
Transferred Shares


The group quieted down after the heir had helped to explain things to them so they would not bring down Alex before he would start working his new job as a leader.


Kieran stood up with his glass of sweetened water and made a cheer to which everyone in the group joined in.


While they celebrated, Alex called out Greg for a quick word and they walked to the balcony to talk for a while.


"Is anything the matter?" asked Greg who wondered if he had gone overboard with his plans.


"No," smiled Alex. "I just can't believe I have all of this. I didn't know anyone would see my potential in anything. I always thought I would be under the shadows of the others."


"You have your new company now and the name of Edinburgh has been changed to your name so you are the new owner of his shares."


"That is going to piss him off," the man laughed. 


"That is the goal."