
Encounter in the Woods

I directed the flashlight towards Pera, noticing her slight unease. Despite scouring the surroundings, I found nothing amiss. Sensing the windy conditions might have unsettled her, I opened the gate and offered her a treat. Standing by her side, I gently stroked her neck and spoke soothingly.

"Did the big bad wind rustle some trees and scare you, pretty girl?" I whispered, receiving a snort in response, as if she understood my words.

"Don't worry, Pera. I'll be here in case any big bad wolves come for you. Nothing will happen," I reassured her, patting her neck before returning to the cab of the truck, succumbing to exhaustion after a day of driving.

Meanwhile, deep in the woods, two wolves emerged from the brush, eyeing the truck that had halted at the rest stop.

"No one has stopped here in years, Jack," remarked Derik, a deep red wolf with no other markings.

"How did she find this place? It isn't on the maps, and I thought we closed the road," questioned Jack, a grey wolf sporting a scar across his eye.

"Nick," Derik mind linked one of the border patrols. "The road that was blocked right before the territory. Look and see how this truck got through!"

"Yes, sir," responded Nick obediently.

As they assessed the situation to determine if the trespasser posed a threat, a stunning woman emerged from the truck. With dark brown, almost black hair, deep brown eyes, and olive skin, she exuded an undeniable beauty that left both wolves awestruck. It was as though she possessed an aura that captivated them, rendering them unable to look away.

Mesmerized by her presence, they watched as she approached the horse stalled outside the truck. Suddenly, her flashlight beam swept over to their hiding spot, catching them off guard.

They flattened themselves almost to the ground, shutting their eyes to avoid reflecting any light. Once they sensed the beam had moved on, they cautiously opened their eyes but remained low.

"Sir, the roadblocks seem to have fallen into the ditch," Nick reported.

"Alright, ensure they're back up on the road. We don't want any more unwelcome visitors," ordered Derik.

"Alpha, there's been a breach in the territory. A truck with a horse and a woman have entered and are sleeping at the rest stop. No immediate danger detected, but we'll keep you updated," Jack communicated via the mind link.

Though there was no immediate response, they knew the Alpha had received their message.

Their focus returned to the woman as she attempted to calm the horse. Her demeanor appeared kind and nurturing towards the animal. Returning to her truck, the flashlight extinguished.

They lingered until her heartbeat slowed to a slumber. With heightened wolf hearing, they could discern every sound from their vantage point.

Derik and Jack decided to call it a night, planning to reassess the situation in the morning.

"Good morning, Pera! Ready for an adventure?" Kat greeted her horse cheerfully.

Pera responded with a nicker and approached the gate. Kat brushed her, cleaned her hooves, tacked her up, and donned her helmet.

"Off we go!" Kat exclaimed as they set off in the direction of the trail.

The trail unfolded before them, adorned with majestic boulders and sporadic wildlife sightings that posed no threat. As they ascended the mountain, the trees thickened, and the trail narrowed.

"This doesn't seem like a trail meant for horses. Perhaps it's more suited for walking," Kat mused aloud. "Suck it in, Pera. It's a tight squeeze!" she chuckled.

They rode for hours, traversing through woods, crossing creeks with flowing water and scattered rocks, and emerging into sun-drenched clearings with rays piercing through the treetops.

Taking a break in one of the clearings, Kat dismounted and removed the bridle to let Pera graze. She settled onto the grass, enjoying the sandwich she had packed, and slowly drifted off to sleep.

Abruptly, Kat was jolted awake by a frantic cry from Pera. Startled, she sat up to see her horse frantically circling, attempting to herd something—a "WOLF!" Kat shouted in alarm.

Before them stood a menacing dark grey wolf, its mouth salivating, its teeth yellowed, and its appearance mangy.

Reacting swiftly, Kat leaped onto Pera's back, urging her to gallop away. They raced as fast as they could, with the wolf in hot pursuit. 

Out of nowhere, another wolf leaped in front of them. Pera skidded to a stop and veered left, darting through the woods and up the mountain. Branches whipped Kat's face, hindering her vision as adrenaline surged through her veins, urging Pera onward while the wolves closed in.

As they raced, a red wolf and a grey wolf charged straight towards them. "Shit!" Kat screamed, but to her surprise, the two wolves ignored them, heading straight for the mangy ones.

Turning to look back, Kat witnessed the red and grey wolves engaging in a fierce battle with the mangy ones. Seizing the opportunity, Kat urged Pera to turn and bolt back down the mountain. They didn't ease up until they galloped out of the brush and reached the rest stop where they were parked.

"Whoa!" a man's voice exclaimed.

"Sorry!" Kat gasped, her chest heaving as she struggled to catch her breath.

"You need to move along. I hear there's been a wolf problem," the man informed her.

"You have a wolf problem? That's an understatement! There were two chasing us, and then two more appeared. Fortunately, they got distracted by each other, giving us a chance to escape. Quick, get in your car; they might be heading this way!" Kat exclaimed

"Ma'am, there's no need to worry. There are no wolves chasing you right now, I promise," he assured.

"How can you be sure?" I gasped for breath. "T-They were just right there!" I managed to say, struggling to speak.

We stood there, listening intently to where I had just come from, and to my surprise, there was nothing.

"No, they were there, I swear!" I exclaimed.

"I believe you, ma'am. Let's get you packed up and on your way," he said reassuringly.

I glanced back, feeling foolish, and hung my head before retracing my steps back to the trailer.

"Sorry I almost ran into you!" Kat apologized.

"Not a problem. I'll stay here until you're loaded and off," the man offered.

"Okay," Kat replied. "My name's Kat. I appreciate you staying."

"Not a problem, ma'am. I'm Nick," the man introduced himself.

"Nice to meet you, Nick," Kat said with a nod, grateful for his assistance as she began packing her things.

Kat fetched a bucket of water for Pera while she untacked her and stowed away their belongings.

"I didn't realize wolves came this far down the mountain," Kat attempted small talk.

"We try to keep them out," Nick replied curtly. He didn't seem inclined to converse further.

"Sir, she's nearly finished packing up and should be on her way," Nick mind linked with Derik.

"Good. The rogues are dead. They must have snuck through when we were distracted by the woman, we need to ensure this doesn't happen again" Derik replied.

"Her name is Kat," Nick informed.

"I don't need to know her name, just ensure she leaves safely," Derik instructed before closing the mind link.

"Jackson Hole is only about 20 minutes away, right?" Kat suddenly asked, startling Nick.

"Yes, 20 minutes that way," he pointed. "This road leads straight to where you want to go. It's simple from there."

"Thank you, Nick," Kat expressed her gratitude as she loaded Pera. "Be safe and good luck with the wolves!" she joked.

Nick's expression darkened. "Is she kidding? Laughing about almost being attacked by those rogues? They could've killed her!" he thought, his aura shifting.

Kat noticed his change in demeanor and quickly tightened her lips into a thin line. "I'm off then, bye!" she waved.

"Bye," Nick replied tersely.