
ShadowHunters: Angelic Decent

Transmigrated into 13-year-old Shadowhunter Elijah Everlight's body, our MC with the powers of his bloodline and memories, Elijah sets out on a quest, determined to recover and strengthen his Angelic bloodline. -------------------- Hey Guys, im writing this cause there no good fanfic on ShadowHunters, most of them are short and mostly about romance. so im gonna write this for all the Shadoehunters fans out there, also this is based on the series and some details of the books.

ricardo_yammouni · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
6 Chs

Chapter 1: Awakening in the Alley

Darkness clung to me like a second skin as I stirred in the quiet alley, the distant sounds of the city forming a muted symphony in the background. I groggily opened my eyes, the flickering streetlights casting uneven shadows on the brick walls. I found myself lying beside discarded trash cans, wearing clothes that felt as neglected as the alley itself.

With a sudden jolt, I sat up, unintentionally knocking over a nearby trash can. The metallic crash shattered the silence, and I couldn't shake off the feeling of breathlessness and disorientation. The alley, with its worn bricks and dimly lit corners, seemed both alien and oddly familiar.

"Where the hell am I?" I muttered to myself, glancing around at the forgotten remnants of daily life. It was as if the alley held a secret, one that eluded the grasp of my consciousness.

A throbbing pain pulsed through my head, and I instinctively pressed my palms against my temples. Memories flooded in, a cascade of images and emotions from a life I could barely grasp. Battles fought in shadows, secrets guarded with utmost care, and a name that echoed through the corridors of time—Elijah Everlight.

"What kind of name is that?" I mumbled, the words feeling foreign on my tongue. The alley transformed before my eyes, shadows morphing into whispers that seemed to linger on the brick walls.

Shaky hands clutched at the fabric of my worn clothes as I grappled with the onslaught of memories. "Elijah Everlight," I repeated as if saying the name would somehow make it more real. It felt like waking from a dream, with fragments of reality merging with the present.

The clatter of the trash can, now a distant echo of cars, blended into the nocturnal symphony of the city, which had become intertwined with the echoes of my rediscovered past. "This is insane," I muttered, running a hand through my disheveled hair. "Am I dreaming? Or did I hit my head and end up in some strange alternate reality?"

No longer just a person in a forgotten alley, I was Elijah Everlight—a soul with a history seeking to reclaim its place in the present. "Okay, Elijah, get it together," I muttered, trying to shake off the disorientation. The worn bricks, the discarded trash, and the flickering streetlights took on new significance, each telling a story that went beyond the surface.

The alley was not just a physical space; it was a canvas on which the tapestry of my life was unfurling. "Maybe if I walk around, it'll start to make sense," I reasoned with myself, pushing myself to my feet. The cool night air embraced me as I stood there, taking in the surroundings.

My breath mingled with the city's nocturnal exhale, a union of the forgotten and the familiar. "Okay, Elijah, let's figure this out together," I said, addressing the mysterious presence of my past self. I began to walk, each step a testament to a journey that had just begun.

"The city's heartbeat, huh?" I mused aloud, feeling the pulse of the urban sounds resonating through me. The memories, though still fragments, guided me like elusive constellations in the night sky. "If I'm Elijah Everlight, then I've got to find out who this guy really is."

The alley, once a silent observer, now held the whispers of a soul rekindling its connection to a life left behind. "You're not just a forgotten corner," I said to the alley as if it could hear me. "You're the starting point of something big, something I need to uncover."

In the quietude of the alley, I continued to walk and talk, each step a dialogue with myself and the surroundings. "Maybe this is a chance for a fresh start," I mused, the words hanging in the air. 

The city unfolded before me like a familiar tapestry, each street and building etched with the echoes of memories not entirely my own. As I strolled through the urban landscape, a strange realization began to take hold—a recognition rooted in the depths of the body I now inhabited.

"I know this place," I mumbled, my steps faltering as images from a life that wasn't mine flashed through my mind. Faces, scenes, and a series that I had once watched came rushing back, like a cascade of fragmented memories.

The realization struck me with a force that left me momentarily breathless. "I've seen this before. This is Shadow Hunters," I declared to the silent city, my voice carrying a mix of disbelief and understanding. The memories of this body intertwined with the series, blurring the lines between fiction and reality.

As I continued to walk, the urban scenery unfolded with a surreal familiarity. The buildings, the people, the very rhythm of the city—all of it resonated with the scenes I had witnessed on a screen in my past life.

The recognition, however, didn't just stop at the cityscape. It extended to a set of skills that felt like second nature. A group of people passed by, and without a conscious thought, my hand deftly slipped into a pocket, retrieving a wallet with practiced ease.

I examined the stolen wallet, the act feeling oddly natural. "Pickpocketing. How do I know how to do this?" I mused aloud, the memories of the body's past life as a thief now blending with my own.

In my past life, I was a thief who stole for the thrill, but I had a code—I only targeted the rich. The memories of daring heists, the rush of outsmarting the wealthy, all of it painted a vivid picture of a life I had once observed and now found myself living.


"I'm a pickpocket," I acknowledged with a mix of astonishment and amusement. "Guess that's one way to make a living in the Shadow Hunter world."

With the stolen wallet safely tucked away, my grumbling stomach led me to a nearby diner. The place looked average, its dim lights spilling onto the street. As I entered, the patrons glanced at me, a peculiar sight with my worn clothes and unkempt appearance.

Seated in a corner, I ordered a meal. The place was bustling with ordinary conversations, a stark contrast to the extraordinary circumstances swirling in my mind.

"This is nuts," I muttered, taking bites between my contemplations. "A pickpocket in the world of Shadow Hunters, having a meal in a city I once watched on a screen."

The clinking of cutlery and the murmur of conversations formed a background symphony. It was a moment of respite, a pause in the midst of the enigmatic journey that had unfolded since my awakening in the alley.

The diner's atmosphere was unremarkable, but it provided a sense of normalcy. As I finished my meal, paid the bill, and stepped back into the night, the city's vibrancy embraced me once more, the night air crisp and invigorating.

I walked through the familiar yet alien streets, the stolen wallet nestled against my side. The city's glow, a mix of neon signs and streetlights, painted a canvas of simplicity and complexity.

With the peculiar sight of my figure and the journey far from over, the mysteries of the night awaited. The diner, a brief interlude in my journey, became a memory, a chapter in the unfolding tale of Elijah Everlight.


hey guys hope you enjoyed this chapter please give me feed back!!!

and please give stones!!!