
Shadow slave: A Shadows Friend

Rin Lunar, once a girl trying to survive on the slums. Now, she was chosen by the Spell and as such, she has to fend off against terrible abomination... even fellow Awakened. Her salvation lies in her divine power... And most importantly, her truly trusted friend, Sunny. "What's the worst that could happen?" "I died the last time you said that!" "Don't be such a cry baby and you know, dying is too plebeian." ---- Author: Bazinga Proof-reader and editor: Karma-Sensei-Dono*

Dashkins74 · หนังสือและวรรณกรรม
58 Chs

(ch31) Trust the fruit, Trust the tree

The pair gasped in disbelief, exchanging wide-eyed glances with their companions. Nephis and Cassie held in their hands hefty, luscious fruits, their dark, glossy skins resembling polished onyx, while their juicy interiors gleamed with a vibrant ruby hue. Their fingers, chins, and lips were stained with the crimson juice, creating the illusion of a macabre feast.

The air was suffused with a tantalising, sugary scent that beckoned irresistibly.

*It's actually destroying my teeth and im not even eating it*

As she listened to the rumble of Sunny's stomach, it served as a vivid reminder of her own hunger, which had been steadily growing stronger.

Nephis glanced at the pair and greeted them with a gentle smile, radiating ease and warmth:


They gazed at her in disbelief, momentarily speechless. Their eyes met, silently confirming that they had heard correctly, their expressions mirroring each other's shock.

Then, after a brief pause to process what they had just heard, they regained their composure and erupted into simultaneous exclamations:

"What do you mean "hey"?! What the hell are you doing?!"

"Spit that shit out right now!!"

"Yeah what Rin said!"

The air was pierced by their voices, echoing with disbelief and simmering anger.

Neph and Cassie swivelled to meet the source of the commotion, their brows furrowed in obvious confusion.

"Why are you shouting?"

The pair stared at Rin in disbelief, wondering if she had completely lost her marbles. Why were their companions acting so casually about the situation? What in the dream realm was happening?!

Attempting to make sense of the situation, they cautiously advanced and fixed their gaze on Nephis. Did she... hold on... what thoughts were swirling in her mind?

*Sunny you got fleeting memories too*


She felt a gnawing hunger deep in her stomach, making it nearly impossible to focus on anything else but the rumbling emptiness inside her. With a slight shake of her head to dispel the momentary distraction, Rin recalled her train of thought and leaned in, determined to continue her conversation.

"Why did you change your mind?"

"Exactly for all we know that's the demons shit you are eating in fruit form"

A look of concern crossed Changing Star's face as a slight frown appeared, indicating a moment of contemplation or unease.

Before it vanished

"Changed my mind? About what?"

*Is she actually taking the piss? What's with her? Why's she so forgetful?*

He gazed at her, his expression reflecting not just frustration but also a simmering anger. The whole situation was really getting on his nerves as well.

"About the fruits! I thought we had agreed to avoid eating them!"

Nephis blinked, her brows knitting together in confusion as she tried to make sense of what she was hearing.

"Did we? ...Why?"

Rin looked over at Sunny


*I KNOW…. IT WAS SUCH A BAD IDEA…BECAUSE-.. BECause….well i can't actually remember why*

He scratched his head

*You know! It was about…i..um…what did we actually say?*

*Uh… I can't quite remember.*

She felt a certain certainty that a reason existed, yet her memory drew a blank. Wasn't there some kind of agreement?

She was quite convinced there was, or at least she had been until just a few moments ago. Now, though, a perplexing doubt lingered. Could it be that they collectively conjured up the entire notion?

The tempting fruits held an undeniable allure, and hunger was a compelling factor for all four of them, making the decision seem even more tempting.

*No, wait… that's not right!*

*Yeah but why?*


"Are you two alright?"

They exchanged glances with Nephis, who wore a concerned expression. Rin suddenly felt a wave of confusion wash over her. What were they discussing? It seemed to involve some agreement, but she couldn't grasp the details.

*What agreement?*

Rin asked to Sunny, her voice tinged with uncertainty.

*No clue Rin*

Feeling at a loss for words, she stood there, furrowing her brows and pouting slightly. She couldn't help but feel a bit foolish for not understanding the conversation.

Fortunately, Cassie stepped in, adept at diffusing awkward moments.

"Are you two angry because we started eating without you?"

Rin looked at her and noticed the big, delicious fruit in her hands. Her stomach growled.

*So hungry…*

*Yep…were we angry at them?*

*I think so*

They answered together

"Uh… I guess?"

Cassie's face lit up with a grin as she gestured towards the ground, where two juicy fruits nestled amidst a pile of fallen leaves. The corners of her mouth were stained with traces of crimson juice, evidence of her recent indulgence.

"Don't worry! Neph brought four of them, one for each."

*How nice of her…*

*She is starting to act more human*

She looked at the fruit in front of her, and looked at Sunny's

*You go first*

Sunny reached for the fruit, examining it before indulging in a satisfying bite. As Rin observed Sunny's joyful expression, she couldn't help but be inspired to pick up her own fruit after a moment.

However, as she lifted her arms, the fruit nestled in her grasp came to a sudden halt, almost as if her muscles were rebelling against her attempt to raise them further. She felt a strange resistance, as if her own body was defying her efforts.

Whenever she attempted to lift it, she found herself exerting extra effort, her muscles resisting the upward movement of her arms.

'what the hell? What's happening?'

Why was her muscle memory turning on now?

'Hold on i have an idea'

She shut her eyes and gave it another go, thinking that blocking out the visual stimuli might help ease the tension in her muscles and calm her mind.

And it worked

In an instant, a rush of delightful, cool sweetness enveloped her taste buds, flooding her mouth with pure bliss. The succulent, juicy fruit proved to be an unparalleled culinary experience, surpassing any previous taste sensation she had encountered.

Not only was it delicious, but it also provided a nourishing and refreshing sensation, its rich texture leaving a soft, lingering aftertaste that lingered on her palate.

Each bite felt like a symphony of flavors, with the ruby flesh practically melting on her tongue, sending tingles down her spine and enveloping her in sheer ecstasy. Truly, it was as if happiness had taken the form of this exquisite fruit.

Even though Rin was thrilled, a sense of unease nagged at her. There was an unsettling feeling lingering in the air, but she couldn't quite put her finger on it. Why was her body reacting so strongly against this?

As she took another bite, a frown creased her brow, and she found herself grappling with an unexpected sense of unease. Despite the heavenly taste of the Soul Tree's fruit, she made a concerted effort to push aside its delicious distraction and focus her thoughts.

Rin's attention zeroed in on the peculiar sensation, and after a moment of introspection, she identified its origin: Sunny's shadow.

It behaved strangely, failing to mirror his actions when he reached for the fruit, almost as if it harboured a reluctance to make contact. Even as Sunny indulged in the fruit, his shadow remained motionless, steadfastly refusing to mimic his movements.

*Weird. What is it with this guy?*

*Yeah why is your shadow being weird? My bodies doing it too*

Rin and Sunny savored each bite of their individual fruits, their gaze fixed on the shadow as they drifted into contemplation. The shadow possessed an unusual temperament, often acting with purpose. If it displayed disapproval for the fruit, there must be an underlying issue with it... just like her body, which instinctively reacted to potential threats.

A furrow formed on Rin's forehead, an unsettling sensation tightening around her heart.

There was an unsettling realisation settling in—an unease about something being amiss with…

*Damn, why is it so hard to think about this stuff?!*

*I know it hurting my head*

Was there a problem with the fruit? What could possibly be the issue?

*Wait, is this why we screamed at Nephis? She broke an agreement… What was the agreement?*

*Yes! There was! But why?*

Rin stood on the edge of a profound realisation, sensing the weight of a crucial memory dangling just beyond her grasp. It felt like if she could only tug on that thread, the entire truth would unfurl before her like a tapestry...

A sense of impending dread crept over her, warning of dire consequences should they falter...

Yet, in an instant, her focus shifted as if a veil had been drawn over her concerns about the Soul Tree's fruits.

For in that very moment, the spell whispered its secrets into her ear:

[Your light grows stronger.]

Her eyes widened as she blinked, shifting her gaze to the tantalising fruit nestled in his grasp. The enchantment surged through her being, amplifying her abilities, just as Rin savoured her third bite. With a mix of astonishment and curiosity, she lifted her head to meet Sunny's gaze, finding mirrored wonderment reflected back at her.


*Same here*

As their eyes met, Nephis noticed both of them focusing on her. Changing Star's gaze, in particular, held a peculiar intensity as she studied her fruit. Sensing their attention, Nephis glanced up from her task. Sunny was the first to speak up.

"Did you…"

At the same time, Nephis said:

"I just absorbed a point of soul essence."

Without uttering a word, all three of them shifted their attention to Cassie.

The blind girl was eagerly indulging in the fruit, crimson juice trickling down her chin and splattering onto the ground.

Pausing briefly, she flashed a radiant smile.

"Actually, I received mine a few bites ago."

Rin's eyes lit up with excitement as she widened them, her heart racing with anticipation. With eager anticipation, she conjured the ancient runes.

[Light fragments 134/1000]

They obtained soul essence without having to battle any perilous monsters. Rim finally understood why the Carapace Demon had been so obsessed with the Soul Tree and its magical fruits.

These fruits were brimming with essence! Forgetting her initial unease, she eagerly reached out and indulged in the succulent, delicious, and nourishing flesh of the fruit. Ignoring the resistance of her body, she consumed it greedily.

As the sun dipped below the horizon, casting shadows over the tranquil sea and transforming the Ashen Barrow into a secluded haven, the quartet prepared for the night ahead.

Nestling their camp amidst the protective embrace of towering roots, they found solace in the nourishing fruits they had discovered, which infused them with newfound vitality, easing their burdens.

With their journey westward halted, Rin Nephis, Sunny, and Cassie collectively decided to take a well-deserved respite, granting themselves a brief interlude from the rigors of their expedition.

In the serene expanse of the Ashen Barrows, devoid of menacing creatures and shielded from the perils of the sea, they found sanctuary, with an abundance of sustenance provided by the benevolent Soul Tree.

Furthermore, the mystical properties of the tree's fruit offered them not only nourishment but also potential enhancement of their abilities—a rare boon in such perilous times.

In this harsh landscape, where danger lurked at every turn, the Ashen Barrows presented a semblance of paradise, offering them the opportunity to grow stronger without the constant threat to their lives.

Reclining upon a makeshift bed of fallen leaves, Rin and Sunny found themselves enveloped in a sense of tranquility and hope, a stark contrast to the trials they had endured in recent memory.

*It's getting better*

Amidst the calm of the evening, a glimmer of optimism sparked within them, hinting at the possibility of brighter days ahead.

*Yeah i cant believe the boons this tree provides*

*Yeah its a shame we're not staying for long*

*With the Carapace Demon gone, there's no one to protect this magnificent tree anymore. When we continue our journey, it will be completely defenceless. What a shame…*

As they drifted into the realm of slumber, their thoughts began to wander, and just before succumbing to sleep, they found themselves speaking once more.

*What a shame that no one will be here to serve it*

*.... and feed it*

*... and help it spread its seeds…*

*Good night Sunny, wow this tree is Amazing*

Hey everyone, another chapter is here for you to enjoy! The next one will be out in a couple of days. I'm really excited to finish this arc so we can dive into the juicy lore.

Dashkins74creators' thoughts