
Shadow of deceit

Athena Stanford is a 21-year-old orphan living in the bustling city of New York. She is jobless and lonely, but she catches the eye of Caleb Martin's, a charming and successful businessman. After a whirlwind romance, Caleb confesses his feelings for Athena, and they become a couple. However, their happiness is short-lived when Caleb develops a nervous problem that requires an expensive operation. Determined to help the man she loves, Athena takes up various jobs to earn money for Caleb's operation. Her journey leads her to the Elite Restaurant, a prestigious establishment owned by the wealthy and powerful Liam Steele. During her time working at the restaurant, Athena encounters Luke Steele, a notorious playboy known for his perverted interests. Luke becomes infatuated with Athena and starts pursuing her relentlessly, despite her clear rejection of his advances. One fateful day, Athena stumbles upon a beautiful ruby pendant and impulsively decides to sell it to cover Caleb's medical expenses. Unbeknownst to her, the pendant actually belongs to Liam Steele, who values it dearly. Determined to retrieve his precious possession, Liam seeks out Athena, but rather than taking her as a slave as expected, he becomes intrigued by her resilience and independence. Meanwhile, the Steele family faces internal turmoil when Logan Steele, Liam' brother, discovers that Luke has betrayed him by sleeping with Logan's fiancée, Jaden Ravenwood. Seeking revenge, Logan sets his sights on Athena, using her as a pawn to inflict pain upon Luke. With the help of his loyal bodyguard, Flynn Martin's, and devoted right-hand woman, Sandra Scott, Logan begins a dangerous game of manipulation, which further complicates Athena's life and fuels tensions within the Steele family.

FamodunOluwasegun · วัยรุ่น
49 Chs

Chapter Twenty Four


I walked into the doctor's office, my heart was pounding with excitement and nervousness. This was the moment I had been waiting for, the moment when I would finally tell the doctor about my plans and schedules. 

The doctor looked up as I entered the room, her expression neutral. "Hello, Amanda. What can I do for you today?"

"I need to talk to you about something that important," I said, my voice barely above a whisper. "Something that could change everything."

The doctor raised an eyebrow, fascinated. "Go on."

I took a deep breath and began to tell her everything. I explained how I had orchestrated the entire pregnancy, how I had convinced the brothers that Athena was carrying Logan's child when in reality, it was all a lie. I told her how I had planted seeds of doubt and jealousy in Logan and Luke's minds, and how I had manipulated them into fighting over Athena.....