
Bad Blood

"That's all?" Greg asked, a little disappointed that all the bald man had going for him was the nickname and nothing more. There had to be more to him than meets the eye.

"Oh I'm a master in boxing, taekwondo, kickboxing and judo."

"Wait, I thought Kieran was the muscle here but it turns out you are the muscle."

"Oh he knows a little…" the bald man started to explain to Greg as Kieran slapped his hand on the table.

"I can speak for myself," the red haired man growled. He turned to a surprised Greg who had not been expecting it. "I did say I know martial arts but I use it for personal gain. It helps me stay light on my feet and gives me the agility I need."

"Okay, I get what you use it for and I'm guessing since he uses his own martial arts for personal gain then yours has to be for public right?"

"Well," the bull smiled. "I do use mine for personal gain but I do it in a gym. I train to be like the best of the best. So I guess you could count that one."

Greg was confused at why there were two people with the same skills in the team. Everyone seemed unique but now the bull had shown himself it didn't seem like he was unique anymore.

"I'm still confused about that but I'll let you explain more later and since we're all going to be together for a very long time I'm expecting to know more of you."

The heir was not going to stress himself over things like these. 

"I actually used to be Kieran's trainer," the man blurted out as I could see Kieran fuming in anger.

"Didn't I say that I could speak for myself?" the man grunted to his feet.

"Alright you two, knock it off," Carl said, noting that the two were going to be on each other's throats for a while. "Be careful of your actions since the heir is present before you."

"No," Kieran shook his head. "I want to know what this man here has to say about me. I want to hear it bull. Say something so I can put you in your place."

"Like you can," the bull laughed. "You're just pathetic at this point."

"You know what is pathetic? The part where you can't grow a hair. You look like a hairless monkey right now acting all tough and shit."

"Says someone who failed my classes one too many times."

While the two hunks went at it, the entire room fell silent leaving the two to continue without anyone coming between them.

Even the butler who had tried stepping between them had seen how powerless he would be in the fight and he had withdrawn immediately.

Greg watched the two men with interest. This was the first time he was involved in whatever drama laid between these two men. There was something between them which dragged him in and he wanted to know what it was.

Kieran was a beast there was no doubt about it. With his height and his build he could rival anyone in the room, however, the bull seemed to be on a whole new level. 

His build was bigger than that of Kieran and even when his height could not make up for the difference, he knew he could do much more with his big body.

The bad blood between the two men started to seep into the room as it started to get violent with Carl having to threaten the two men.

"If you two don't shut it I would not care how long you've worked here and I would have you kicked out with immediate effect. Do you hear me?"

The two men stared at each other for minutes before nodding to the elder being given. Kieran settled into his seat looking away with Dominic smirking with a sign of victory on his face.

"That is all about me," the bull smiled.

"Then you should just sit down and shut up," whispered Kieran loud enough for everyone in the room to hear.

"Kieran!" Carl yelled. "That's your second strike. Third one and you're out and I mean it."

"Okay, okay," he raised his hands in surrender while taking up a magazine to go through.

"That was intense," Greg heaved, wondering what would have happened if Carl had not come between them. Maybe they would have gone up against each other like Thor and hulk, destroying the tables and the chairs with their powers.

The heir pointed to the last person on the table.

"Hello," he smiled at the woman. "I want to know who you are."

The woman stood to her feet, having everyone looking at her with smiles on their faces. She possessed a beauty which had everyone around her spellbound. 

Greg was sure there was nothing she could do to him to make him mad. She was radiating with so much beauty she could quell a man's rage.

Her blond hair which was almost white in its brilliance had him wondering if her name was Snow White. It flowed in soft waves down her face giving it an ethereal grace.

Apart from her petite face and her beautiful hair, her blue eyes were also striking. They were like sapphires glistening under moonlight. They looked like they held a depth of wisdom and determination beyond her years.

He could only wonder how old she was. With her build, he wondered what she was doing in the midst of these old men and women.

"Hello," she smiled, imprisoning everyone with her smiles. "My name is Evangeline Hart, but you can call me Eve. I'm twenty years old. I am an artist."

Her voice was sweet and melodious. How could such a woman have such a beautiful voice, he thought to himself.

"That is very nice," he sighed leaning into his seat. "But I still need to know what you do."