
Legend rank prodigy

'Somewhere in the city of Yowald'

*Knocking on the door* A moment of silence followed. ''Come in'' Said a middle aged man with a raspy voice. Behind the door came in a young man with a report ''Umm, sir. I came to report that we had lost all contact with Kaizer.''

Middle aged man slammed his fist to the table after hearing the report ''What do you mean you lost all contact with Kaizer?''. The young man seemed to hesitate to answer ''W-Well, we haven't heard anything from him for 2 days, so we tried to contact him by using one of Kaizer's familiars and...''

The middle aged man was running out of patience and stood up from his chair yelling ''And!?''

The young man hesitated even more, but somehow he managed to muster enough courage to give the report ''All of the familiars are dead, i think your son Kaizer might have died''.

The middle aged man became furious and slammed his fist trough the table ''Are you trying to tell me that my son who has 3 star platinum rank, is dead?''

The young man started to panic ''N-no, of course not.''. Middle aged man calmed down and sat back to his chair and started to rub his eyes ''What was the last known location of Kaizer?''.

''He was following some group of adventurers to the Jiganda jungle with his men'' Young man answered. ''Have you been in contact with his men?'' Asked the middle aged man.

''No sir, we couldn't contact them either.'' Young man said. The middle aged man started tapping his finger against his forehead ''How about the adventurers, do you know any of their names?''.

''No, we only know that there were six adventurers, but Kaizer and his men killed one of them and the rest escaped deeper into the jungle.'' Young man explained.

''Send men to the Jiganda jungle to search my son, search the whole damn jungle until you find him!'' The middle age man ordered. ''Understood!'' Young man replied.

The adventurers and Nero had arrived at the entrance of Yowald. A huge 30 feet wall was surrounding the city, which amazed Nero as he hasn't seen such huge wall before. ''Well, is this the city you were looking for?'' Rico asked from Nero while pointing at the city.

Nero suddenly jumped into the sky at least 100 feet height observing the city from far above. ''That kid still keeps surprising me with his extraordinary skills'' Bull said while staring at the sky, rest of the group agreed with him.

Nero fell back to the ground looking disappointed saying ''No it's not, Nabarel is a lot larger city, at least six times larger.''. Everyone stared at Nero thinking if this guy was serious ''Six times larger? You must be kidding right? I have traveled around the world, i have never seen or heard of a city that large. I can assure you that the city of Yowald is the largest city in the world.'' Rico explained while they were entering trough the gates.

''I too have traveled around the world, but something's weird. I have never seen these type of buildings before, also the language you speak, it is my first time hearing such a language.'' Nero said. ''What? Our language is the most commonly spoken language in the world, if you have traveled around the world, you would have heard it. How else you would be able to speak our language?'' Rico asked.

''I'm using a translation spell from communication spells. With it i'm able to understand your spoken language, while allowing you to understand my language.'' Nero explained. After Sofia heard this, she got curious ''Another unknown spell? Would you mind teaching it to me someday?''.

''Where would you need a translation spell?'' Gerald asked. Sofia sighed because she had to explain something to Gerald who only knew how to swing a sword ''If translation spell allows you to understand different languages, it means you would also be able to read books written in different language, even the ancient ones''.

''Ooh, i didn't even think about that.'' Gerald answered with a smile. ''That spell would still be useless for you, to gain access to ancient books you need to be at least 2 star legend rank'' Leroy said with sulky tone.

Sofia who was 3 star gold rank got annoyed at Leroy's comment ''So what, i could find ancients books from a dungeon or even ancient ruins!''. ''Yeah sure, you could also find an ancient monster guarding the book, how were you thinking to get past that?'' Leroy answered. Sofia went suddenly silent and accepted her defeat.

''Nero, are you interested to join a guild? We are heading there to sell the items you gave to us, if you like, we can take you there.'' Rico asked from Nero. ''I would love to.'' Nero answered.

They arrived at the entrance of a huge building which was swarming with adventurers going in and out. ''Welcome to the guild of Yowald city'' Rico announced at the entrance of the guild.

Group entered trough metal doors to a huge hallway where all kind of adventurers were socializing with each other. Hallway had several doors which lead to different sections of the building.

Each door had a sign above saying which section it was: Library, Auction, Treasure vault, Training room, Employee quarters, Storage room, Gold rank quarters, Platinum rank quarters, Legend rank quarters, Guild master's quarters. At the end of the hallway was doors to the huge main room which had several receptionist desks and employees behind the desks. The floor was made from marble and beautiful marble pillars were scattered around the area. At the south wall was Five huge boards which was filled with wanted posters, quests, missions and requests. Each board had a plate above ranging from Bronze color to platinum color, plate above legend board was jade green.

Group arrived at one of the receptionist desk. ''Well, if it isn't Rico. Haven't seen you in awhile.'' Said lady behind the receptionist desk. ''It's been little over 2 months since my last visit, we came to auction some of our findings and this young fellow behind me would like to join guild, so if you could evaluate him.'' Rico said while pointing Nero behind him.

''Ah, a new recruit. Let me grab the crystal ball so we can evaluate him. You and the others can go to the auction room to enlist your items, auction will be held in 2 days from now.'' Lady answered while searching the crystal ball from the cabinet behind her.

''You heard the lady, we'll go enlist our items to the auction, after you are done meet us outside.'' Rico told Nero while tapping this on shoulder. ''Oh, okay.'' Nero answered.

''Here it is, now if you could place both of your hands above this crystal ball...'' Lady said while placing the crystal ball on receptionist desk. Before Nero could place his hands above the crystal ball, the crystal ball started to fill up with smoke and exploded.

''This is weird, i thought i just replaced the ball with new one. Gimme a second, i'll go fetch another one.'' Lady said and left the desk. People started gathering around Nero to see what had just happened, they were whispering to each other how crystal ball had exploded when receptionist was trying to evaluate Nero.

After awhile the lady returned with new crystal ball ''Here we go, a new crystal ball. Sometimes when multiple strong individuals have fed their energy to the ball, it just explodes, it happens time to time if the ball has not been replaced.''. ''Now if you could place both of your hands above the crystal ball.'' Lady said.

Same thing happened again, when Nero was about to place his hands above the crystal ball, the ball exploded. 'What? Two defective crystal ball? I'm sorry, could you wait a little bit longer, i go inform the guild master about defective crystal balls.'' Lady said and left again.

Even more people had gathered around Nero gossiping even louder ''Two defective crystal ball? I thought those balls are capable of evaluating even a Legend rank'', ''Has the guild become such a cheap ass that they don't even buy new proper crystal balls?''. Nero started to feel nervous around all the attention he was getting.

Soon the lady returned with the guild master ''Would you come with me, our crystal balls seems to have some factory faults'' Guild master said. Nero followed the guild master to guild training room which was filled with all kind of different equipment, at the end of training room was another door which they entered and in middle of that room was a massive crystal ball.

''This ball is used to evaluate large familiars. Even though it is meant for larger familiars who posses tremendous power, it is still quite accurate to evaluate persons strength. When someone gets evaluated the ball is filled with smoke and it determines your rank, the color of the smoke will determine your rank and the color ranges from bronze to jade green. Now, place your hands against this crystal ball.'' Guild master explained to Nero.

Nero placed his hands against the crystal ball and smoke started to appear inside the ball, the smoke was black and it kept increasing until the massive crystal ball was engulfed in black smoke and the ball started cracking. Guild master quickly pushed Nero away from the crystal ball after it started cracking.

''I have never seen anything like this, your power level is so massive that even the crystal ball meant to evaluate familiars is not able to evaluate you... And the color, i have never seen black colored smoke during someones evaluation.'' Guild master said while scratching his head.

''I'm sorry, i did not mean to brake it, i tried to suppress my power as much as i could.'' Nero said.

''You even tried to suppress your power!?'' Guild master said in shock.

''We can't let anyone know about this, if word were to get outside... It could bring disaster to our people.''.

Guild master and Nero returned back to the receptionist area and told the lady behind the desk ''This kid is a prodigy, hand him 1 star legend rank plate'' and left back to his quarters.

People around the receptionist desk started to uproar ''A newbie straight to Legend rank? That has never happened before!''.