
Shadow City: A Stray’s Journey in Zoo York

The story is about a young, homeless orphan living on the streets of New York trying his best to have a life as stable as possible with everything he can get his hands on.

Void_In_Jeans · สมจริง
2 Chs

Yellow Eyes

New York City is the most populous city in the United States located at the southern tip of New York State, on one of the world's largest natural harbors. The city comprises five boroughs, each of which is coextensive with a respective county.

It is a global city and a cultural, financial, high-tech, entertainment, and media center with a significant influence on commerce, health care, scientific output, life sciences, research, technology, education, politics, tourism, dining, art, fashion, and sports.

Home to the headquarters of the United Nations, New York is an important center for international diplomacy, and it is sometimes described as the world's most important city and the capital of the world.

With such a reputation, you'd think that New York is a business and cultural paradise. Well, not exactly...


Somewhere in an alleyway, a gray and black raccoon was running around from trash to trash with an orange on it's mouth. It appeared to be chased by something, or someone...


The voice sounded like a male child, chasing the raccoon in an alley for the fruit.


After a minute of chasing, the kid finally managed to catch the raccoon before it could escape and snatched the fruit from it, but not without receiving a cut on the cheek from the wild critter.

"Ouch!", said the boy before throwing the raccoon into a nearby garbage bin in retaliation as it then scurried away.

The child has a small slender frame, and has dark skin, messy black hair and amber-colored eyes. He was completely covered in bruises and dirt around his slight face and nimble body. He's wearing a white tanktop with blue jeans and black tennis shoes, almost all of it having dirt stains somewhere.

The young boy wipes his scarred cheek before peeling off the orange and eating it.

"Mmmm... sour and juicy...", the kid said before shedding a little tear and wiping it off. He then finishes the fruit, throws the peeled parts in the trash and walked deep in the alley.

As he was walking down, an old man sitting down on a wall holding a mug called his attention.

"Hey sonny, can ya spare an old man some change?", he said with a crooked smile on his face.

"Umm, sorry sir… but I'm broke too…" the kid said, trying his best to not be as blunt as possible before walking away, much to the old man's disappointment.

He walked and walked until arriving into the streets of New York, where there's many people interacting with each other and/or doing their own business.

There were even a few people who were giving weird glares at the kid, but he didn't seem to pay attention to them. If anything, he was spacing out a bit while looking at the tall buildings around the city.

'Wow… No matter who many times I look at this city, it never fails to amaze me. I feel rich living in here… Even if it's the complete opposite…', thought the kid while looking at his surroundings. As he was looking around, something suddenly flew towards his face, to which he evaded but was still surprised nonetheless.

"Woah…!", said the young boy as he looked at a plastic bag with a honeybun in it, which was the thing that flew towards him. He then looked towards the direction the honeybun was thrown at, in where he saw a trio of teenage boys looking at him in surprise.

"Oh shit, I missed.", said one of the teenagers that had gloves on him, presumably the one who threw the honeybun at the homeless kid. The latter got super mad at rush towards the trio in rage, which scared of the group of troublemakers.

"OHH SHIT, RUN FOR IT!", said the gloved kid as his friends and he ran away. The boy then stopped running after seeing them go far away, as he walked towards the honeybun on the ground and tries to pick it up. But…


The honeybun was flaming hot, with the young kid shaking his hand in pain after touching it. Irritated but not wanting the opportunity go to waste, he picked up the bag from the edge with his thumb and index fingers. Then, he walks away back into the alley with more food on his hand.

A few hours have passed and is now nighttime, the homeless child was eating the same honeybun that was thrown at him early on in the day, which seemed to have cooled down as time passed. After finishing his dinner, he stood up and kept walking around in the urban parts of NYC. It wasn't long before he heard something peculiar happening down the alley, so he takes a peek to see what's going on.

"Hey, shawty~"

"Ya wanna hit the road with us~?"

It appeared that some gang of men were harassing one lady, with no one else around to help her.

The kid quietly walked towards them and hid in one of the cans, close enough to hear what's going on but far enough to not be noticed by them.

"I don't have time for you, I just wanna go home", said the girl as she's being backed into a corner.

"Aww come on, baby~. Come hang out with us for a while!", one of the thugs said as he walked closer to her along with his pals.

As she kept refusing, the thugs pinned the girl down.

"Waahhh!!", the girl shocked in shock as she tried to escape from their grasps.

"Get those clothes off, Jamal!", shouted one of the thugs.

"Ohhh, you got it!", said the tallest guy in the gang with a smile on his face as he began to tear the girl's jacket off her.

"WAIT! NO! STOP IT! STOP!!" The girl was panicking as she tries to get the big guy known as Jamal off of her, but to no avail. She tries pushing back the other thugs nearing her, also to no avail. As she thought the worse was gonna happen, all of a sudden…

"KNOCK IT OFF YOU JERKS!" A voice of a young kid was getting closer. It was the homeless boy, who leapt into the wall, briefly ran across it and jumped again towards Jamal, kicking him in the face and making him roll back a few feet away from the girl.

The thugs and the lady were preplexed as seeing the big guy being knocked down, and before the gang of men could react, the girl was far away from them and the kid who kicked Jamal stood in front of her. He then hands over the jacket to her.

"Get out of here, miss!", said the boy as he waves at her to skedaddle. However, the girl seemed to be hypnotized in some way and didn't move.

"Yellow… Eyes…", muttered the girl as he looked at the kid's, well, yellow eyes.

"Run away!!" The boy shouted at her, making her snap back to reality and run away from the scuffle.

He looks back at the thugs, who were looking at him in anger while holding spiked bats, metal pipes and the shortest guy in the gang had a pistol on his hand.

"Boy, what the hell was that for?!" "Ya wanna be a god damn superhero or something, jit!?" The men were angered at having their chances of doing some nasty stuff to the girl blown away by the kid.

"Yeah… I was feeling a bit heroic tonight", said the boy with a smirk on his face before grabbing a trash can lid and rushing towards the thugs.

The short man then shoots at the boy a couple of times, only for the bullets to be blocked by the lid he grabbed. The homeless boy had his sights on the gun man.

He ducked and weaved the swings of the other men and even hit one with the metal lid, knocking him down. He throws the trash lid to the side and finally reached the gun guy before moving his hand so that the shot could only hit the wall.

Then, the kid elbows the short man in the stomach and takes his gun before throwing it to the side.

"Should've kept the gun, you twat!", one of the guys said before running the kid to hit him with a pipe. The boy reacts in time and grabs the pipe to prevent the man from hitting him. He then punches the pipe-wielding man in the gut.

"KAAGH!", the thug shouted in pain before getting his weapon stolen and smacked in the face with it by the kid.

Before the kid could react, two thugs restrained him from each side before the one with a face mask tried to punch him in the face. In a twist, the boy grabs an arm from each of the two men and pulls them together to get punched by the masked man. He also pulls out his leg to make the man trip to the ground.

"Urgh, god damn it!", yelled out the man with the mask as he and the other two stand up.

The kid then took a stance at the thugs to indicate that he wants to fight them in hand to hand combat. This infuriated the men as they ran towards the child, only for their attacks to be dodged or blocked.

The homeless little fighter then intercepted a man who joined in the brawl with a knife before punching him the face, turning around and backhanding another incoming thug in the face, and stepped back from a punch from the shiesty man before kicking him in the stomach and knocking him down.

Just as he looked in front of him, the large man Jamal easily tackles him due to his small slender frame and starts to chock him while repeatedly beating him up.

However, instead of whimpering in pain, the boy just looked at the man irritatingly before grabbing one of his punches, and breaking his grip on his neck and heatbutt him which made his nose bleed.

"TCKH…!", as Jamal stumbled back in pain, the boy grabbed him by the shirt and threw him into a wall with ease.

"What the fuck…!", the masked thug and the other two who managed to stand up were completely shocked that a small kid could effortlessly swing big man Jamal around. The kid then walks up to the big man and grabs him again by the shirt.

"W-W-Who… the h-hell… are you…?", Jamal said while breathing heavily and barely conscious.

"I'm Floyd, someone with no house and no family." Replied the kid before punching him in the face, making Jamal fall unconscious.

He looks back at the thugs, of which the masked one grabbed the gun of the short thug and points it at the boy. The kid now known as Floyd picks up Jamal's unconscious body with one hand and shows it at them.

"The fuck are you waiting for, Jacob!? Shoot his little ass!!", the short man, who managed to finally stand up, albeit with difficulty.

"I can't, dawg! Jamal's big ass is on the way!", the masked one retorted.

"Then I guess I'll make it easy for you…" the kid said coldly, before throwing the unconscious Jamal at the men.

Even after leaving himself open to the shot and killed, the shiesty thug still couldn't pull the trigger and only kept shaking.

"Let's get the hell out here…! NOW!", said the man before shooting into the sky, helping his downed homies up and running away, with the other two thugs picking up Jamal and followed behind in pursuit.

'Phew, I thought I was done for', Floyd said as he sighs and places his left hand on his heart area before taking a deep breath. Then, he turns around and walks back into the alley as police sirens were heard in the background.

After a while of walking in the darkness and the sirens finally dissipating away, Floyd finds a nearby cardboard box, to which he decided to use as a bed and lays down on it.

"Well, that was something....." The kid muttered before he accommodate himself and falling asleep shortly.

What do y'all think about this first chapter? Is it neat, or is it trash? Let me know. Until then, see ya.

Void_In_Jeanscreators' thoughts