
Shadow And Fire

The Mark of Kane burns again, as the Princes of Grisha arrive to collect on a deal made long ago. Step into Grisha for a journey filled with adventure, discovery, love, friendship and betrayal. Follow as heroes on opposing sides come together to bring peace emits a broken Grisha.

EchoBlack · แฟนตาซี
11 Chs

Part 4 - Peaceful Journey

The days following the mundane women arriving in Grisha and the attack at the portal had been filled with mystery and curiosity. Most of the Princesses had met the prince they had been promised to. Mira was the only one whom hadn't due to Prince Alexander not making an appearance at the High Palace yet, although the oldest of the Princesses had wondered the castle in an effort to find secret passageways and rooms.

"Welcome back my Princess" softly spoke Wyatt, an ire of kindness in his voice, as he looked over to the silver eyed woman. Her confusion obvious for all to see, as was her fear of many things. Including the snowy white dire wolf minding its own business at the bottom of her bed. "Fear not, Avi means only to protect you" added the council member, recalling when Finnick seemed confused over Avi refusing to leave her bedside, even when Finnick had called for the normally obedient wolf. "He's Prince Finnick's pet, taken quite the shine to you" commented the ancient Shade, knowing it was unusual for Avi to stay with anyone but Finnick, although deep down Bray knew why the wolf had chosen to do so.

"Where am I?" quietly asked Echo, her voice sounding a small as she felt. Yet hope shone in her silver eyes, as if she hoped everything she'd experienced so far was just as nightmare she'd yet to wake up from. Even when it was obvious to her, that wasn't the case. "The woman from my dream…." Started the midnight haired woman, trailing off when she couldn't seem to find the words to fit what she wanted to say.

"The dreams are part of the bounding" calmly answered Wyatt, offering her a gentle smile. "You were hit with a morgal arrow at the mirror three days ago. In order to stop the poison reaching your heart, Prince Finnick started the bounding, by doing so, he shared his healing abilities with you" kindly explained the wise Shade, knowing he'd have to explain it again sometime in the future, for the other women with the title of Princess. Echo nodded, as if to acknowledge the prince had saved her life. Yet still something bothered her. The words the woman in her dream spoke.

Elsewhere at the White Docks, the six Princes at the High Palace, over seen the readying of the boats. The same boats that would take each to their kingdoms. Credence only smirked upon noticing Avi wasn't at Finnick's side, although unusual, the sixth prince could guess where the snowy white dire wolf was.

"Well, it's about time" sarcastically voiced Daryl, his voice smokey as he attempted to control his wispy shoulder length hair. His attention on Alexander, finally making an appearance and coming to meet his Princess. The eldest prince didn't respond, instead sauntering by as if the second prince hadn't said anything. As if they weren't there. Still Alexander had an air of arrogance about him, it being obvious the Princesses arrival, hadn't changed his views all that much.

"Am I the only one, who feels sympathy for the first princess?" spoke Alden, the fifth Prince. All of them knew Alexander was arrogant and often entitled. The first prince never seemed to show empathy of care for anyone, outside what people could do for him. Most of them wondered if things would change now Mira was there. Although Alden personally found himself doubting any such change would ever take place. Even more so when, Alexander's behavior only got worse, the older he got.

"I wouldn't worry too much. Mira has a similar personality to our brother" commented Lucian, recalling when he'd tracked her down after her mother, Mimi, had collapsed and fallen into the magical coma. He'd found Mira in the middle of an expensive shopping spree, not a care in the world. She'd been laughing and joking with friends. By the way the first princess had acted then, one would've had difficulty guessing something had happened to one of her parents. "She's thrust far ignored the other princesses, even seemed annoyed she wasn't center of attention" elaborated the fourth prince. Seeing how Alden and Credence looked to him with creased brows, almost as if they found the attitude of the first princess disturbing.

"How is Evie and Maggie doing with the self-given research?" asked Valentine, knowing his own princess was also trying to answer the same question. Which prince embodied which deadly sin? Credence and Alden simply looked to their elder brother, the sixth prince recalling finding several more books for Evie to read through. The sheer determination the petite brunette had, to answer the question, truly amazed him. As he was sure Valentine and Alden were also amazed by their own princess's determination.

"Evie has worked some out" responded Credence with pride sparkling in his sea blue eyes. Finnick to his side with a smirk on his lips, similar to the one Credence had worn merely moments before hand. "She knows I'm pride. Worked out from Finnick's quick temper, he's wrath" proceeded the sixth prince, pulling a hand through his short black hair, a gentle grin appearing on his lips. "She's also worked out from watching, Daryl is lust and Lucian is envy" gleefully spoke the second youngest prince. Valentine simply grinned, already figuring the young princess would put the pieces together and work out which the rest represented, although Alexander's was perhaps the most obvious outside Finnick and Daryl's.

"How's your princess doing Finnick?" asked the second prince, his focus turning to the youngest prince. All of them had been informed of the attack and injury, as well as Finnick starting the bounding to help save her. Finnick looked confused at first, weary even, as if he was unsure how to answer the question posed to him. He'd tried to avoid Echo since biting her, almost as if he was afraid, she'd hate him for it.

"He hasn't seen her since marking her as his mate" replied Lucian, recalling Wyatt and Avi had started with her. The council member to give her information she would need and explain what he could, whereas the dire wolf had refused to leave her side. Almost as if the large wolf knew something the rest didn't. "Wyatt explained everything when she woke" continued the fourth prince, knowing Finnick couldn't avoid the youngest princess much longer. At nightfall each prince would be escorting their princess down Crystal Lake, to the respective kingdoms.

"The least I could do is give her time to process everything" stated Finnick, his focus turning to the northern wing of the medieval castle. He'd already vowed he'd help her through the bounding trials to await and protect her, yet he couldn't seem to find the courage to face her just yet. Not when he was still trying to come to terms with his own actions, with marking her as his mate. Even more so when he'd never marked anyone before, nor did he intend do so again.

"You made a big decision little brother. Marking someone as your mate is never easy" spoke Daryl, he was somewhat of an expert when it come to bounding with mortals. His sin of Lust, being able to help him see the love and beauty in most things. "You bounded with her, as your relationship grows so will your bound. Considering you haven't marked another, the bound you share with Echo will be powerful" resumed the second prince, suspecting most of them would share a strong bound with their princess, when they marked them as their mate. Although even he questioned how powerful Alexander and Mira's would be, considering Alexander marked every mortal to enter his kingdom.

When nightfall came, King Kane and the council members waited alongside the seven princes at the white docks. Each princess had been assigned a handful of handmaidens' hours before hand, the task of help them, ready themselves for the boat ride and arrival to the kingdom they'd call home. At Brandon's feet was seven small rucksacks, each with a different crest upon them. Each filled with items from the mortal world, Brandon had personally collected for them, if only so they had reminders of home.

Each boat anchored to the docks, had been decorated and made fit to carry royalty down the lake. Orbs of light carefully placed around each boat, softer cushion and blankets had been added, as the crest of each prince now donned each. Out of all the princes, Alexander seemed the most impatient, it being clear he wished to leave the castle island and return to his own kingdom. Almost as if he couldn't wait to leave the presence of his brothers, after his offers were once again rejected.

Seconds after Alexander let out an impatient sigh and King Kane shot him a warning look. The first two princesses appeared, both clad in dresses fit for their new royal status. Evie wore an elegant silver gown, the long flowing sleeves had jeweled decorations around the wrist and upper arm, matching the decorative belt hung on her hips. Echo wore a far simpler dress, a black silk dress, with most of the decoration being on the neckline and sleeves, all being shimmering black beads. Both women beamed softly as they walked together, confidence radiating off them. Echo also being accompanied by Avi, the snowy white dire wolf. Kane was the first they reached, he simply bowed to them as a show of respect, before gesturing to the docks behind him. The black and white face painted council member soon steeped forward, there he gently held a rucksack out for both of them, the ones with the crest of Pride and Wrath embroidered on.

"A few things from home. Pictures, jewelry, few pieces of clothing" calmly explained Brandon, his forest green eyes echoing the kindness laced in his words. Once the two had gotten the rucksack, Brandon did as Kane had before and bowed, as did both Wyatt and Marcus. Finnick and Credence both walked their respected princess to the boat with the matching crest, helping them enter before they left the docks.

Maggie and Mercedes followed, the two having built up a friendship during their short stay at the castle. The research project kick-starting their friendship. Both women were dressed in similar gowns, Maggie wore old styled elven gown, emerald in color, she held the front of her dress up so not to trip. Whereas Mercedes one was sapphire blue, the older woman danced and twirled with a grin upon her lips.

Jessica and Katherine appeared next, much to Alexander's frustration. He didn't offer a bow to either of the princesses, instead he glared at each to come. Jessica had chosen the royal purple gown offered to her, where as Katherine wore a ruby red one. Katherine's gown being similar in style to Evie's silver one. When the last of the boats left, Mira finally made her appearance clad in a golden gown, her shrill voice could be heard before her arrival, bossing the handmaidens around as if they were inanimate objects. Like with the other princesses, Kane and the council members bowed as a sign of respect, Brandon giving her rucksack, before she left on the short journey to Heiress.

"Does you're kingdom have a name?" asked Echo as the boat seamlessly floated down the lake. Orbs of light lit the way. Evie and Credence's boat just ahead of her own. Finnick stood at the head of the boat as if watching for danger, where as Avi was once again at her side, curled up in a peaceful slumber. Finnick soon turned his attention to her, stepping close with a weary step, as if unsure how she would reach to him, now she knew what be bounded to him meant.

"Erised" peacefully responded Finnick, his sea blue eyes washing over her. If he didn't know any better, he would've said he could feel his bound with her growing. Just as he would have said she was born royal, rather than finding it out three days

prior. "It's the furthest kingdom from the High palace, queen training maybe a little difficult" resumed Finnick, upon pulling himself away from her distracting beauty, finding it difficult to do so.

"Is there a reason you're acting like I'm about to faint? Besides the bound trial thing?" questioned the silver eyed princess, finding how he'd been acting rather annoying. "If you say its because I'm a damsel in distress, this cushion is being thrown at you and I'll throw you overboard" warned seventh princess, holding onto the round royal blue cushion, she'd happily use as a weapon against the prince across from her. Although her attention was soon drawn to the large golden buildings and crystal palace in the distance. They seemed out of place compared to the vast fields to surround them and the medieval palace they'd come from.

"That's Heiress, the first kingdom" announced Finnick, with anger in his voice. Even more so when he recalled how cruel Alexander was to Morcarians and Shades alike. He'd made it so life debts were impossible to pay off, Morcarians were slaves and had no rights and were refused love and marriage. Shades were often treated just as poorly sometimes even worse. Being execute for the simplest things, such as mistakenly crossing paths with a vampire.

"My only desire is to protect you, Princess. I have no wish to rule as king as some of my brothers do. All I hope for is peace and happiness" admitted the seventh prince, choosing to be honest with the woman he was meant to spend an eternity with. Echo nodded to acknowledge his words, her warm grin from earlier appearing, as if the words Finnick had spoken echoed her own thoughts and hopes. Evie's laughter soon reached them, filled with mischief, almost like Prince Credence had told her a joke or a funny story.

"Its nice to know you have no desire to rule either" admitted Echo, thrust revealing the hidden truth. She had no desire to become queen, nor rule over people. The thought of it scared her far more than being bounded to the Prince of Wrath before her, more than the trials awaiting both of them. "Trying to find whom I am again, after everything my papa hid, will be enough of a challenge for me" continued Echo, her voice ringing with sadness. Now she knew the truth, things her papa did made sense, but still it hurt not being able to see or talk to him. All she wanted right now was her papa to tell her everything would eventually be okay. "Do all the princes have a pet Mr. War?" asked the seventh princess, putting on a posh voice as her mischievous sparkle appeared in her silver eyes. Recalling Finnick called his sin war rather than wrath.

"No Milady. Only me" responded Finnick, not being able to resist playing along, something willing him to do so, if only to see her genuine smile. "I found Avi as a pup when I was ten in Arathorn Forest, I nursed him back to health, he's been with me ever since" explained the seventh prince, recalling when he'd found Avi, his older brothers in Credence and Lucian had looked at each other, as if they hid a secret. When Alexander had insisted the pup go, Kane had been the one to assure Finnick the dire wolf could stay. "If you don't want to become queen. Maybe you'll allow me to train you as a warrior instead" nervously spoke Finnick, putting forward an idea. He knew she was capable of learning; she was strong, and Wyatt had already stated she wouldn't be like the other princesses.

"Sounds like a plan" replied Echo, a sparkle in her silver eyes. Soon realizing just how far out Erised was, as the boats behind docked one by one. The lake was quiet, a few people on the shoreline waving as the boats passed. Each kingdom had his own beauty. Soon enough the boat carrying Evie and Credence docked also. "You weren't joking when you said Erised was far out" commented the midnight haired princess, finding it peaceful, knowing there wasn't going to be a looming presence over her, reminding her of her unwanted royal status and potential burden.

"Erised, boarders on the Shadow Lands and Arathorn Forest. It's the smallest kingdom but peaceful most times" peacefully reminisced Finnick, recalling his kingdom was the first Morcarians come across when venturing from their own territories. Most often mistook it for one of their own cities. "Its not often there is attacks there. Most rogue Morcarian warriors miss this one and Daro. Heiress is the main one they attack" recalled the seventh prince, often finding it amusing how the vampire hating Morcarians skipped over six of the vampire kingdoms. Almost as the rebel warriors knew their own kind were treated as equals in the remaining kingdoms, as if they were justice fighters rather than war mongers.

Avi soon jumped up, howling out as the boat passed over the boarders of Erised. Echo quickly become distracted by the large open fields as far as her limited sight could see, in the falling darkness. Thick dense trees of a forest on the opposite side of the lake. Every now and again a small village or town popped up. The small kingdom felt peaceful, to Echo was like she was home again.

"Welcome to Erised, Princess Echo" spoke Finnick upon the boat coming to a stop at the castle's private docks. Without hesitation Finnick offered a helping hand to his princess, helping her from the boat, before strolling with her towards the small rustic castle.