and beat me to death' he thought silently.

With practiced ease, he navigates the shadowy labyrinth of the spirit realm, his thoughts consumed by visions of the abilities he had witnessed in the game. Alex Mercer, the enigmatic protagonist, possessed a vast array of powers—superhuman strength, agility, and the ability to shape-shift at will. It was these abilities that our protagonist now sought to harness, to wield as weapons in his quest for dominance.

"Mercer's abilities were awe-inspiring," he muses, his voice tinged with a hint of admiration. "Let's first try to develop steel claws first."

As he nears the dragonfly rabbit colony, he spies a lone member of the group—a solitary figure, unaware of the danger that lurks in the darkness. With a predatory gleam in his eyes, our protagonist approaches, his movements fluid and silent as the night itself.

The dragonfly rabbit senses his presence too late, its instincts awakening as our protagonist's jaws close around its neck with a vice-like grip. A startled squeak escapes its lips, and in a sudden burst of energy, it grows larger before his very eyes—a surprising display of power that catches him off guard.

"The dragonfly rabbits can change their size!" he realizes, his thoughts racing as he remembers the memory of the rabbit he recently consumed. "Their abilities far surpass anything I could have imagined."

In response to the rabbit's transformation, our protagonist too tried and begins to grow larger after a few seconds, his form expanding to match that of his prey. With a fierce determination burning in his eyes, he refuses to release his grip, his instincts driving him forward even as the rabbit struggles against his grasp.

'I will not be outmatched,' he thought, his will resolute amidst the chaos of the moment. 'I will claim victory and you will be a part of me!'

As the struggle reaches its climax, our protagonist emerges triumphant, his adversary vanquished by the relentless force of his will. Without hesitation, he consumes the fallen rabbit, feeling the surge of energy as its biomass merges with his own.

"The energy within me grows stronger," he observes, a sense of satisfaction washing over him as he feels the power coursing through his veins. "With each victory, I grow closer to realizing my true potential".

He then tried create claws from his paws but failed after a while. "It seems that I can't still form and control it. I need to consume more".

"..." Outloud speaking/conversation/monologues

'... ' Inward thoughts


You probably noticed I did not name the MC because it's probably useless in the early or maybe in the future. After all he could switch his forms easily. He will be named probably when he enters the physical world and when he consume different humans or benders and living their identities.


Creation is hard, cheer me up! VOTE for me!

Dr_Chadcreators' thoughts