
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

XXXV - Unveiling the Cosplay Enigma


"Hey guys, have you heard the news? There's someone cosplaying in the gymnasium." Kazuki told Issei, Rias and Akeno.

Issei's curiosity sparked instantly, his eyes lighting up with interest. "Cosplaying? That sounds intriguing! I wonder who it could be."

Rias, always open to new experiences, nodded in agreement. "It's definitely worth checking out. Let's head to the gymnasium and see for ourselves."

Akeno, her curiosity piqued, couldn't help but speculate. "I wonder what kind of cosplay it is. Could it be one of those popular anime characters?"

Their anticipation grew as they made their way to the gymnasium, where a spectacle awaited them. Amidst the bustling crowd, their eyes fell upon a figure that stood out from the rest. It was none other than Serafall Leviathan, Sona's older sister and the current Satan with the illustrious title of Leviathan, dressed in an elaborate and breathtaking costume.

Kazuki's voice broke the silence, his curiosity evident. "Who is that?"

Issei's jaw dropped, his words escaping in awe. "Whoa, she looks amazing! That cosplay is on a whole new level. She certainly knows how to make an entrance."

Rias, recognizing the cosplayer with a knowing smile, shared her knowledge. "Her name is Serafall. Serafall is renowned for her extravagant style, but this cosplay surpasses anything we've seen before. She has perfectly captured the essence of the character she portrays."

Akeno's eyes widened as she surveyed the scene, the attention and admiration surrounding Serafall undeniable. "Look at all the attention she's receiving. People are flocking around her, capturing the moment with their cameras. She has become the center of attraction."

Kazuki's curiosity got the better of him, a determination glinting in his eyes. "Let's go talk to her and learn more about her stunning cosplay. I'm sure she has some fascinating stories to share."

The group approached Serafall, who noticed their presence and greeted them warmly, a twinkle of excitement in her eyes. She exuded a captivating charm as she welcomed them into her world of creativity and imagination.

Kazuki couldn't help but feel a sense of awe as he stood before Serafall Leviathan, the current Satan with the title of Leviathan, dressed in her remarkable cosplay. The gymnasium buzzed with excitement, and it seemed as though the entire world had turned its gaze upon her. Her costume was a testament to her creative prowess, an exquisite embodiment of the character she sought to portray.

Issei's eyes gleamed with admiration, his curiosity piqued by the enchanting spectacle before him. He couldn't help but voice his wonderment, "Whoa, she looks amazing! That cosplay is on a whole new level. She sure knows how to make an entrance."

Rias, ever perceptive, recognized the cosplayer as Serafall, Sona's older sister, known for her penchant for extravagance. However, this particular cosplay surpassed anything they had witnessed before. "Her name is Serafall," Rias shared with her companions. "Serafall is renowned for her unique style, but this cosplay is truly something else. She has flawlessly captured the essence of the character."

Akeno's gaze lingered on the crowd that surrounded Serafall, cameras flashing and people vying for a glimpse of her exceptional portrayal. "Look at all the attention she's getting," she mused. "She has become the center of attraction, the embodiment of artistry and creativity."

Kazuki, his curiosity aflame, felt compelled to approach Serafall, eager to learn more about her magnificent cosplay and the tales that accompanied it. As they neared her, Serafall noticed their presence and greeted them warmly, her eyes alight with recognition.

"Hey!" Serafall exclaimed with delight. "I don't recognize you, but I see you've come to witness my exceptional cosplaying skills."

Kazuki nodded in affirmation, confirming Serafall's suspicions. "Indeed, I am Kazuki, the Monarch of Shadows," he replied, his voice tinged with intrigue.

Serafall's eyes widened, a realization dawning upon her. "Oh my gosh! You must be Kazuki! Monarch of Shadows?" she exclaimed, her excitement palpable.

Kazuki's curiosity deepened, his interest in Serafall's artistry growing by the moment. "Serafall, your cosplay is breathtaking," he praised. "How did you manage to create such an intricate costume?"

Serafall's smile widened as she reflected upon her labor of love. "Oh, it was nothing, my dear Kazuki," she humbly responded. "As the current Satan with the title of Leviathan, I must keep up with the ever-evolving trends. I dedicated days upon days to meticulously design and craft this costume. It is my way of paying homage to the character whom I hold dear."

Issei couldn't help but interject, his admiration evident in his voice. "You have truly succeeded in capturing the very essence of the character," he marveled. "It's as though you have stepped right out of the anime itself."

Rias, her eyes gleaming with respect, commended Serafall's dedication and attention to detail. "Your commitment to your craft is truly inspiring," she said. "Your cosplay reflects a level of skill and passion that is nothing short of extraordinary."

Akeno, her voice laced with admiration, expressed her sentiments. "I can understand why everyone is captivated by your portrayal. You have breathed life into the character, immersing us in a world of artistry and imagination."

Serafall's expression radiated gratitude as she acknowledged their kind words. "Thank you all," she responded. "Cosplaying is my passion, and it brings me immense joy to share it with each and every one of you. Your appreciation fuels my creative fire, and for that, I am truly grateful."

And so, in that gymnasium filled with awe and admiration, Serafall Leviathan stood as a testament to the power of artistry and the captivating magic of cosplay. Her presence had ignited a flame within the hearts of those who bore witness, forever etching her remarkable craftsmanship into their memories.

In the bustling streets of the town, Kazuki's footsteps carried him through a throng of people, each lost in their own thoughts and daily pursuits. Amidst the chaos and noise, he felt a peculiar presence, an inexplicable pull that tugged at his senses. His curiosity piqued, Kazuki followed the invisible thread, his intuition leading him towards an unassuming alley.

As he ventured further into the dimly lit passage, the sounds of the city grew distant, replaced by an eerie silence. And then, before him, he saw them. Hades, Beelzebub, and Lucilius, standing amidst the shadows, their imposing figures bathed in an ethereal glow that seemed to radiate from within.

Startled yet undeterred, Kazuki approached them, "I was wondering where you guys were."

Hades, his eyes gleaming with ancient knowledge, regarded Kazuki with an inscrutable gaze."We have traveled to this realm with you seeking enlightenment, to witness the dawn of a new world."

Beelzebub, his piercing gaze fixed upon Kazuki, spoke next, his voice resonating with a raw intensity. "We seek to understand the depths of human existence," he proclaimed, his words carrying an air of both curiosity. "To immerse ourselves in their passions, their triumphs, and their struggles."

Lucilius, his expression serene and compassionate, stepped forward, extending a hand in greeting. "Dear Kazuki," he said, his voice warm and soothing, "we are in search of guidance, someone who can lead us through this unfamiliar realm. Someone who can illuminate the path forward and help us navigate the intricacies of this new world we find ourselves in."

Kazuki nodded, "I'm honored, if I can be of any assistance, I will gladly offer my guidance and support."

"But don't be too comfortable, like we said before, we are not your friends. We just wish to experience something new," Hades explained.  

A solemn silence fell upon them as the weight of their shared purpose enveloped them. The city continued its oblivious rhythm beyond the alley, unaware of the extraordinary

convergence occurring within its midst.

And so, Kazuki's path became intertwined with the enigmatic trio, bound by destiny to embark on a remarkable journey through the unique world they live in.