
Memory Lane

"Regardless of what he looks like, he is still the heir of the Hudson corporation and you still work for him. We all do," Isabella jumped in to defend the heir before he could say anything b which could embarrass him further.

He gave a sigh of relief as he silently thanked her in his heart.

"The fine woman is right," Dominic added with a sly smile on his face. "Regardless of what he looks like or what he wears, it does not warrant him getting insulted by you. You should not insult him because you don't have the power to disprove his authority.

"Unless you're bigger than Carl or Hudson himself, I don't see how you can insult him when he is the heir."

Isabella raised a brow when the bull had given her the compliment as she found it a bit rude. She looked away with an eye roll getting back to her phone as Kieran smacked his hands on the table getting everyone's attention.

This reaction had Greg shuddering in his seat as he wondered if this was the part where he would be beaten.

"What?!" the muscular man raged in anger. "Are you telling me to accept this fucking shrimp as my master?! Did he even go to school or what?! How dare you Dominic! And you, Isabella, taking his side?"

"What do you want me to do?" she argued. "You want me to give you the go ahead order to strangle him?"

"You work for the firm so yes, if you can."

"No!" she yelled. "Stop being such a dimwitted idiot and leave him as he is. Whatever you do to him you do to the higher ups. And you do not want to piss off Hudson or Carl. Leave him alone."

"I'm just saying. He doesn't even look like he went to school or has anything to do with business. He looks like a loser and from the bruises on his face, it seems like he got a beating he probably deserved."

"It's not like you have a choice to not have him as a master anyways," Alexander joined, his hands clasped on his crossed legs like an aristocrat. "Besides, going to school is not really a prerequisite for being good at something.

"Our ancestors didn't go to school and didn't have degrees but they invented a lot of things and brought up the things we have today."

"Oh, can anyone see who is talking? I can't, because you're too fucking tiny, Alex," Kieran mocked the man. 

Alex leaned back in his chair becoming self conscious of his height. He knew he was short and it made his presence unknown to people around until he would say something. 

"I'm short but I'd like to see you talk to me like that," Dominic challenged his former student who looked away in anger.

"All I'm saying is that I'm not comfortable with this loser being our leader. How are we going to do anything with him around? Can he even lead us? Let's be honest here, he wouldn't last a day in the company without our help.

"He needs us to survive. That must be the reason why Hudson had us formed so we can look after this big loser."

"Watch your words," warned Isabella who at this point was getting tired of talking to him.

"Or you'll do what? Throw a typewriter at me?"

"Why are you being such an ass right now? Don't talk to her in that manner," Dominic defended the woman before giving her a wink as she gave an expression which stated she was disgusted by him.

While all of them interacted with each other Greg was fighting an inner battle within himself.

As the strong bickering of Kieran's voice clashed against Dominic's bass and Isabella's alto, Greg bowed his head shivering with uncertainty. For once in his life he was forced to ask himself a question about something he actually cared about.

'What if I fail?' his mind thundered within. 'Can I do this?'

This was something he had feared would happen and it was happening. He had even had nightmares about this being a reality where he would finally have everything he ever wanted but he would be insulted and brought down to his knees.

Was this about the company? Of course not. If it was about managing the company, work ethics and putting people in their places so they would work he had no worries about that.

Greg might not look like much but he was a natural at what he does and this was what he surpassed his twin brother at. 

In fact he was so good that he surpassed his brother in all things but due to his father's choice, he was stuck with nothing while his brother got everything.

He did have one thing which made him appear weak and that was his heart. He was human and he had a very soft heart. He cared for people. 

This was a major flaw which he could not control and in a place of business where the heartless and the wicked reigned supreme it was seen as a sign of weakness and stupidity.

Because of this, he often made biased decisions based on his consideration towards the people of the lower class. 

This had been one of the major reasons why his father had chosen his brother and not him because the man had thought Greg would ruin the company.

Even when this test was proved as a child it was set in stone that he would not get over it and instead he would grow to be a softie who would be so kind he would destroy everything the family had been building for years.

Due to this, his father had deemed him unfit for taking over the company. The man had pointed out that the only set of people everyone should pay attention to were the high class. This was what Greg hated and he spoke out for it.