
Please, I Beg You!

Victor got into his car and drove off into the distance as he gripped his steering wheel.


His knuckles were white against the object as he was ready to take down the bastard who had caused harm to his family.


He was not one to lose his cool over things like this but he would do it now.


This was unlike him. Sinclair had crossed the line and tonight, he would put him in his place.


As he parked in the distant corner away from Sinclair's house, he peered through his dark windows to see the guards standing outside the house.


It was going to be a very long night but one he would make sure was successful.


He got out of his car and ran around the house with stealth. Within minutes, he zipped over the fence and landed with a fluid grace he was known for.


He then made his way through the labyrinth of the rich man's heavily guarded mansion.