

I couldn't quite understand why Elijah's cold words had such an impact on me. It's not like he showed any interest in me anyway. And frankly, I wasn't keen on investing time in someone who got so worked up over someone accidentally sitting in their seat. Couldn't someone have given me a heads-up? I mulled it over briefly but decided to move on, it was last night after all. 

"I'll think about it," I said. Both men wore inscrutable expressions.

I resolved to stay one more night. After all, I owed Earl a dinner for graciously hosting us "for free." I didn't need anyone's hospitality, but I'd honor my word to Earl. "I will stay one more night, since I owe you a dinner for your kindness."

"Alright, Kat, if that's what you want. Just know you're always welcome here. Good help is hard to find," Earl said, a hint of amusement in his tone.

I smiled at his little pokes of humor, I knew I grew on him in the short time I was here. 

"What are you thinking of cooking?" he asked.

"Do you like Italian?" I inquired.

"I'm more of a steak man, but I'm open to pasta for a change," he replied.

"Are you sure? I can grill a mean steak too!" I offered.

"No, no, Kat, you wanted to make me dinner. I want it to be your specialty," he insisted.

"Great, I'll whip up a lasagna. I'll run to the grocery store for a few things and get started when I get back. How about dinner at 6?" I suggested.

"That works for me. See you at 6," Earl agreed.

I hopped into my truck and headed to the grocery store, making sure to pick up everything I needed for dinner, including a nice bottle of wine.



"What the hell was that, Earl?!"

"Nothing, Alpha, I was just trying to help."

"I don't need your help! I likely creeped her out. One guy has been stalking her, attempting the unthinkable. Just the thought makes my blood boil!" I growled and clenched my fists. "And now another one comes along, trying to "watch over her"? Way to go, Earl. How did you know?"

"Well, the way you were holding her and staring at her like you were going to eat her alive was one clue." He stated.

"I've seen you around with tourists, Alpha, so I know you've been with women, but what I just saw, that was 100% a mate bond. I may have lost my mate years ago, but I can still recognize it"

I felt a pang of guilt for snapping at Earl. He's always been like an uncle to me. I remember hearing of the pain he endured, losing a few pups with his mate before finally conceiving Nick when they were older. And then, tragically, losing his mate during childbirth. Wolves healed faster than humans, but we weren't invincible.

"You can't tell anyone." I stated.

"I have to keep our Luna a secret?" He questioned eyes wide.

"No, Jack knows too, you two can gossip all you want, but no one else knows, understood?"

"Yes, Alpha. Can I ask you something?"

Here we go, I thought.

"What is it?" I asked.

Earl simply asked, "Why?"

I exhaled sharply. He asked why? WHY? How about because I have a human for a mate. A human who is supposed to be a Luna. A human who can just up and leave whenever she wants because there is no mate bond... that's why. But I didn't let Earl see my concerns. I simply looked at him and stated, "Just do as ordered."

He bowed his head, and I left.

Returning to the pack house, I made my way to my office, intending to tackle some paperwork related to an upcoming festival marking the beginning of the winter season. Frustration etched on my face, I navigated through the corridors, with wolves parting like the Red Sea to avoid crossing my path. Their caution went unnoticed; my mind was preoccupied. How was I going to persuade her to stay? She didn't even acknowledge my existence. I had foolishly believed we shared a connection in the arena, but it seemed I was mistaken, and she wanted nothing to do with me.

Enzo whimpered in my mind. "We will figure something out," he reassured.

"I don't want to raise our hopes too high, Enzo," I responded grimly.

Arriving at my office, I was greeted by a scent that once brought me comfort but now turned sour. Opening the door, I found Lauren perched on my desk, clad in a tight red dress that accentuated her curves in all the wrong ways. Observing her now, the woman I had been intimate with in recent days, I was repelled. Was this who I was drawn to before finding my mate? She seemed to be trying too hard with layers of makeup, revealing attire, bleached hair, and fake lashes. I shook my head at my past self, the playboy.

"What do you want, Lauren?" I growled.

She jumped up, feigning sweetness. "I missed you last night. Where were you?" she inquired.

"I was occupied," was all I offered. Taking my place behind the desk, I sat in my leather chair. "I have work to attend to. You can leave now," I stated coolly.

"But Eli, I thought maybe we could have a little picnic before I head back to LA with Daddy?" she suggested.

I cringed at her whiny tone, reminiscent of the entitled socialite she was. "As I said, I'm busy. It's best for us to move on, and for you to return home with your father. Our time together was enjoyable, Lauren," I asserted.

She stood there, dumbfounded. "What do you mean?" she protested. "You were completely into me a few days ago, Eli. What changed?"

"Stop calling me Eli. I never said you can call me that. Don't embarrass yourself, Lauren. I made it clear from the start that this was a temporary affair. It's over now," I declared.

She began to plead and whine further. "Derik," I mind-linked, "yes, Alpha?" he responded. "I need you to escort Lauren out," I instructed.

"Yes, Alpha," he acknowledged.

Moments later, Derik entered and guided Lauren out of my office. Thank the Goddess, she was gone. A headache was forming.