

Lucca died, but Ares had other plans for him and revived him. Ares offered him five options to start his new life, and Lucca chose a world filled with magic. That's when Lucca was reborn into a noble family. However, unlike his siblings, he had no interest in participating in a succession war and chose to sell his inheritance rights. s we follow Lucca, we see how he uses the knowledge acquired in his previous life to achieve success in this new world and create his own secret organization.

mizuno_ · แฟนตาซี
74 Chs

first time making a rune

"Okay, enough theory, let's get practical! I'm going to create a basic rune, and then you'll have to repeat everything I did!"

She took several stones from her storage ring and cast a spell to direct some stones to all the students.

One of the students asked, "Stones?"

Upon hearing this, she glanced at the student and said, "Do you really think I'll give you a ruby and other gems for you to carve runes on them? Am I crazy now? Do you know how much these things cost?"

"Quite a lot!" he replied, embarrassed.

"Furthermore, even if you succeed in creating a rune, which has a minimal chance, it won't justify the cost of the ruby. The academy would incur immense losses just with rubies and other gems. But enough talking, let's make runes, that's what's important!" But before she could do anything, someone raised their hand.


And that student was Lucca, and he asked, "Why make runes on rubies and other gems? Can we make runes on other objects?"

"Of course, we can make runes on other things, but engraving them on gems, bones, or even, mobs skin significantly improves the results of the rune."

Any other questions?" the teacher asked. Everyone shook their heads, indicating no, and she continued, "The rune I'm going to teach you today will be the most basic strength rune!

She sat in a chair, placed the stone on the table in front of her, and began to say, "The first thing to do is crucial: analyze if there is any residual mana in the rock!"

"If there's nothing, let's move on to the next step: drawing the circle. The circle needs to be a little larger than the object. But the circles must be perfectly drawn with no imperfections, and even their radius matters. The circle needs to be a little larger than the object."

"The third step is to align the object with the elements. Not all, just the four main ones for now. Aligning with the elements ensures that the rune is in harmony."

"Solange began to make movements and speak words, invoking the four elements, and Lucca easily started to feel the density of magic."

"Now, let's draw the symbol. The drawing has to be perfect; a minimum mistake can cause the symbol to be poorly made, and because of that, the rune will fail, consequently making the object useless. So, draw it carefully."

With that said, she began to sketch the rune, combining the symbol and the elements she had previously conjured. It was clearly visible, a glow coming from the lines she was drawing, creating a visually beautiful spectacle.

"And, it's done!" she exclaimed, placing a kind of pencil on the table. "Now that you've seen how it's done, follow the steps and do it. I'll be watching; in case you have any doubts, just call!"

Lucca começou a fazer a runa e pensou para si 'You memorized the steps, right, Ori?'

(Of course, I expected you to forget as always.)

'Sure, sure! Complain less and tell me the steps!' he responded mentally.

"First, a circle," he said quietly. 'Damn, I can't make a perfect circle!'

(Let me take control!) Hearing this, Lucca allowed Ori to take control of his hand, and as expected, she managed to create a perfect circle.

Ori continued to dictate the steps Lucca needed to follow, and finally, he completed it, receiving a notification from the system:

{You've learned a new skill: Rune Maker}

'Oh, how interesting!' But as Lucca was about to check the new skill he had gained, he heard one of his classmates shout.

"I failed!" he exclaimed in frustration.

"What was your mistake?" the teacher asked curiously.

"I ran out of mana!" the student replied.

"I did it!" exclaimed another girl, with green hair and matching eyes.

"Congratulations! I'll come over to help you; in the meantime, rest and recover as much mana as possible!" said the teacher and continued, "Let me see the results," extending her hand to examine the rune.

"Not bad, at least you achieved a strength stat!" said the teacher.

Upon hearing this, he went to check the rune he had crafted:

{Strength Rune}

+1 Strength

"I achieved the same as her," Lucca raised his hand.

"You can speak!" Solange prompted.

"I also gained 1 strength stat! But my question is, what are runes used for? For example, I made this rune, what do I do with it now?" he asked.

"As you can imagine, this rune is useless! It's too weak even to consider using. But if you're asking in general, these runes are used to be placed in weapons and can even be used in other things, but that's a topic for another class. Let's take an example: you create a decent rune and want to place it in your weapon or armor. You go to a blacksmith, ask him to create a slot for the rune in that weapon. You'll have to give him the rune and the weapon, and when he's finished, you'll receive the weapon with the embedded rune," explained the teacher.

"Thank you!" Lucca expressed his gratitude.

The teacher nodded and asked, "Does anyone else have any questions?"

After some time, when everyone had finished crafting their runes and the teacher had reviewed them, she concluded the class.

Lucca began his training routine, and soon after, he thought to himself, 'I think it's time for me to overcome my laziness and start reading books!' Once he finished that thought, he headed towards the tower.

As he approached the entrance of the library tower, he observed a massive door of weathered wood, adorned with intricate carvings and symbols. Upon entering, he found himself in a circular room illuminated by hanging lamps that cast a warm glow over floor-to-ceiling bookshelves. The shelves were made of richly carved dark wood, housing a vast collection of tomes and scrolls.

In the center of the room were polished oak reading tables, comfortable upholstered chairs, and a rug adorning the floor. Spiral staircases led to upper floors, where narrow corridors led to themed rooms. There was a section dedicated to history, another to magic, one for poetry, and so on. Each corridor was decorated according to its theme, creating distinct atmospheres.

After completing his brief tour of the library, Lucca began his routine. For the rest of the week, his days followed a simple pattern: waking up, heading to the dungeon, attending general concept classes, afternoon magic classes, concluding with daily gravity training in the tower. After his training, he spent time reading books before heading to bed, ready to repeat the routine the next day.