

Opening his eyes, he found himself in a foreign room he had not been in before. The room was larger than the one he would usually sleep in with the bed being comfortable and soft. 

The scent of old books and scented sheets but his nose. It made him oddly comfortable but he wanted answers for how he had gotten there.

Looking to his left, he found his arm placed on a pillow with a drip attached to it.

Nervous and confused on how he had gotten there, he tried to move his hand away from the pillow.

"Don't fuss," a deep voice ordered, halting him from making any more movements. 

Had he been kidnapped? If that was the case, whoever they called demanding for a ransom would not care if he was dead or alive.

The person who had said that walked up to him with a smile on his face.

Greg could not help but gaze at the mysterious man before him. He was young and dressed in a suit that looked so expensive, he would take eternity to pay for it but still die in debt.

His hair was permed in a slick way, making him appear professional and fun at the same time.

His scent was not that of a man who soiled his hands. His perfume must cost a fortune.

"No need to panic," the man said to him while checking his drip. "You are safe now."

However, Greg knew better than to trust the words of a rich stranger who was obviously a kidnapper. 

This had to be a ploy, he thought. Beat him up and get rid of him so no one would know that he was missing, but he was smarter than them.

He had to get out of his captor's grip. He had to escape and fight for his life while he still had something left to fight for.

He knew who could have done this to him. It was definitely Damien or his grandmother. He's caused them enough pain and they had wished he didn't exist. This was their way of making sure he did not exist.

That was the reason Damien had called his friends to beat him up. This has all been a setup.

They had starved him so he would not have the strength to fight back, beaten him up to the point of almost dying while leaving him for this strange man to pick him up.

He had had enough. He was going to escape and run far away from Petra and her family. They would finally get their wish for he could see that they were capable of doing anything to get rid of him.

Pretending to be calm, he laid back into his bed, watching the man step out of the room.

When the man was gone, closing the door with a click, he tore the needle out of his vein ready to sneak out. It was time to escape

As he tiptoed to the door, it opened up revealing two men dressed in black.

"Fuck," he muttered trying to run past them as they carried him up, dropping him in the bed.

"We're sorry sir," they both apologized while carrying him to the bed which got him confused. Why were they apologizing, he thought to himself. What was going on?

"Help!" he screamed at the top of his lungs while frantically pushing against their strong arms which held him down. "You won't take me alive! Get me out of here! Help!"

He felt a needle pierce his skin before starting to lose consciousness.

Before he passed out, he saw the man in suit come into the room.

"I'm so sorry young master," he heard the man say to him. "This had to be done."


Waking up to a thud close to him, he found himself still in the room. 

He kept hearing the strange man's words in his head over and over again wondering what he had meant.

Who was the man in the suit and where was he?

Looking to the sound of the thud, he found the strange man picking up a book which had fallen from a table he sat by.

"I mean no harm," the man raised his hand up like he was surrendering trying to reassure his prisoner. "I'm only trying to help."

"Who are you?" Greg asked, not trusting a word of what the man had said.

"Steve," he introduced himself, getting to his feet. 

"You say you mean no harm but you keep me imprisoned," Greg chuckled lightly, staring at the ceiling. "If you believe in your own words of freedom then let me go."

"I can't do that, young master," the man said, shaking his head.


"You will know soon, young master. But for now, you need to rest."

"Oh, for fuck's sake," sighed Greg. He was tired of the mind games. If they were going to kill him, let them be quick and be done with it.

"The leader is waiting to see you, so you should be patient," the man replied, confusing his prisoner even more.

"What do you mean your leader is waiting to see me?"

"You will see soon. Be patient."


 Two days after his abduction, he was beginning to feel so much better than he had before. He had never been treated with so much respect and attention before.

It overwhelmed him but he enjoyed the attention he was getting.

He would have enjoyed it fully if he wasn't nervous about what was going on. 

He was supposed to meet someone but he had spent two days in the room without meeting anyone different.

If it wasn't the man in suit, it would be the two bodyguards coming to check in on him.

It was nerve racking thinking of how to escape when he had the men watching his every move.

Steve, his kidnapper– had referred to him as 'young master' but he had no idea why the man would refer to him as that.