

Receptionist lady handed Nero a small jade green plate which had 1 star symbol on the middle. ''With this you are able to enter restricted areas, use the guilds quarters, and of course take any quest/mission/request from the boards at south wall. There are still some restrictions with 1 star rank, if you wish to be promoted to 2 star, you need to prove your ability to complete legend rank quests and missions.''. Next the receptionist lady grabbed documents behind the cabinet and placed on table. ''Now to fill your information: What is your name, how old are you, where are you from, do you have any familiars, what is your specialty.''

Nero started scratching his head and answer the questions ''Umm, my name is Nerobartametosulkandal but others call me Nero, i'm 20 years old, i'm from Nabarel, i do have couple familiars, i like to think myself as an all-rounder.''. Receptionist lady was writing Nero's information down. ''Do you wish to use guilds quarters and treasure room? We will take 10% commission from your possible rewards in the future if you decide to use.'' Lady asked from Nero.

''I would like to use the quarters if possible'' Nero answered. Receptionist lady grabbed a key from the cabinet and handed it over to Nero ''Use the legend rank quarters, room number is 16. I think we are now done here, welcome to the guild, we'll be expecting lot from you in the future.''.

Nero headed outside to meet the others who were waiting him there. ''Well, what rank you became? Platinum rank like me, right?'' Rico asked from Nero. Nero showed them the 1 star legend rank plate. ''What!? Did they really hand you a legend rank plate like that? You must be something else then, usually people have to spend couple of years in platinum ranks before they are powerful enough to become a legend rank.'' Rico said jealously.

''What you expected? That kid is nothing like us, he even managed to stop your most powerful attack with his bare hands.'' Leroy said with intention to rub salt in Rico's wounds.

''We are happy for you, Nero. I think i have found my future husband.'' Sofia said while grabbing Nero from his hand.

''Would you leave the kid alone? You are twice his age.'' Gerald laughed.

''How dare you! I'm 29 years old.'' Sofia replied while stomping Gerald's feet.

''Stop you two, don't start fighting the moment we get home.'' Bull said while trying to separate the two from their throats. ''Geez, get a room you two. You make me sick.'' Leroy replied.

''What are you trying to imply, Leroy!?'' Sofia said with a tone like she was furious.

''Okay, okay. Stop arguing, let's go celebrate Nero's legend rank at Heads & Toes Inn.'' Rico said while pushing the group towards the direction of the Inn.

At Heads & Toes Inn. Group sat corner table next to a window. ''Order whatever you want, it is my treat!'' Rico announced. Everybody looked at Rico like he was some type of saint and they generously accepted his offer. Ale and food kept coming to the table, everyone was drunk and singing songs and having good time in general.

Sofia who was already so drunk that she was basically mopping the table winked at Nero and asked ''Do you have accommodation already? If not, you could always come to my place and we could share spells all night long.''. Nero who was considerably drunk himself did not understand the hints Sofia was hinting at him ''No thank you, i got a room from guilds quarters.'' he giggled while showing a key in his hands.

Leroy intervened their conversation ''Sofia, i don't have a place to sleep at. Can i come share spells with you all night long?''. Sofia looked at Leroy with disgust ''You can sleep with the pigs''.

Gerald and Bull were socializing with Inn keeper, while Rico had passed out on top of his food.

Nero who was staring at them made him remember his old friends who used to be just like them.

It gave him a strong sense of nostalgia and made him wonder if he'll ever meet them again

The party continued till the very morning until everyone decided to go their separate ways.

Nero was carrying Rico in his back to the guild, as Rico had room in the platinum quarters.

After Nero had managed to put Rico in his bed, he went to search for his own room.

When he entered the legend rank quarters and tried to search for his room, he tried accidentally open the wrong door as he could not make out the numbers on door. Suddenly a beautiful blond girl opened the door and saw Nero trying the key on the lock. ''What are you doing?'' She asked.

''I'm sorry, i'm trying to search my room, but can't seem to find it.'' Nero answered while being all wobbly.

''I'll forgive you this one time because you seem to be new here, next time i won't be so understanding.'' She said and asked Nero to show her his key so she could take him to his own room. Once she managed to get Nero to his room and was about to settle him on his bed, Nero suddenly went limb to the bed pulling the girl down with him. The girl started to blush as hers and Nero's lips were connected, she closed her eyes letting the kiss continue, however nothing happened and she opened her eyes to see that Nero had actually passed out. She quickly stood up and left the room being all embarrassed.

Nero woke up around midday and the first thought that came to his mind was a kiss with the girl who had helped him to get into his room ''Was it a dream, or did it actually happen?'' he thought to himself.