
Going home

after I leave my hideout I start walking to my home today it has been too much for one day, I wake up in a different world and now I need to be prepared but first I need to go home and start preparing everything to continue my investigation about this world and the danger I will face.

I walk around the corners and some gardens to not be seen by anyone trying to observe all the changes around my neighborhood all I can feel it's the emptiness in each house I watch, I can feel how time stops in each place the paper still in the doors waiting to be picked but now it's only the last action before the long dream, I will call it like that because I sleep for so long I can only imagine what a wonderful dream I was having.

of course, I know that this is not the reason but it's a way to comfort myself and believe that the dream I was having its the reward for everything will happen, and for what I lived today it will be pretty hard.

I'm near to my house so I start to be more careful, I take some turns and wait for 15-minute hiding to be sure that no one it's following because from now this house will become my fortress.

at least until I found out the important things to travel.

I always want to travel but because my way of life my future was only graduate from college and find decent work to live maybe create a family.

so now that money it's not the problem I will take what I want and travel trying to know this world of course if I can ensure my safety.

Even if I want to travel I will not so dumb to go to my death I will travel only if I can survive.

I leave my hideout and enter my house, I try to make my house like it was before I wake up. so if some try to find something strange they will notice.

after i leave everything like it was I go to my room and throw my self to my bed look to the sky and try to remember everything it seems that I may be an "awake" I don't know much but for the meaning of the word I can imagine is all the people that wake up after the long dream.

after I put all the food in my room and the knife. I turn on my cellphone because I turn off because of the alarm I think I will have some battery to turn on.

I turn it and wait after that I try to connect I feel disappointed that has not connection but I feel pretty surprised when I read the history and I have 5 missing calls and one message it's from my friend.

after I was ignored by almost everyone in the class, I meet my friend it was pretty simple I start playing a game and when I start looking for player to my party I found her, I only meet her online we chat a lot I give her my number to chat and play together she was one of the little friends I can say I have.