
Chapter 3: Hiro's Last Day of School

Hiro woke up early on the last day of school, feeling excited about the upcoming weekend. He quickly got dressed and went to the kitchen to grab breakfast. As he entered the kitchen, he realized that his father had already left for work. Hiro felt a bit disappointed, as he wanted to say goodbye to his father before leaving for school.

After finishing his breakfast, Hiro grabbed his backpack and headed to the bus stop. He patiently waited for the bus to arrive, looking forward to the last day of school and the start of summer vacation. As he waited, he noticed Aina, his beautiful yet timid senpai, standing a few feet away from him.

Hiro's heart skipped a beat as he glanced at her. He had admired Aina from afar for a long time, appreciating her beauty and gentle demeanor. She was always reserved and quiet, never drawing much attention to herself. Hiro admired her timid nature but often wondered what thoughts and emotions hid beneath her serene façade.

As the bus pulled up to the stop, Hiro and Aina got on, taking seats at opposite ends of the bus. Hiro couldn't help stealing occasional glances at her throughout the ride. He wanted to strike up a conversation with her, to break through her shell and get to know her better. But he knew he had to approach it delicately, respecting Aina's timid nature.

Hiro hoped that today, on their last day of school, he would find the courage to talk to Aina. He knew time was running out, and he didn't want to let this opportunity slip away. He made a silent promise to himself to try his best, to be patient and understanding, and to create a comfortable space for their interaction. Perhaps today would be the day he could make a connection with Aina, his beautiful yet timid senpai.

Once Hiro arrived at school, he met up with his friends in the classroom. They excitedly discussed their plans for the weekend and the games they intended to play. Logging into Anito, their favorite online multiplayer game, was at the top of their list. They planned to meet up in the Colosseum, a popular gathering spot in the game where players could engage in battles and show off their skills.

"Guys, I can't wait to dive into Anito this weekend," Hiro exclaimed, his eyes sparkling with excitement. "I've been grinding all week, and I'm ready to level up my character!"

His friend, Kenji, grinned. "Same here, Hiro! The Colosseum is going to be intense. I've been working on my PvP skills. I'm hoping to score some epic victories!"

Aya chimed in, her voice filled with enthusiasm. "I heard there's a special announcement in Anito today. Do you think it has something to do with the Children of Bathala?"

Hiro furrowed his brow, pondering the possibilities. "It could be! The Children of Bathala have always been shrouded in mystery. Maybe this announcement will reveal more about their origins or introduce new quests related to their storyline."

Yuki, another friend in the group, leaned forward, excitement evident in her voice. "I hope it's something big! Imagine if we can explore the lost temples of the Children of Bathala or if we get the chance to interact with the members of the legendary Guild, the Children of Bathala! It would be incredible to learn from them and witness their extraordinary skills firsthand!"

The friends' eyes widened at the prospect. The Children of Bathala had always been revered in the game, known for their exceptional abilities and strategic prowess. They were a legendary guild whose members were said to possess unparalleled strength and wisdom.

The friends exchanged theories and guesses, their imaginations running wild with the possibilities. The anticipation in the classroom was palpable, blending with the energy of the last day of school.

Hiro's mind raced with excitement, envisioning the possibility of standing alongside these renowned players, fighting side by side and learning from their expertise. The prospect of joining forces with the Children of Bathala in epic battles and quests filled him with a sense of awe and inspiration.

As the group continued to speculate about the special announcement and its potential connection to the Children of Bathala, Hiro's anticipation grew. He couldn't help but wonder if this virtual adventure would somehow intersect with his own journey to connect with Aina, his beautiful and timid senpai.

With thoughts of both the virtual realm and his real-life desires intertwining, Hiro eagerly awaited the unfolding of the day's events, ready to embrace the possibilities that awaited him.


Just as Hiro and his friends were engrossed in their conversation, their teacher, Mr. Tanaka, happened to pass by their desk. He overheard snippets of their discussion about the special announcement and the Children of Bathala. With a playful grin, he interjected, "Ah, so the legendary guilds and virtual adventures have captured your attention once again, eh?"

The friends exchanged sheepish glances before bursting into laughter. Akira, always quick with a comeback, retorted, "Well, Mr. Tanaka, maybe you find it boring because you haven't experienced the thrill of Anito. It's not just a game for us; it's a whole new world waiting to be explored!"

Sora chimed in, teasingly adding, "Yeah, Mr. Tanaka, maybe you're just jealous that you can't keep up with us in the virtual realm. Age is just a number, after all!"

Keiko joined in the banter, giggling, "Don't worry, sir. We promise not to let Anito distract us from our studies. But who says we can't have a little fun on the side?"

Kenji playfully nudged Mr. Tanaka's arm. "Come on, sensei, you should give it a try. You might surprise yourself and become a legendary player too!"

Aya, with a mischievous smile, added, "And who knows, maybe the Children of Bathala will teach you a thing or two about the wonders of Anito!"

The classroom filled with laughter, lightening the atmosphere and bridging the gap between generations. It was a moment of camaraderie and shared amusement, a reminder that even in the midst of their gaming dreams, their studies remained important.

Mr. Tanaka paused, his eyes gleaming mischievously. "Well, my dear students, let me tell you a little secret. I actually play Anito, and I must say, I'm quite strong in the game." He flashed a wink, but Hiro and his friends exchanged skeptical glances, thinking he was merely joking.

Hiro chuckled and patted Mr. Tanaka's shoulder playfully. "Sure, Mr. Tanaka, we believe you. You're secretly the most powerful warrior in Anito, right?"

The friends burst into laughter again, their skepticism turning the teacher's claim into a running joke.

The classroom filled with laughter, lightening the atmosphere and bridging the gap between generations. It was a moment of camaraderie and shared amusement, a reminder that even in the midst of their gaming dreams, their studies remained important. With their teacher joining in the playful banter, Hiro and his friends felt a renewed sense of excitement for both the upcoming event in Anito and their academic endeavors.


The familiar sound of the bell rang, signaling the much-anticipated lunch break. Mr. Tanaka, with a gentle smile, reminded his students, "Remember, today is the last day of class before the summer break. Make sure to submit all your remaining assignments and tasks, or else you might find yourselves joining the summer classes."

Hiro and his friends exchanged glances, realizing they had some unfinished tasks hanging over their heads. Sora sighed, "I guess we'll have to skip lunch to catch up on these assignments."

Keiko nodded in agreement. "Yeah, we need to make sure everything is done before we can truly enjoy our break."

Kenji scratched his head. "I still have that science project to complete. Looks like I won't be getting much of a break this summer."

Aya chimed in, "Well, we can't let all the fun slip away. Let's work hard now and play hard later!"

Hiro, with a confident smile, revealed, "Actually, I managed to finish all my tasks and assignments ahead of time. So, I'll be heading to the cafeteria for now. Don't worry, guys, I'll save you a seat!"

His friends let out a mixture of relief and envy. Yuki playfully nudged Hiro's shoulder. "You're always ahead of the game, Hiro. Don't eat all the good stuff before we get there!"

With a playful salute, Hiro made his way to the cafeteria, excitement building within him as he looked forward to the adventures that awaited him both in Anito and in the upcoming summer break.

Hiro sat alone in the bustling cafeteria, his tray filled with delicious food. The sound of chatter and laughter surrounded him, but his attention was captivated by his thoughts. Lost in his own world, he pondered about the upcoming summer break and the adventures that awaited him in both the virtual and real worlds.

Suddenly, the cafeteria door swung open, and in walked Aina, gracefully gliding through the room. Whispers of admiration followed her every step, as the other students couldn't help but be entranced by her beauty and intelligence. Her long, flowing hair, smooth complexion, and eyes that could melt even the coldest of hearts were captivating. Hiro's gaze locked onto her, and he couldn't help but be mesmerized.

In that fleeting moment, Aina's eyes met Hiro's, and a gentle smile graced her lips. Time seemed to slow down for Hiro as his cheeks turned a shade of crimson, and his heart raced like a wild stallion. He couldn't believe that Aina had caught him looking, but her smile somehow reassured him. It was as if a silent connection had been formed, igniting a spark of curiosity and possibility within Hiro's heart.

Feeling a mix of excitement and nervousness, Hiro looked away, pretending to focus on his meal. But deep down, his mind raced with thoughts of Aina and the enigmatic encounter they had just shared.

As Aina and her lively best friend, Sakura, gathered their food, they engaged in a cheerful conversation. Aina's friend couldn't contain her curiosity and blurted out, "Hey, Aina! It's not like you to smile at someone who's staring at you. Do you know that boy?" Her gaze shifted towards Hiro's direction.

Aina paused for a moment, a hint of nostalgia crossing her eyes. "Yes, I know him," she replied softly. "But I don't think he remembers me." A tinge of melancholy crept into her voice, revealing a deeper connection between her and Hiro.

Sakura's eyes widened in surprise. "No way! How can anyone forget you if they've met you?" she exclaimed, unable to comprehend the possibility. Aina shrugged, a mix of emotions flickering across her face.

With determination in her stride, Aina continued walking toward Hiro's table. She felt a strange longing within her, a desire to bridge the gap between their memories and reconnect with someone from her past. As she approached him, butterflies fluttered in her stomach, unsure of how their encounter would unfold. Little did she know that their paths were destined to intertwine once again, leading them on a journey that would transcend the boundaries of both reality and the virtual realm.

As Aina continued her approach towards Hiro's table, Sakura couldn't contain her curiosity and playfully followed along, asking, "Aina, where are you going? There are plenty of empty tables around here." She glanced at Aina's determined expression and realized the destination she was heading towards.

With a mischievous grin, Sakura teasingly remarked, "Ah, it seems like Aina's spring has come early!" She expected a playful reaction from her friend, a light-hearted response to their ongoing banter. However, as Aina heard Sakura's words, she turned her head back with a straight face, her expression silently conveying a plea to stop making fun of her.

Understanding the gravity of the situation, Sakura's playful demeanor shifted to one of empathy. She recognized the significance of this moment for Aina and vowed to be there to support her friend in whatever lay ahead. Together, they approached Hiro's table, their footsteps echoing with the anticipation of a reunion and the potential for new beginnings.

Sakura, understanding the gravity of the situation, wanted to provide unwavering support for Aina. With a beaming smile, she whispered, "Go for it, Aina! You've got this!" Encouraged by Sakura's words, Aina kept her gaze fixed ahead and continued her determined approach.

Hiro, still engrossed in his meal and unable to shake off the lingering effects of his earlier encounter with Aina, remained oblivious to her presence. Aina, despite maintaining a composed exterior, felt a whirlwind of excitement and nerves building inside her as she focused on Hiro.

As fate would have it, a small twist of events occurred. Just as Aina neared Hiro's table, one of the nearby students accidentally dropped their pen, causing it to roll in Aina's direction. Hiro, sensing a shadow casting near his table, looked up, his curiosity piqued by the commotion unfolding before him.

In that split second, Aina heard the student's yell and registered the danger. But before she could react, her foot landed on top of the pen, causing her to emit a quiet yet endearing shriek. She managed to regain her balance, but unfortunately, the incident led to the food on her tray tumbling to the floor, creating a mess.

A mixture of embarrassment and determination filled Aina's expression as she stood there, food scattered around her. The unexpected turn of events had captured the attention of the surrounding students, including Hiro, who now found his gaze locked onto Aina, his curiosity growing further.

Hiro's heart skipped a beat as he witnessed Aina standing near his table, a blank expression on her face. Without a second thought, he propelled himself from his chair and rushed toward her, his hand instinctively reaching out to grasp hers. In a moment of unfiltered impulse, he blurted out, "Are you hurt anywhere, my queen?"

The cafeteria fell into a stunned silence, and all eyes turned towards Hiro and Aina. Hiro himself was taken aback by his actions, his face turning as red as a ripe tomato. He couldn't comprehend why he had sprinted towards Aina and seized her hand, let alone why he had addressed her as his queen. It was as if some deep-seated instinct had taken control, bypassing his conscious mind.

Aina's surprise was evident on her face, her brows furrowing as she tried to make sense of the unexpected encounter. She gently withdrew her hand from Hiro's grasp and shook her head, a mixture of amusement and confusion playing on her lips. "I'm not hurt, Hiro. But thank you for your concern."

Whispers and murmurs swirled around them, the students exchanging astonished glances and speculating about the nature of Hiro and Aina's connection. Sakura, always quick-witted, chimed in with a mischievous grin. "Well, well, Hiro. Who knew you had such a chivalrous side? Care to explain?"

Hiro scratched the back of his head, his embarrassment evident in his sheepish smile. "I... uh... I don't really know what came over me. It was like an instinct, a reflex. I didn't mean to cause a scene."

Aina regarded Hiro with a mix of curiosity and appreciation, a spark of something unspoken passing between them. "Regardless, I appreciate your concern, Hiro. It's... unexpected, but kind."

As the whispers and murmurs filled the cafeteria, the students couldn't help but indulge in their own speculations about Hiro and Aina. Excitement buzzed through the air, intermingling with a hint of envy that hung on the lips of some.

Sakura's playful remark had stirred the emotions of those present, igniting a flurry of gossip that spread like wildfire. The happy and optimistic souls in the room were quick to embrace the possibility of a blossoming love story between Hiro and Aina. Their eyes sparkled with joy as they whispered excitedly to their friends, imagining the romantic moments that lay ahead for the two.

Conversely, jealousy found a home in the hearts of a few students who couldn't help but feel a pang of envy at Hiro's newfound closeness to Aina. Their gazes flickered with a mix of admiration and longing, as they yearned to experience what Hiro had in that fleeting moment of holding Aina's hand. Secretly, they wished they could be the ones who had captured Aina's attention and affection.

In the midst of the commotion, Hiro and Aina stood there, seemingly unaware of the storm of emotions swirling around them. Hiro's face was still flushed with embarrassment, but a glimmer of determination shone in his eyes. Aina's expression was a mix of surprise and warmth, her cheeks tinted with a gentle blush. It was clear that they were both processing the significance of the moment, the unspoken connection that had formed between them.

Amidst the lingering whispers and lingering gazes, Hiro mustered up the courage to break through the invisible barrier between himself, Aina, and Sakura. With a determined yet nervous smile, he gestured toward the empty seats at his table and asked, "Would you both like to join me?"

Aina's eyes lit up with a mixture of surprise and gratitude. She nodded shyly, accepting Hiro's invitation, while Sakura's face broke into a wide grin as she enthusiastically pulled out a chair and took a seat. The three of them now sat together, a trio amidst the buzzing cafeteria.

As Hiro noticed that Aina had nothing to eat, his heart twinged with a sense of concern. In a moment of spontaneity, he reached into his bag and pulled out a neatly wrapped sandwich he had prepared for himself that morning. Holding it out to Aina, he offered with a hint of bashfulness, "I made an extra one. Would you like to have it?"

Aina's eyes widened in surprise, touched by Hiro's thoughtful gesture. She accepted the sandwich with a grateful smile and thanked him softly. It was a simple act, but it held a deeper meaning—Hiro's willingness to share not just his food but a part of himself with Aina.

Sakura watched the exchange with a knowing smile, her eyes twinkling with joy. She couldn't contain her excitement for her two friends, sensing that something special was blooming between them. She decided to play the role of a friendly observer, relishing in the happiness that radiated from Hiro and Aina's interaction.

As the three of them sat there, enjoying their impromptu lunch together, the whispers in the cafeteria gradually subsided. The other students began to return their focus to their own conversations and meals, yet the energy in the air remained charged with anticipation and curiosity.

Unbeknownst to Hiro, Aina, and Sakura, their small gathering had not gone unnoticed. Their camaraderie had become a topic of intrigue, giving rise to new rumors and speculations among their peers. It seemed that with each passing moment, their connection grew stronger, drawing the attention and interest of those around them.

Little did they know that this simple act of sharing a sandwich would become a turning point, a catalyst that propelled Hiro and Aina's relationship forward. It was a step toward a future filled with countless shared meals, whispered conversations, and stolen glances—a future brimming with possibilities and the promise of love.

And so, as the lunch period continued, Hiro, Aina, and Sakura savored their meal together, blissfully unaware of the journey that awaited them, a journey that would reshape their lives and intertwine their destinies in ways they could never have imagined.