
Jealous much…?

[ Coffee,Smoke was setting up the herbs until the leaders younger brother came in to the den ]

" Hey Coffee,Smoke how you doing? " [ Dark,Dust asked ]

+ About Dark,Dust : brother of the Shadow Clan leader. Loves Coffee,Smoke and his work +

" Ah- hello there Dark,Dust! I was actually looking for you " [ the Tom turned around with a smile on his face ]

" Really? What is it? " [ Dark,Dust questioned ]

" Can you please find Ocean,Kit so I can examine her paw? She was injured while playing with her friends "

+ About Ocean,Kit : A small playful River Clan Molly that Coffee,Smoke found and now takes care of her+

" Sure! Anything else? " [ Dark,Dust asked ]

" Well… I won't mind a bowl of water kinda thirsty! Can you? " [ Coffee,Smoke asked politely ]

" Yeah sure of course I will go then " [ the Tom said with a smile ]

[ Coffee,Smoke smiled back ]

^ With Poison,Star ^

" Yes, please do and don't forget if you see any other clan cat on MY TERRITORY kill them right away " [ The leader said with annoyance ]

{ The leader let out a bit sigh }

[ After that the Tom looked over to the med-cat den, seeing his brother and Coffee,Smoke talking ]

" Probably flirting with each other " [ the Tom said to himself annoyed ]

" Why is he even in Coffees den?! What if he asking him to become his mate?! I should go and check it out " [ the Tom continues to talk to himself ]

" Sir are you alright? " [ Sage,Mist questioned the leader since he was talking to himself and unhappy ]

" Yeah stay here " [ Poison,Star answered ]

[ The leader ran up to the den going inside ]

" Hello there… " [ The leader said while looking at Dark,Dust with a serious unhappy look ]

" Oh hello! Here for some more thyme? Or just wanting to talking? " [ Coffee,Smoke asked quite surprised to see Poison,Star here ]

" Yeah just talking" [ the Tom answered ]

" Well hello big brother! " [ Dark,Dust surprised just like Coffee,Smoke ]

[ the leader nodded at his brother ]

" Well I better go get Ocean,Kit and the water you asked me to bring " [ Dark,Mist try's to change the topic ]

" Oh yeah! Kinda forgot about that " [ Coffee,Smoke giggled ]

{ Both toms had butterflies in their stomachs from that cute small giggle of his }

" Uhh…. Yeah…. AM JUST GOING TO GO " [ Dark,Dust runs out of the den ]

" So uh was he like… flirting with you? "

" WHAT?! NO EWWW " [ Coffee,Smoke shocked from what he heard ]

" Oh ok good " [ the leader smiles ]

" What are you jealous? " [ the Tom looks at Poison,Star with a smile ]

" WHAT! NO " [ the Tom blushes ]

" I HAVE BETTER THINGS TO DO I BETTER HEAD OFF 2 " [ The leader said nervously]

" Oh really? Alright then goodbye" [ Coffee,Smoke smiles ]

" YEAH BYE " [ Poison,Star walks out of the den embarrassed ]







Nothing here lol😃