
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

XXXVIII: Michael

[Choose a name for the soldier]


Name: Shalltear
Rank: General

Having achieved resounding victory within the treacherous confines of the Undead Dungeon, Kazuki basked in a profound sense of accomplishment. Seizing the moment, he imparted an authoritative directive to Shalltear, his faithful Shadow Vampire companion. "Become one with my shadow," he pronounced, his voice resonating with unwavering command. Yielding without a moment's pause, Shalltear gracefully dissolved, effortlessly assimilating into the depths of Kazuki's shadow. As the final vestiges of her presence dissipated, an electrifying surge of power coursed through Kazuki's being, for he knew that the indomitable strength possessed by Shalltear now lay wholly under his dominion.

Leaving the eerie depths of the dungeon behind, Kazuki emerged into the familiar surroundings of his room. The transition from the dark and treacherous dungeon to the comfort of his own space was a stark contrast. However, he knew that while he had spent a few days in the dungeon, time outside had barely progressed. In the real world, the passage of time had slowed down drastically.

As Kazuki opened his eyes, he realized that Asia, his dear friend, was no longer in bed. However, an enticing aroma filled the air, and he immediately recognized it as Asia's culinary magic. He smiled to himself, grateful for her thoughtfulness and culinary skills. It seemed she had prepared breakfast for him.

Feeling the grime and exhaustion of his dungeon exploration, Kazuki decided to indulge in a much-needed shower. The hot water cascaded over his body, washing away the physical and mental fatigue that had accumulated during his arduous journey. Refreshed and rejuvenated, he slipped into clean clothes, ready to face the day.

When Kazuki stepped into the kitchen, he found Asia putting the finishing touches on a delicious spread of breakfast dishes. The aroma of freshly brewed coffee mingled with the delectable scents of pancakes and scrambled eggs. Asia turned around, her eyes lighting up at the sight of Kazuki.

"I didn't see you when I woke up," she stated, her voice warm with affection and concern.

Chuckling softly, Kazuki approached her, appreciating the warmth of her smile. "I was in a dungeon," he replied, his eyes twinkling with a hint of mischief.

Asia's brows furrowed in mild worry. "You were risking your life again, weren't you?" she asked gently, knowing well the dangers that lurked in the dark corners of Kazuki's world.

Kazuki reached out and gently took her hand, his touch soothing. "Believe me when I say I can hold my own," he reassured her, his voice filled with confidence.

Asia sighed softly, her gaze shifting between concern and understanding. "I know you have a duty, Kazuki, and I respect that. Just promise me you'll be careful."

With a gentle smile illuminating his countenance, Kazuki conveyed his deep affection for Asia, his eyes serving as windows to the depth of his emotions. "Asia, I solemnly vow that regardless of the obstacles that come my way, I shall unfailingly find my way back to your side," he declared with unwavering conviction.

In that special instance, a profound bond existed between them, silently acknowledged and profoundly experienced. With the radiant sun filtering its resplendent beams into the room, they settled side by side, relishing the delectable feast meticulously crafted by Asia. The breakfast table transformed into a haven of solace, affection, and intertwined aspirations—a sacred refuge wherein they discovered solace within the mere existence of one another.

Kazuki and Asia walked side by side, the sun casting a warm glow over their eager faces as they made their way to school. The air was filled with the promise of a new day, and they were ready to embrace the knowledge that awaited them.

As they stepped through the school gates, the familiar routine began to unfold. Classes came and went, teachers imparted wisdom, and students diligently absorbed every word. The hours passed by swiftly, like sand slipping through an hourglass, until the final bell rang, signaling the end of another day of learning.

With the school day behind them, Kazuki and Asia stepped out into the world beyond the confines of their educational institution. They felt a sense of liberation as their footsteps carried them forward, free from the structured embrace of the classroom.

But just as they began to enjoy their newfound freedom, a figure emerged from the crowd, approaching them with a sense of urgency. It was Issei, a friend they knew well. His eyes gleamed with excitement as he delivered his message to Kazuki.

"Hey, Kazuki!" Issei exclaimed, his voice filled with anticipation. "You won't believe it, but Azazel wants to talk to you. He's been waiting for this chance to meet and speak with you."

Kazuki sighed, a mixture of curiosity and apprehension clouding his expression. However, the prospect of a conversation with Azazel intrigued him.

"Alright, Issei," Kazuki replied, his voice tinged with a hint of determination. "Lead the way. Let's see what Azazel has to say."

With Issei at their side, Kazuki and Asia followed him toward the Occult Research Club's headquarters.

As they entered the ORC room, their eyes were greeted by the sight of Azazel sitting in a high-backed chair, his gaze fixed intently upon Kazuki. The room was dimly lit, the flickering candles casting dancing shadows on the walls, adding an air of mystery to the encounter.

"Welcome, Kazuki," Azazel said, his voice smooth yet commanding. "I've been waiting for this moment. You are aware of your popularity within the supernatural world, yes?."

Kazuki nods his head and awaited what Azazel had to say. 

Azazel leaned forward, his eyes gleaming with intensity. "I have been watching you closely, observing your actions, and I believe you are destined for greatness."

"Although your words are appreciated, I must interject," he began, only to be abruptly interrupted by Azazel. "I have no intention of imposing any obligations upon you. My sole purpose was simply to have an encounter with the illustrious Shadow Monarch," Azazel declared.

The blonde Fallen Angel stood up, declaring, "Now, onto business." Azazel, accompanied by Rias' peerage, Kazuki, and Asia, embarked on a journey towards a locked classroom in the old school building. "Rias, please unseal the door," Azazel requested. Rias complied, granting them access to the room. Amidst the surroundings, one particular item captured Kazuki's attention—an intriguing coffin. Driven by curiosity, he cautiously opened the coffin and was taken aback to discover a boy inside. The boy was adorned in a girl's school uniform, introduced by Rias as Gasper Vladi.

Gasper's accidental freezing of time left everyone in a state of bewilderment and awe. As the flow of time resumed, the group gathered around Gasper, trying to make sense of what had just transpired.

Issei, ever the inquisitive one, was the first to speak up. "Gasper, what was that? How did you freeze time?"

Gasper's expression turned sheepish as he scratched the back of his head. "I...I'm sorry, I didn't mean to do that. It's just...my Sacred Gear, the Forbidden Balor View, it's a power I struggle to control. It allows me to manipulate time and space, but it's unpredictable, and I can't fully control it."

Kazuki's curiosity was piqued once again, as he realized the immense potential that lay within Gasper's Sacred Gear. The ability to manipulate time and space was a formidable gift, but one that required careful mastery to prevent unintended consequences.

Rias, Akeno, and Kiba, sensing the urgency of the situation, made the decision to depart and assist in the preparations for the upcoming meeting of the Three Factions. They entrusted the training of Gasper to Kazuki, Issei, and Asia, knowing that their combined efforts would help him gain better control over his Sacred Gear.

Kazuki observed the training sessions closely, allowing Gasper to immerse himself in the process without interference. Issei, fueled by his determination to protect his friends, guided Gasper through various exercises, teaching him how to channel and focus his powers.

Amidst their training routine, Azazel, the enigmatic fallen angel, made a sudden appearance in the schoolyard. His eyes gleamed with a mixture of mischief and wisdom as he observed the trio.

"Gasper, Issei, Saji," Azazel called out, drawing their attention. "I believe I can offer some guidance in honing Gasper's abilities. Controlling the Forbidden Balor View requires finesse and an understanding of its intricacies. Allow me to lend a hand."

He stepped forward, positioning himself beside Gasper. With a calm yet authoritative voice, he began to explain the nuances of Gasper's power, sharing his knowledge and experience.

Under Azazel's tutelage, Gasper's progress accelerated. The fallen angel's expertise allowed him to tap into his full potential, providing Gasper with the tools and techniques necessary to better control the Forbidden Balor View.

Days turned into weeks as Gasper, Issei, and Saji tirelessly trained, refining Gasper's control over his Sacred Gear. Kazuki, ever the observant one, watched the progress with a mixture of admiration and curiosity.

As the training sessions drew to a close, Gasper's mastery over his power became evident. His freezes became more controlled and precise, and he gained a deeper understanding of the boundaries of his abilities.

With their training complete, Kazuki, Issei, and Gasper stood together, a united front ready to face the challenges that lay ahead. Gasper's newfound control over the Forbidden Balor View would undoubtedly play a crucial role in the battles to come.

As Azazel prepared to depart, he cast a knowing smile toward Kazuki. "Remember, Kazuki, sometimes watching from the sidelines is not enough. Embrace your potential, for greatness lies within you."

Kazuki nodded, his eyes filled with determination. The meeting of the Three Factions loomed on the horizon, and the destiny of their world hung in the balance.

The next day, Kazuki and Asia meet Rias and Akeno. Rias tells Kazuki to meet up with Akeno at her place. They all go to the shrine with Akeno, who is wearing her Miko outfit. She greets them, along with Issei, who is also there with them. A new figure then greets them, introducing himself as Michael, the leader of the Angels.

But then something unexpected happened, three new figures teleport in. Kazuki and Asia immediately recognize them. Hades, Beelzebub, Lucillius. Kazuki facepalms as he knew that things were about to get complicated. "My dear Kazuki, sorry we haven't been around much. I'm sure you miss our presence, but we are here now," Hades declared. Michael looks on at the three in disbelief. "W-what is the meaning of this?" He questioned. And the three look on at Michael intrigued.