

Many years ago in a hidden village, the God of ninjas created the Order of the Scarlet Shadow made of countless of disciples. Time passed and the beliefs of the order split in two which made two different independent faction called The Shadow order and The Scarlet order. Being in the same village having different beliefs, conflicts between the factions intensified causing both factions drawing weapons between one another. In order to avoid the conflict, both factions decided that once every ten years, the best ninja of the scarlet faction will fight against the best ninja of the shadow faction. The winner of which will inherit the title " Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster(not mythic, just grandmaster)" and will teach the ninja code that the ninja God has left them.

Ten years ago, a talented shadow ninja named Yuuto emerged possessing exceptional abilites that can be found once every hundred years. He was extremely talented that even members of the scarlet faction acknowleged his strength. His people gave him the nickname "Yatagarasu", which means an magnificent crow that brings guidance. He passed every test and faught the scaret faction's best ninja that time called "Dokuhebi(Viper)" and defeated her in a stage wherein the all of both factions were watching.

The day Yuuto was about to recieve the title of Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster, was also the day of the greatest tragedy of the Order of the Scarlet Shadow's history. While undertaking his final mission, Yatagarasu brutally killed the Scarlet's greatest ninja Dokuhebi and asserted his dominance between the two sects. Betrayal is the worst crime a ninja could have done to his fellow comrades, so elites from both factions set out to lay the law and eliminate Yuuto once and for all. That night, all elite ninjas were slain(savage) and Yuuto barely escaped having badly injured. This brought shame and weakened both factions which made them work together to maintain peace. They decided that the ninja who could kill the discgraced shadow will inherit the title of Scarlet Shadow Grandmaster.