
Long sleep

It was like any other day, I woke up because my cellphone ringing and it did not stop after I try to shut down the alarm, but today it wasn´t like any other day, today was my last day on school and I didn't want to go today, for 4 years i woke up to go to my classes, have a bite in the cafeteria, go home do my homework and finally play some games but today was my last day so I decide to don't go. Take a day for me, sleep like it will be no tomorrow.

I only open one eye and turn off my cellphone. I didn't know that on that day everything important like work, studies, my friends everything will become an only sweet memory in the world I will wake up after.

I wake up no knowing what happens to the world, I start washing my tooths but for some reason, my room has no electricity, I didn't think too much, I use the bottled water that I have in my desk, not knowing that I was trowing a priceless resource in the world that I wake up.

I was living outside the city, in an old house that my parents give me before they pass away, I start to do my simple routine some exercise to keep my body working some stretching but for some reason, all my body feels pretty heavy, I do some simple exercises and change.

I planed to go outside to buy some food when I start to notice, that all the streets are empty like it was a ghost town, I start to worry about it, I go to the store that wasn't so far from my house when I notice that the store has a car in the middle of the doors someone crashes it and leave it like it was running from the law, I enter the store trying to know what happened, I remember that the owner install some cameras no to long ago because the last week a shoplifter took some alcohol and apparently it was a kid, the parents call the police thinking that the owner was selling alcohol to minors, so to avoid the same problem the owner install the cameras.

I enter and it was all messy, I see the store that became like a haunted house, all look like something will wake up and attack me, but I think I was overthinking, I reading to many novels to believe that in a day, I will wake up I a world that has a monster that will eat me, I walk slowly because even if I was overthinking, it better to be careful

I walk slowly to the room of service that has the pc for the cameras, I breathe normally when I enter the room like it was the most dangerous 12meters in my life. I try to turn on the computer but it wasn´t working. I feel pretty disappointing but almost when I was leaving, I remember that some cameras have an external supply to work and it stays working at a low level of energy to maintain vigilance.

I start searching and notice that external supply I turn it was a sollar supply so I turn it on, so I can power up the computer, and finally its start to running, I check and watch, I have only 30min until the energy runs and start charging again, so I start looking for the recorder and watch that the day its wrong it say it has been 1moth.

I can't believe it, I was sleeping for 1moth!