
Shadow Monarch (Solo Leveling x HsDxD)

Enter Kazuki Tanaka, your regular high school student. Life has always been the same, eat, sleep, school, etc and repeat. That was until a fallen angel attacked him while he was taking a stroll. He was about to die until... ---- Notes: I will change some aspects when it comes to Solo Leveling, you are going to see things such as dungeon creation, observe, etc. - This is not a "Betrayed" book - Rias will not be a pain in the ass - There will be a lot of violence -There will not be a harem -Constructive criticism is accepted You may also see some appearances of characters from other anime and Manhwa. This was originally published on Wattpad and Yes, this is MY story.

Laurentiino · อะนิเมะ&มังงะ
34 Chs

XL: Confrontation in Shadows: Clash of Magicians


On a momentous day, the illustrious figures of the supernatural world gathered at a grand conference. Among them were Kazuki, Asia, Hades, Beelzebub, Lucilius, Rias, Issei, Akeno, Kiba, and Xenovia. Filled with anticipation and purpose, they made their way toward the designated meeting room, leaving behind two individuals--Koneko and Gasper.

Aware of the precarious nature of their situation, Kazuki exercised caution. He cast a protective spell, summoning red shadow orcs to lurk within the shadows that cloaked Koneko and Gasper. With this defensive measure in place, he joined his comrades in the meeting room, ready to face the challenges ahead.

Inside the room, the air crackled with an electric tension as the representatives of the Three Factions assembled. Azazel and Vali represented the Fallen Angels, Michael stood as the envoy for the Angels, while Sirzechs and Serafall took their places as the representatives of the Devils.

Azazel, his gaze sharp and piercing, leaned against a table, exuding a sense of authority. Vali, a stoic figure with a trace of a smirk, stood beside him, his arms folded. Michael, radiating a serene aura, occupied a position that seemed to emit a soothing light. Sirzechs, dignified and regal, held himself with confidence, while Serafall, vibrant and energetic, seemed to fill the room with her presence.

The meeting commenced with a formal exchange of pleasantries and acknowledgments. Kazuki greeted each representative in turn, conveying respect and gratitude for their presence.

"This is Kazuki Tanaka, Monarch of Shadows. He was the one who defeated Kokabiel," Sirzechs announced, his voice resonating with a hint of reverence.

Michael, his eyes filled with intrigue, nodded in acknowledgment. "That is a rather impressive feat, Kazuki. Your abilities are to be commended."

Azazel, known for his mischievous nature, interjected, "And I apologize, it seems one of my boys caused you some trouble. I assure you, their actions were not sanctioned by me."

Kazuki, maintaining his composure, inclined his head in response. "I appreciate your apology, Azazel. Rest assured, I was able to handle the situation."

"Now that all of the participants are represented, let this summit commence," Sirzechs declared, his voice carrying the weight of authority.

Rias, standing beside Kazuki, stepped forward, holding a carefully prepared report in her hands. "The rest of the incident regarding Kokabiel, my household, and Kazuki can be found in my official report," she stated firmly.

Sona, a distinguished figure among the attendees, affirmed Rias' statement. "As a witness, I confirm the veracity of the report given by Lady Gremory. The events unfolded precisely as described."

Sirzechs, satisfied with the confirmation, acknowledged their contribution. "That will be all, thank you very much for your thoroughness, Rias."

Turning his attention to Azazel, Sirzechs posed a question. "Perhaps the Governor-General of the Fallen Angels would care to share his opinion on the report?"

Azazel, leaning casually against a nearby podium, shrugged nonchalantly. "Kokabiel went rogue, therefore my thoughts on the incident are irrelevant. He acted entirely on his own."

Michael, his countenance exuding a sense of deep contemplation, inquired further. "So he acted without any authorization or guidance?"

Azazel's mischievous smirk widened as he replied. "Well, he never had my permission, if that's what you're asking. But something tells me the damn fool wouldn't have tried to destroy the town if he knew I was staying here. I've grown quite fond of this quaint little place."

Sirzechs, his tone firm, interjected. "Try and stay on topic, if you please, Azazel. We are here to address the matter at hand."

Azazel, seemingly undeterred, continued his response. "I sent the White Dragon Emperor to resolve the issue, but that was not necessary, as he was easily defeated by Kazuki."

Michael, ever the thoughtful observer, interjected with a hint of concern. "What I find most troubling about the attack itself was Kokabiel's motivation. It seems he was dissatisfied with the status quo."

Azazel, leaning forward, replied with a hint of amusement. "Yeah, the war ending halfway through stuck in his craw. What he wanted was perpetual combat. But at this late stage in the game, I have no interest in a war."

Serafall, her voice filled with curiosity, quoted a phrase. "'The seeds of discontent'."

Azazel, his expression growing serious, commented, "That behavior isn't exclusive to my faction. Dissatisfaction can arise in any corner of our realms."

Sirzechs, ever the moderator, interjected once again to steer the conversation back on track. "Again, I ask that we stay focused on the matter at hand. We are here to discuss how to move forward and foster peace among our factions."

Azazel, with a smirk and a touch of sarcasm, replied, "Spare the verbosity, won't you? Let's just make peace and be done with it."

A gasp escaped Rias and her peerage at the audacity of Azazel's words. However, his smirk only grew wider. "That's the purpose of this grand summit, isn't it? To establish peace and unity among our factions," he provocatively questioned, challenging the very essence of their gathering.

"I couldn't agree more," Sirzechs stated, his voice carrying a tone of understanding and acceptance. He then turned his gaze to Kazuki and the individuals gathered around him, acknowledging their presence. "Michael has told me about your friends, Kazuki. Hades, Beelzebub, and Lucilius," Sirzechs addressed the three godly figures with a hint of intrigue.

Hades, with a mischievous smirk, couldn't resist a playful remark. "And you, Sirzechs... ruler of the underworld... or one of them," he said, his words laced with a touch of sarcasm.

Sirzechs returned the smirk with a knowing smile. "All I hope now is that your presence doesn't cause unnecessary trouble for us in the future."

Hades chuckled, his gaze filled with an enigmatic gleam. "Oh, don't you worry, Sirzechs? We thrive on a little trouble now and then," he said, his voice dripping with playful mischief.

Sirzechs' smile widened as he responded. "Well, for now, I suggest you all stay on the down low. If word were to get out about a separate Hades and Beelzebub running amok, who knows how the supernatural world would react."

Beelzebub, ever the calm and collected figure, nodded in agreement. "We understand your concerns, Sirzechs. We will exercise caution and keep our presence discreet."

Hades, unable to resist a final comment, added with a devilish grin, "But you have to admit, Sirzechs, a little chaos, and intrigue can make life more entertaining."

Sirzechs chuckled, his eyes sparkling with amusement. "Indeed, Hades. Perhaps there is some truth to that. As long as it doesn't jeopardize the delicate balance we strive to maintain...but that won't happen. So I ask again, please stay low."


Koneko and Gasper waited patiently in the quiet confines of the Occult Research Clubroom, their senses attuned to any disturbances. As the minutes ticked by, a sense of calm settled upon them, and they began to relax in the tranquility of the moment. However, Koneko's keen instincts picked up on a subtle shift in the atmosphere. Something was amiss.

Abruptly, Koneko sprang to her feet, her eyes narrowing with concern. Gasper, peering out from within a cardboard box, glanced up at her with curiosity. "Koneko, what's wrong?" he inquired, his voice laced with trepidation.

Koneko's expression turned serious as she responded, "Someone is approaching. Stay still, Gasper. Don't make a sound."

No sooner had she issued her warning than the doors to the Occult Research Clubroom were violently blasted open, sending debris and dust billowing into the air. Koneko's eyes scanned the entrance, narrowing further as she realized the identity of the intruders. "Humans?" she questioned, her voice tinged with surprise.

Stepping forward, one of the cloaked women addressed Koneko, her voice dripping with an air of superiority. "Yes, indeed. We are human, but we have mastered the art of utilizing magic by restructuring the principles of devil magic. We are known as magicians," she explained, her tone condescending.

A second woman, her voice firm and commanding, added, "To put it into terms you can comprehend, we are on the same level as the mid-ranking devils you often encounter. It would be in your best interest to comply with our demands."

The third woman, her gaze focused and unyielding, stated bluntly, "Hand over the half-Vampire to us."

In response, two red-shadow orcs materialized from the shadows that enveloped Gasper and Koneko. Towering in their imposing forms, the orcs growled menacingly, preparing for battle.

Unfazed by the appearance of the orcs, one of the women sneered, "Hmph, very well then. Let's see if your summoned creatures can withstand our magic."

The group of magicians unleashed a barrage of powerful magical attacks, directed towards the red-shadow orcs. The room filled with dazzling lights and crackling energy as the spells collided with their intended targets.

Once the smoke and remnants of the magical assault cleared, the orcs emerged unscathed, their blue eyes gleaming with an unyielding determination. Roaring defiantly, they prepared themselves for the imminent confrontation, ready to protect Koneko and Gasper at all costs.