
Shadow Sealer

[On Break!] [Preparing for the next Volume] [Volume 1: The Clourfuss]=[Complete] [Volume 2: ...]=[On Writing] Zach's life takes a spine-chilling turn when an ancient malevolent shadow creature resurfaces after eons of concealment. Confronted with a harrowing dilemma – should he fight relentlessly for survival or surrender to the embrace of death? Caught in an endless loop of mortality, Zach desperately strives to shield his precious family, enduring the torment of life's perpetual repetition. Yet, amid countless cycles of life and death, a mysterious and ancient symbol known as the "Clourfuss" is activated, altering the course of his existence. This symbol's discovery unveils Zach's newfound power to seal the malevolent shadow creatures, altering his fate forever. Empowered by the enigmatic "Clourfuss" symbol, Zach is poised to become a legend in the impending Dark Age. However, the future remains shrouded in uncertainty. Is the unending cycle of death an advantage, or does it cast an everlasting curse of immortality? Who Knows... _________________ Support This Book By Giving Power Stones :) _________________ MC's progress may be a bit slow at the beginning of the story, so make sure to follow MC's journey at least until chapter 60, then you can judge whether this is for you or not. _________________ First Novel By Author Herfst _________________

Herfst · แฟนตาซี
92 Chs

First Day

The next day, on Monday morning.

This is Zach's first day starting work as a Gate Keeper. By wearing a black coat with a gray belt that is not tied and reaches up to the calf. Wears a black round hat and thin white gloves with black buttons.

On the back of his coat is the symbol of an eagle in a cage. It is the symbol of the city of Vandash. Cities have symbols that mark them. The city of Obsidia has the symbol of the bullet, the city of Amethyst has the symbol of the Flower and the bee, and several other cities.

Zach was holding a wooden crate by a metal handle, on the surface of which there was plastic covering his Clourfuss symbol.

He did not carry his revolver, instead carrying only glass bullets of a faint purple color in his pocket.

He was wearing black boots and black trousers to match his hat.

After breakfast, He didn't wait and headed straight for the Gate Keeper's Office.

On the road with a little dust flying, Zach steadied his pace, He already knew where the Gate Keeper was, so He went alone and didn't need Vanders' help anymore.

Traveling about 20 minutes on foot at normal speed, Zach arrived in front of a three story building with a luxurious feel. The entire building is pale gray in color. Displays an indescribable gloom.

Even though many people were passing by, Zach didn't recognize them. According to instructions from Vanders, to sign Zach's contract, he must go to his team captain first.

The door to the building with two sides each made of solid wood opened when Zach pushed slowly. Inside the building, activities were completely different from Obsidia's Gate Keeper's Office.

There were only three to five people seen doing their job. On either side are stairs that lead to the upper floors. "3rd Floor..." Zach muttered the information Vanders had given him.

Zach didn't wait long, he walked past two people near the stairs and went up to the second floor and took another step to go to the third floor.

On the third floor there is a corridor that is wider than the floor below. It was because there were only three rooms there. The first room and the closest to the stairs is the room with the words "Captain's Head"

Stretching his eyes forward, Zach saw a name that also registered in his brain. "Allen Midre"

That was the name of his new team captain. Zach walked to the front of the second room before knocking softly three times.

"come in"

A voice that was quite deep and concealed a dense maturity rang out. Zach turned the doorknob and pushed slowly.

As reflections from the room filled Zach's eyes, he studied the person sitting behind the small wooden table in front of him. It was a man in his late forties with clear lines on his face.

His eyes were deep like the boundless ocean, showing varied experiences. His hair was black and messy, as if it had been deliberately tousled.

"Good morning Mr Midre" Zach pulled down his round hat as he bowed his head in salute.

Allen raised his eyes to Zach, then after a few seconds he replied "Oh, good morning... Sit down"

Zach pulled the chair back to give him a roar to sit down. Meanwhile Allen took out a layered file. It is a contract.

"I've heard about you from Mr. Edder." The deep voice sounded quite calm.

Edder is the last name Vanders uses in the city of Vandash. Just like Jack Miller, Vanders also chose to adopt a different last name.

It was because He lived in the city of Vandash. He didn't want to use the name Boreas for that. In contrast to the case of Jack Miller, who basically had no other choice but to change his last name because he works as the high priest of the church of the light of wisdom.

"These are all contracts agreed to by Mr Edder, He already mentioned that you were unwell the previous day. Because it was based on his agreement, the Contract was written without your opinion"

"Mr Edder said that you will agree to all of that. Read it first, if there is something you don't like about the contract, it will be updated again"

After reading for about five minutes, Zach gave a small nod and agreed to everything in the contract. The contracts are quite simple and similar to the city of Obsidia.

The initial contract is two years of profession as a Gate Keeper. But the morning shift is added two hours, which was previously from 8 to 16, now it is 7 to 17. Salary is paid every week for fifty silver coins and health insurance. Moreover, the initial contract fee was two gold coins. It was the same amount as Obsidia City.

Despite the increased work hours, the contract still makes sense. Zach also knows exactly, the condition of the additional working time is due to the lack of Gate Keeper personnel. This slightly changes Zach's perception of the city of Vandash.

Zach signed the contract and accepted initial contract payment.

As time passed, Zach, who came out of the Gate Keeper's Office, was led by Allen to the gate.

It is about ten minutes walk and only four to six minutes by horse carriage. Having wasted time in the Gate Keeper's office, They took the stagecoach to make it quicker.

The horse carriage stopped in front of a heavy iron gate. In a outpost that looks like a small hut but looks decent and beautiful, Two men are playing chess and sharing a chat before noticing Allen and Zach's arrival.

The two people jumped up, and greeted them. "Good morning captain" Said the two men with a salute at the same time.

Then they glanced at Zach.

The person standing on the right was a man who looked mature but had a carefree temperament. He had reddish-black hair from the sun. But apart from that, his face was quite handsome. He is Ramius Harith.

Beside him, was a younger man. Maybe even younger than Zach. He wore a round black hat similar to Zach's, his eyes exuding high curiosity. What stood out most about him were his thick eyebrows and fiery brown eyes. One with a fiery spirit, Santos Vedric.

After a small introduction, Zach was getting used to his new team member.

They quickly get along and build a friendship. Zach is not a man for conversation or making friends. But for now, he put that aside and went with the flow of the conversation.

This wasn't for the usual reasons, but because he wanted to get rid of all the things that characterize "Zach Alfred".

Zach, who has experience as a Gate Keeper, easily takes care of his work. Keep an eye on people entering and leaving the gate.

After witnessing the chess matches that Santos continues to win, Zach notices that within a few hours of his vigil, up to ten families have come out of Vandash town.

In the city of Obsidia, even in a day, there are only five to ten people who go out of the city. And mostly because of business matters.

In contrast to Vandash Town. Not only that, the average exit brings the whole family and lots of stuff.

"Is this normal?" Zach couldn't help asking.

Ramius held his forehead as if in thought, he moved the chess pieces as he said "Well, lately a lot of families have left the town. Heh, I'm sure it's all because of the serial killings that happened."

Santos didn't think much as he immediately moved the chess pieces forward. "Isn't that natural... I'm sure they will come back after the serial killer problem is over"

"The captain said that a joint team would be formed filled with police, gatekeepers, detectives and even the military to deal with this problem," continued Santos.

Zach frowned. After talking and chatting, Zach learned one important fact. His team members didn't know anything about shadow creatures.

"Or are they just trying to hide it from me? If my guess is correct, then they must be experienced Gatekeepers. It would be weird if they didn't know this..." Zach muttered.