
Shadowed by the Moon: A Werewolf's Tale

Lisa moves to a town called Springfield to live with her mom. The town gets a sudden hike in wolf attacks. She is a college student. She firmly believes that there is no such thing as werewolves. She meets 2 classmates named Aaron and Brian. Both of them are werewolves, and both of them love her. Lisa discovers that Brian and Aaron are werewolves. Lisa falls in love with Brian, but Aaron is jealous. Aaron turns into a wolf during a full moon night. However, he can't control his urge to hunt animals and humans when he becomes a wolf. Brian, the brown wolf saves Lisa's life from Aaron, the black wolf. Brian saves Lisa from a crocodile attack. Brian and Lisa visit the nearby city Metroville to meet her father. They have good time in the city. Brian also saves the life of a teen girl from human traffickers by turning into a wolf. Lisa's friend Jenny discovers that Lycanthrope's Locket can control werewolves on full moon nights. Jenny, Brian and Lisa search the locket and give it to Aaron. Aaron wears the locket and doesn't turn into a wolf during the next full moon night. The town was safe from him now. Brian informed a cop that Aaron is a werewolf. The cop made Aaron angry by punching him in the face and killing his mother. Aaron removes the locket and becomes a black wolf and kills the cop. Angry Aaron hunts many animals and people that night. Brian and Aaron, the werewolves get into a fight. Aaron dies in a road accident. The town seemed safe now, but a new enemy of Brian came to rise. his professor hates werewolves and wants to kill each of them because his wife was killed by a werewolf, probably Aaron.

DaoistmGfTly · แฟนตาซี
5 Chs

Chapter 3 Unexpected Chaos

Lisa returned home from her first day at college, her steps filled with enthusiasm and a story to share with her mother. The golden hues of the late afternoon sun painted their cozy home with a warm and inviting glow. Her mother was in the kitchen, preparing dinner, as Lisa entered.

"Mom, you won't believe the day I had," Lisa exclaimed, excitement bubbling in her voice.

Her mother turned to her with a warm smile. "I'm all ears, dear. Tell me everything."

As they sat at the kitchen table, Lisa began to recount her day. "I made a bunch of new friends, Mom. There's this girl named Jenny, and she's so nice. We instantly hit it off. Then there's Alex, who's really funny and loves the same TV show as me. And Sarah, she's super smart, and we already exchanged notes. I feel like I fit in already."

Her mother's eyes twinkled with pride and affection. "That's wonderful to hear, Lisa. I'm so glad you're making new friends. College is a place where you'll find like-minded individuals who can become lifelong companions."

Lisa nodded, her excitement still palpable. "And there's this guy named Brian, Mom. He's kinda weird and introverted, though. I said hi to him, and he just ignored me and moved to another seat. I mean, who does that?"

Her mother listened intently and then responded with a comforting tone. "Well, people can be quite different, Lisa. Some may take time to open up, and others may have their reasons for keeping to themselves. It's important to be understanding and not judge too quickly."

Lisa contemplated her mother's words and nodded in agreement. She had only spent one day with Brian, and perhaps there was more to him than met the eye.

Lisa's tone shifted to a more serious one. "Mom, I also heard something really weird on my way back home. It was like howling, like wolf howls. I looked it up, and they say there are a lot of wolves in the forest around the college."

Her mother's expression tightened slightly, and she spoke with a note of concern. "Wolves in the forest, you say? Well, that's not uncommon for this area. But it's important to be careful, especially during the evening and at night. Avoid walking alone in the forest, and if you ever hear those sounds again, stay away from them. Wolves are beautiful creatures, but they're wild and unpredictable."

Lisa nodded, taking her mother's words to heart. The prospect of encountering wolves, while thrilling, also carried a sense of danger.

As the evening settled in and dinner was served, Lisa's mother turned the conversation to more personal matters. "Lisa, you mentioned making new friends and enjoying your day. That's wonderful. Is there anything else you'd like to share with me?"

Lisa hesitated for a moment before speaking with a hint of vulnerability. "Well, Mom, I've been thinking about relationships. I'm in college now, and I feel like I'm a grown-up. I wish I could have a boyfriend. Is that normal?"

Her mother offered a reassuring smile, a blend of understanding and warmth in her eyes. "Of course, Lisa. It's completely normal to start thinking about romantic relationships at your age. Just remember, it's important to be patient and not rush into things. The right person will come into your life when the time is right. Focus on building friendships and getting to know people. The rest will follow in its own time, but I hope your relationship won't fail like mine."

Lisa appreciated her mother's guidance, finding solace in her words. The conversation felt like an opening to share her thoughts and feelings, making her feel more connected to her mother than ever before.

As the evening wore on, they cleaned up the kitchen together, and Lisa couldn't help but feel a sense of contentment and security. Her mother's wisdom, support, and the warmth of their home were constants that would carry her through her college journey, no matter what challenges or new experiences lay ahead.

Lisa's phone rang, interrupting her quiet evening at home. She answered with a smile, "Hello?"

On the other end of the line was her father, and his voice carried a mix of concern and curiosity. "Lisa, how are you doing over there? Are you enjoying life in the new town and college?"

Lisa's voice brimmed with enthusiasm as she shared her recent experiences. "Dad, it's been great! I've made new friends, and college is fantastic. The town is beautiful, and I'm loving every moment of it."

Her father sounded genuinely pleased as he listened to her account of her new life. "I'm glad to hear that, Lisa. It's a big change, and I was a bit worried. Um, how's your mom?"

Lisa's expression softened as she mentioned her mother. "She's doing well, Dad. We're getting along just fine. It's nice to have her back in my life."

Her father's voice carried a hint of nostalgia as he spoke about Lisa's mother. "It's been a while since we last talked, Lisa. Maybe someday we can have a conversation too."

Lisa felt a wave of emotion at the mention of her parents' past and the fact that they had been divorced. It had always been a delicate subject, and she sensed the hesitation in her father's voice. "I'd like that, Dad." Lisa gave her the phone, "Talk to him, mom."

"No," her mother said.

"I said, talk to him. He isn't that bad," Lisa said.

"Hello," Lisa's mother said over the phone.

"Is this you? It's been years since I last talked to you," he said.

"Hm, how's your life?" Lisa's mother said.

"Alright," he said.

"You could have entered the house, when you came to drop Lisa here," Lisa's mother said.

"You could have exited the house too. I know, you were looking at us through the window," he chuckled.

Lisa's mother also chuckled, "You still have the habit of making bad jokes."

"Some things don't change, I guess," he said.

"I'm sorry," Lisa's mother said over the phone.

"I'm sorry too. I'm not that bad, right?" he chuckled.

She chuckled, "You were never bad. We just had our differences that led to divorce." 

Lisa was happy to see them talking after many years.

Just as the conversation between them began to gain momentum, a sudden commotion interrupted them. Lisa and her mother exchanged a puzzled look, the noise growing louder in the background.

Lisa's father's voice wavered as he tried to speak over the chaos. "Lisa, what's happening over there?"

Lisa hastily explained over the phone, "Dad, I don't know. Something's going on outside. I need to check it out."

Her father, worried for his daughter's safety, said, "Please be careful, Lisa."

Hanging up the call, Lisa and her mother rushed outside to investigate the source of the disturbance. Their hearts pounded as they were met with a gruesome sight. On the ground lay the lifeless body of a person, bearing clear signs of a savage attack. It was evident that he had been brutally beaten, and the injuries were consistent with a wolf attack.

Shivers of fear coursed through Lisa as she and her mother exchanged horrified glances. The town had been on edge due to recent wolf attacks, but seeing the aftermath was an entirely different experience. It was as if the serene town had transformed into a place of inexplicable violence.

As they stood there, in the midst of shock and fear, the distant sirens of a police car grew louder. It soon arrived on the scene, and a stern-faced cop stepped out, urging people to remain calm.

"Please, folks, I need you all to back away and give us some space. We're here to investigate and ensure everyone's safety," the cop said, trying to instill a sense of order and control.

Lisa and her mother complied with the officer's request, retreating to a safer distance. The events of the day had taken a dark turn, and they could hardly fathom the gruesome scene that had unfolded before them. The town had been shaken by a series of wolf attacks, but this was an entirely new level of horror.

As the police officer began to examine the crime scene and gather evidence, Lisa couldn't help but wonder what had caused such violence in the peaceful town. The safety and tranquility she had felt since her arrival had been shattered, and a sense of vulnerability lingered in the air.

Lisa and her mother exchanged a silent look, their hearts heavy with the knowledge that their lives in Springfield had taken an unexpected and ominous turn. The events of that afternoon would forever alter their perception of the town and the college life Lisa had been so excited to embrace.